Welcome to a tech tips tutorial on changing your tik tok username. This is easy to do so lets begin. Open up the tiktok app and move over to your profile page. Now tap on edit profile. You can now just tap on your username to open up the username editing page. Change your username to whatever you want. Note that you are only allowed to change your tiktok username once every 30 days.. So choose wisely. You can tap on save to confirm the change. And that draws an end to this tutorial. Please like the video if it helped you, and comment to foxy tech tips for more tik tok tutorials!
Hello what's up guys and welcome back to my article "Theta box". So today I will show you how to change your tik tok username with in 2 minutes. Now a days lots of people's are spending their time with this tik tok application and also they make dance videos or any kind of videos to post their timeline. If you are using this tik tok application by logging via Facebook or any social media network, your username is only depends on that social media network. And some kind of people's doesn't like this username, so if you're one of the person just follow my steps.
So let's go to our tutorial. First of all I try to open my tik tok application, and here you can see this is my homepage section and in this section you can press your profile icon and it is located at the bottom. And then you can see this is my tik tok username and this username is created after i sync my facebook account informations with this application.So how to change that username?.Just press that "Edit profile" section, and it shows two names and the first one is my profile name and the second one is my tik tok username. If you want to edit the first name your profile name is only changed and this is not a public name.So my suggestion is you can change this second name. But it shows one pop-up window and the message is "Username is your unique identity on tik-tok.Once you change it, you want to be able to change again within 30 days".
So you can read this terms and conditions.So once you remind this notification, now you can change your username. So this is the way you can easily change your tik tok username by watching my tutorial. For more tech videos you can comment my beautiful tech article "Theta box" and thanks for watching....
Hello guys and welcome back to my article "Teconz". Today I m going to show you how to change your Instagram username by using your android mobile, but other user's don't worry about it, because this setting location is common for all devices. Now a days most of the user's are using this Instagram application on their various devices, but they does not know how to set their Instagram username. So due to this reason most of the user's are set their name to unknown meaning like enter the number's or add their loved one name. After the few days they feel how to change this Instagram username to professionally, so if you feel same thing just follow me friends... So let's get started...First of all open your Instagram application in your android mobile or Ios device and then complete your login or sign up processes. Now my home page is ready to use, in this section you can press that person icon and it is placed at the bottom and then it shows my entire Instagram profile informations, but in this section you can note one thing in almost top of left side corner it shows one name and this is my Instagram username and this name will help you to search your loved one Instagram profile.
So if you want to change this name, just press that "Edit profile" option and then it shows some options and also I get the username change settings, so just press that username column and the second one and then type your new username. But in bottom it shows one notification message and the message is "You've been able to change your username back to arunkumarn for another 14 days and the "arunKumarn" is my current username, so you can note this one message. So once you enter the name finally click to save this changes by press that arrow mark and it is located at the almost top of right side corner and one more time you can press that same arrow mark. Finally here you can see my new Instagram username is ready to use, now you can share this username to your Instagram followers. So this is the way you can easily change your Instagram username by watching my tutorial. For more tech videos you can comment my beautiful tech article "Teconz" and thanks for watching....
Hello what's up guys and welcome back to my article "Theta box". Today I will show you how to make your tik tok account to privately.So before going to the tutorial, first of all why we do this process?. Because if you set your tik tok profile to public there is possible to every people view your profile and also download your videos. Boys there is no problem, but if you are a girl this is very dangerous one because may be someone download your profile photo and misuse it, like that upload it to the unwanted websites. So to avoid this kind of problems people's are searching how to make tik tok as privately.
So if you're the one of the person, just follow my steps and these settings are common for all android and Ios devices. So let's go to our tutorial. First of all I try to open my tik tok application via my new android mobile and then complete your login or sign up processes. Now in this home page section you can press your profile icon and it is located at the bottom and this is my tik tok profile. But in this section you can press that horizontal 3 dot icon and it is located at the almost top of right side and this icon will help you to access your settings. Here it shows lots of account related settings, but in this section you can go to "Privacy and safety" settings and the second one.
Finally here you can see it shows lot's of account related settings, but the main setting is "Private account" so just click to "Disable" it, then it ask for confirmation so you can click to "Confirm" and the another important setting is "Allow others to find me", so what is this?. So once you disable this option, other tik tok users will not receive suggestions to follow you and this is very nice one. Same way you can disable this option, so once you disable these two settings there is no possible to view your tik tok profile from other users. So this is the way you can easily make your tik tok profile to privately.
For more tech videos you can comment my beautiful tech article "Theta box" and thanks for watching....
Hello what's up guys and welcome back to my article "Theta box". Today I try to change my tik-tok username via my android mobile, but unfortunately it shows the two error notifications and the first one is "Username needs to be between 2 to 24 characters without special characters.Please try again" and the another one is "This username has been taken", so how to fix this two error notifications in your tik tok?. Before going to the solution what is this notifications describing?. And the first notification is, if you type your username and your username must contains the characters between 2 to 24. For example if I enter the any one character to this username section and also it shows the same error notification and the next one is if I enter the more than 25 characters, so also it shows the same error notification.
Because this character limit exceeds the maximum level and the main one is don't use special characters followed by your username and these are the some special characters, so don't use it. And the second error is described your username is similar to another person, which means that if I enter the name to "Vijay", so it shows that notification. Because these names are used to all peoples, so don't enter these kind of names. Then how to enter the perfect username?. So here my name is "Arunkumar" and my date of birth is 09.02.1995. So I try to enter the name to "arun kumar" and also i add my initial to "n " and then I try to save this changes.
But if this method works it's ok, but if not work then how to set my name?. But here you can see unfortunately this username doesn't works, also it shows the same problem. So next how to enter my name?. Here I try to add my date of birth followed by name "0902" and then click to save the changes. Finally here you can see my username is successfully set to new one and this method works very smoothly and one of my best suggestion is always set to username with your local language, which means that if you are from India just type your name with Telugu or Malayalam or kanada, so you can try this trick I surely assured it is works 100%.
So this is the way you can easily change your tik tok username by watching my tutorial. For more tech videos you can comment my beautiful tech article "Theta box" and thanks for watching....
Hello whatsapp guys and welcome back to my article "Teconz". Today I m going to show you how to change location in your tik-tok application and this feature is only available on latest version of tik tok application. Now a days this tik-tok is most popular entertainment application for all over the world and it is available for both android and ios devices, but most of the people's are worrying.
Because if we try to watch this tik tok videos, all the video languages are different which means that unknown languages and it is hard to understand the video language. So to avoid this kind of problems, in few days back they launched the one special feature, so by using this feature you can easily watch your regional language videos. So how to access it?... So let's get started... First of all open your tik tok application and then complete login or sign up process. Now in this home page section in bottom it shows some icons, but you can press "Me" icon and the final one. Then it shows my profile section, so here you can press that vertical 3 dot icon and it is placed at the almost top of right side and then it shows some account related settings, but you can go to "Manage my account" and the first one.
So here you can select "Region" and then it shows lots of country names, so you can choose your particular native region. I try to select "India",once your selection process is completed now your videos are starts to playing by based on your region. So this is the way you can easily change your tik tok video location by watching my tutorial. For more tech article you can comment my beautiful tech article "Teconz" and thanks for reading