Welcome to a tech tips tutorial on deleting your tik tok account. Start by opening the tiktok app and navigating to your profile page. Tap on the options button at the top right of the screen. Now tap on manage my account. At the very bottom here you will see an option called Delete My Account. You need to confirm the deletion with an sms code here, tap on send code. If you don’t have a phone connected you will need to do the same but with your email. Enter the code once you receive it. Now tap on delete account. As you can see i have been logged out and my account is deactivated. Note that you will have 30 days to reactivate your account, after 30 days your account will be permanently deleted. But within 30 days you can simply log back in to reactivate it.
And that draws an end to this tutorial. Please like the video if it helped you, and subscribe to foxy tech tips for more tik tok tutorials!.
Hello, welcome to this video. Tik Tok (Musically) has become very popular today. There are many people using this platform to show their talent and have become popular. But there are also many who are not popular even after making many videos and if you are from those and want to delete this app from your phone permanently, please keep watching this video I've also installed Tik Tok in my phone and I do have not many followers and have not used it much. I have not uploaded any video on Tik Tok. To delete your Tik Tok account, first open Tik Tok after Tik Tok opens, you have to go to 'Profile' now here, at your Profile, you can see three dots(...) at the top right corner, click it. click 'Manage My Account' and scroll down to get 'Thinking about removing your account', click on it. you'll get this screen to send code when you click 'Send code', an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile phone number you have to enter that OTP here in the box I have clicked 'Send code' and now OTP will be sent to my registered mobile phone number now, I have received the OTP - 5929 on my phone I have now entered the OTP here and clicked 'Continue' now, we can see instructions related to deleting Tik Tok account it says if you delete your account, you won't be able to use it on your mobile phone for your account it also says that 'your account will be deactivated for 30 days' means it will be temporarily deactivated for 30 days not permanently deleted so if you again login within these 30 days, your account will be reactivated and will be like earlier To permanently delete it, you'll have to not login to your Tik Tok account for minimum 30 days.
Now let's proceed to next step, click 'Continue' when you get the confirmation box, click 'Delete Account' and now you will exit from the app now, if you login again to your Tik tok account within 30 days, it will be reactivated so I'm not going to use it for 30 days and then it will be permanently deleted. if you face any issues using these steps, please let me know by comments also do let me know if you liked this video and thank you for watching this video.
Hello what's up guys and welcome back to my YouTube channel "Teconz".Now a days the most trending entertainment application is "Musically". So the musically is a free social media app with the community of 100 million registered users, and this free social media app allows you to create,share and watch videos right from your phone. Sometimes these types of applications are not safe to use it, at that time most of the peoples are interesting to leave from this musically. So today I will show you how to delete your musically account in permanently.
Here I just only show you by sending the request to deleting the account. Because once they get the request from you and they will process it. First of all you can open your musically application, in your android mobile and in your home page section you can press that your profile icon, and it is located at the bottom. Then it shows my profile informations, and in this section you can press that gear icon for settings and it is located at almost top. Then it shows one pop-up window and it has three options and in this section you can select "Privacy and Settings" and the third one. Now you can see, it shows lots of settings about privacy, so here you can select "Help Center" and the fourth one. And the page is starts to loading and here also it shows some settings. Again you can go to "My Account & Settings" and the first one. Now you can see, it shows some account related settings, here you can scroll down and go to the last page. Finally I get the option called "Delete account" so you can select it.
Then it shows some instructions to deleting your account. So here you can scroll down and in this section you can select that link "Support ticket here" and it is highlighted as blue link, so you can select it. Then it ask for your account informations like that your username and email id. Also it is mandatory to upload the screenshot of your profile page, so first of all you can take the screen shot of your profile. Then I try to enter my account informations, once the details are entered you can click to "Submit" your request. If you have any errors while try to uploading the screen shot of the image, you can access this musically support page by using your Google Chrome web browser and the URL is " https://support.musical.ly" " https://support.musical.ly " then go to "My account & Settings".
Here you can select "Delete account" and then same way you can press that blue link. Here you can type your username and account details. Once the details are entered you can click to "Submit" your request. Finally here you can see, it shows "Thanks for contacting us! we will take actions accordingly". So this is the way you can easily deactivate your musically account in permanently.