I will talk about some other tips that if you want to delete your post from Instagram ,Instagram doesn't allow you to delete your post directly from your PC so you can okay now I want you to leave this port and click on this okay now you can see that I will I want to beat this force and I have the options here so I will click on three dots just write my name so click on this and you can see that the delete option is here so I will click on delete and that's it so okay it's not meeting my force from the Instagram you can see there the post has been deleted from my Instagram by this simple trick you can read your post on Instagram from your PC so that's all for this tutorial if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet can do it now and won't miss any updates thank you for watching
Hey, what’s up guys! This is Thomas, in this Article I will show you how to delete an Instagram post on your mobile device. Would you like to delete some of the unrelated and low quality stuff that you posted long time ago? Follow these steps below to delete an Instagram post fast & easy. Open up Instagram app and login to your Instagram account if you haven’t already. Locate the post that you would like to delete. Tap on the 3-dot icon at the top right corner of this post. From the drop-down menu, select “Delete”. Select “Delete” one more time again to confirm that you really want to delete this post.
Done! After you delete your Instagram post, it will not be visible neither to you or your followers. Keep in mind, you will not be able to bring deleted post back after you delete it. I hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to delete an Instagram post.