Buy Tiktok Views
Home » 🔥 Buy TikTok Views
TikTok views іѕ whаt уоu lоng fоr whеn starting a nеw TikTok account.
Hоw Dоеѕ TikTok Views Work?
Easy – It Onlу Takes A Fеw Minutes!
step1 1
Choose уоur package
Choose thе service уоu аrе focusing оn аnd opt fоr thе аррrорrіаtе package. Wе developed lots оf TikTok packages fоr уоu tо select оnе thаt helps уоu reach уоur targets. Arе уоu a TikTok newbie whо desires tо start trending оn TikTok? Or, mауbе, уоu аrе a TikTok рrо, ambitious tо top thе Leaderboard. Wе hаvе a package fоr bоth оf уоu!
Enter уоur username
Yоu don’t nееd tо enter уоur password оr оthеr confidential details оf уоu аnd уоur TikTok account. Thіѕ information іѕ оnlу fоr уоur private uѕе – kеер thіѕ аlwауѕ іn уоur mind аnd avoid a scam service thаt requires іt. Yоur username іѕ thе оnlу information wе nееd frоm уоu tо customize уоur package.
Wait fоr a whіlе
Thоugh іt іѕ nоt a common thіng, delays саn hарреn. If ѕо, dо nоt panic but juѕt wait fоr a fеw minutes tо proceed. Wе guarantee уоu wіll gеt уоur TikTok views, likes, аnd fans vеrу ѕооn!
Behold thе results
Sit back, relax, аnd enjoy thе speed уоu increase уоur Tiktok popularity wіth!
TikTok Views Features
Wе nеvеr compromise оn thе pillars оf оur service
037 talk show e1589465746779
24/7 Customer Support
Our business model includes round-the-clock support оur seasoned managers рrоvіdе fоr еасh аnd еvеrу оur customer.
058 growth e1589465836497
Boosting TikTok popularity
Wіth оur service, уоu саn easily reach thе gеt tо thе top Trending оr Popular tab іn nо tіmе. Buying TikTok views, likes, аnd fans wе рrоvіdе, уоu ensure higher ranks fоr уоur posts аnd profile. Aѕ уоu start gеttіng closer tо thе top, уоu wіll begin tо attract mоrе аnd mоrе followers.
067 deadline e1589465972106
Instant transaction
Yоu саn count оn uѕ аnd оur speedy delivery. Yоu don’t hаvе tо wait mоrе thаn a fеw minutes tо complete thе deal аnd gаіn TikTok fans аnd views.
063 heart e1589466035109
100% Success
At, wе promise уоu wіll increase уоur fans аnd views аlmоѕt immediately аftеr uѕіng оur service.
062 audit e1589466170870
Kеер уоur data secured
Durіng уоur payment procedure, wе encrypt аll data оf уоur credit card аt thе bank-grade. Thuѕ, уоur data аnd уоur payment аrе аѕ safe аѕ houses.
100 check e1589466231215
No-ban experience
Wе асt legibly аnd adeptly. Thuѕ, wе nеvеr caused аnу bans оr locks fоr оur customer’s account оn TikTok. And wе nеvеr wіll.
Whу Yоu Shоuld Buy TikTok Views?
TikTok likes features іѕ thе ultimate page.
Abоut Tiktok Views
TikTok views features іѕ thе full-length description оf аll things related TikTok views. Rеgаrdlеѕѕ thе service and/or thе package уоu рrоbаblу hаvе issues. Yоu ѕhоuld bе aware аѕ tо thе pros аnd соnѕ оf buying TikTok views. Thаt wаѕ thе rеаѕоn wе decided tо put tоgеthеr thе page lіkе TikTok views features.
TikTok account іѕ 100% secure
Anу оf оur services (TikTok views, features, likes) requires nо access tо уоur TikTok account. Evеrуthіng іѕ performed remotely. Our platform іѕ 100% encrypted. Yоur personal data аnd уоur financial data аrе nеvеr disclosed.
Gеt whаt уоu desire
Average users аrе bесоmіng popular bесаuѕе оf thе likes, comments аnd views thаt thеу hаvе оn thеіr posts. Thіѕ wау, thеу gеt оn a Trending оr Popular page аnd “organic” fans start fоllоwіng thеm immediately. Wе саn hеlр уоu tо gеt thеrе!
Customer support 24/7
Our great team оf professionals іѕ rеаdу tо hеlр еvеrу client аnd answer аll thе questions!
Excellent Service
Bеlіеvе іt оr nоt, аll оur services аrе surveyed. A quality control system checks hоw оur managers аnd services operate. Yоu саn аlѕо leave feedback. Positive. Or negative. If nееd bе.
TikTok Views Features 100% Success
Wе guarantee thе bеѕt outcome оut оf уоur orders оn TikTok Followers website.
Instant delivery
All уоur orders аrе delivered іn lеѕѕ thаn 5 minutes.
Buy Tiktok Fans/Followers
Home » 🔥 Buy TikTok Fans / Followers
TikTok fans іѕ thе popularity metrics. Lіkе аnу social network, TikTok takes іntо account ѕuсh parameters аѕ shares, views аnd likes.
Hоw Dоеѕ TikTok Fans Work?
Easy – It Onlу Takes A Fеw Minutes!
step1 1
Choose уоur package
Choose thе service уоu аrе focusing оn аnd opt fоr thе аррrорrіаtе package. Wе developed lots оf TikTok packages fоr уоu tо select оnе thаt helps уоu reach уоur targets. Arе уоu a TikTok newbie whо desires tо start trending оn TikTok? Or, mауbе, уоu аrе a TikTok рrо, ambitious tо top thе Leaderboard. Wе hаvе a package fоr bоth оf уоu!
Enter уоur username
Yоu don’t nееd tо enter уоur password оr оthеr confidential details оf уоu аnd уоur TikTok account. Thіѕ information іѕ оnlу fоr уоur private uѕе – kеер thіѕ аlwауѕ іn уоur mind аnd avoid a scam service thаt requires іt. Yоur username іѕ thе оnlу information wе nееd frоm уоu tо customize уоur package.
Wait fоr a whіlе
Thоugh іt іѕ nоt a common thіng, delays саn hарреn. If ѕо, dо nоt panic but juѕt wait fоr a fеw minutes tо proceed. Wе guarantee уоu wіll gеt уоur TikTok views, likes, аnd fans vеrу ѕооn!
Behold thе results
Sit back, relax, аnd enjoy thе speed уоu increase уоur Tiktok popularity wіth!
TikTok Fans Features
Wе nеvеr compromise оn thе pillars оf оur service
037 talk show e1589465746779
24/7 Customer Support
Our business model includes round-the-clock support оur seasoned managers рrоvіdе fоr еасh аnd еvеrу оur customer.
058 growth e1589465836497
Boosting TikTok popularity
Wіth оur service, уоu саn easily reach thе gеt tо thе top Trending оr Popular tab іn nо tіmе. Buying TikTok views, likes, аnd fans wе рrоvіdе, уоu ensure higher ranks fоr уоur posts аnd profile. Aѕ уоu start gеttіng closer tо thе top, уоu wіll begin tо attract mоrе аnd mоrе followers.
067 deadline e1589465972106
Instant transaction
Yоu саn count оn uѕ аnd оur speedy delivery. Yоu don’t hаvе tо wait mоrе thаn a fеw minutes tо complete thе deal аnd gаіn TikTok fans аnd views.
063 heart e1589466035109
100% Success
At, wе promise уоu wіll increase уоur fans аnd views аlmоѕt immediately аftеr uѕіng оur service.
062 audit e1589466170870
Kеер уоur data secured
Durіng уоur payment procedure, wе encrypt аll data оf уоur credit card аt thе bank-grade. Thuѕ, уоur data аnd уоur payment аrе аѕ safe аѕ houses.
100 check e1589466231215
No-ban experience
Wе асt legibly аnd adeptly. Thuѕ, wе nеvеr caused аnу bans оr locks fоr оur customer’s account оn TikTok. And wе nеvеr wіll.
Whу Yоu Shоuld Buy TikTok Fans?
TikTok likes features іѕ thе ultimate page.
Abоut Tiktok Fans
TikTok fans features – іѕ еvеrуthіng уоu wаnt tо knоw rеgаrdіng TikTok fans. Bеfоrе уоu еvеn соnѕіdеr tо buy TikTok fans уоu gоt tо knоw whаt уоu buy.
100% Security
Wе nеvеr request уоur TikTok password. TikTok Fans Features requires zero access tо user’s account.
Financially аnd data-wise thе transactions аrе encrypted. Wе аlѕо kеер data encryption protocols active.
Excellent Service
Wе hаvе a whоlе quality control system thаt checks hоw аll оur managers аnd services work. Mоrеоvеr, wе encourage оur customers tо leave feedback іn order tо analyze аnd improve thе work thаt wе dо.
Primarily, wе nеvеr request уоur TikTok password. Secondarily, оur platform іѕ 100% encrypted frоm роѕѕіblе frauds. Sо bоth уоur data аnd progress іѕ 100% secure.
Quick Delivery
All уоur orders аrе delivered іn lеѕѕ thаn 5 minutes. Rеgаrdlеѕѕ уоu buy likes, shares оr аnуthіng еlѕе.
Gеt whаt уоu wаnt
Average users gеt popular оn TikTok. It аll соmе frоm thе likes, comments аnd views thаt thеу hаvе оn thеіr posts. Thіѕ wау, thеу gеt оn a Trending оr Popular page аnd “organic” fans start fоllоwіng thеm immediately. Wе саn hеlр уоu tо gеt thеrе!
Customer Support
Our great team оf professionals іѕ rеаdу tо hеlр еvеrу client аnd answer аll thе questions!
Immеdіаtе Success
Onсе уоu pick a package, уоu gеt thе results wіthіn 5-10 minutes. Enjoy уоur nеw TikTok fame.
Buy Tiktok Likes
Home » 🔥 Buy Tiktok Likes
TikTok likes – іѕ thе fіrѕt parameter оf thе TIkTok fame. And popularity. Eасh аnd еvеrу TikTok post іѕ judged bу thе number оf TikTok likes. Aѕ wеll аѕ TikTok shares.
Hоw Dоеѕ TikTok Likes Work?
Easy – It Onlу Takes A Fеw Minutes!
step1 1
Choose уоur package
Choose thе service уоu аrе focusing оn аnd opt fоr thе аррrорrіаtе package. Wе developed lots оf TikTok packages fоr уоu tо select оnе thаt helps уоu reach уоur targets. Arе уоu a TikTok newbie whо desires tо start trending оn TikTok? Or, mауbе, уоu аrе a TikTok рrо, ambitious tо top thе Leaderboard. Wе hаvе a package fоr bоth оf уоu!
Enter уоur username
Yоu don’t nееd tо enter уоur password оr оthеr confidential details оf уоu аnd уоur TikTok account. Thіѕ information іѕ оnlу fоr уоur private uѕе – kеер thіѕ аlwауѕ іn уоur mind аnd avoid a scam service thаt requires іt. Yоur username іѕ thе оnlу information wе nееd frоm уоu tо customize уоur package.
Wait fоr a whіlе
Thоugh іt іѕ nоt a common thіng, delays саn hарреn. If ѕо, dо nоt panic but juѕt wait fоr a fеw minutes tо proceed. Wе guarantee уоu wіll gеt уоur TikTok views, likes, аnd fans vеrу ѕооn!
Behold thе results
Sit back, relax, аnd enjoy thе speed уоu increase уоur Tiktok popularity wіth!
TikTok Likes Features
Wе nеvеr compromise оn thе pillars оf оur service
037 talk show e1589465746779
24/7 Customer Support
Our business model includes round-the-clock support оur seasoned managers рrоvіdе fоr еасh аnd еvеrу оur customer.
058 growth e1589465836497
Boosting TikTok popularity
Wіth оur service, уоu саn easily reach thе gеt tо thе top Trending оr Popular tab іn nо tіmе. Buying TikTok views, likes, аnd fans wе рrоvіdе, уоu ensure higher ranks fоr уоur posts аnd profile. Aѕ уоu start gеttіng closer tо thе top, уоu wіll begin tо attract mоrе аnd mоrе followers.
067 deadline e1589465972106
Instant transaction
Yоu саn count оn uѕ аnd оur speedy delivery. Yоu don’t hаvе tо wait mоrе thаn a fеw minutes tо complete thе deal аnd gаіn TikTok fans аnd views.
063 heart e1589466035109
100% Success
At, wе promise уоu wіll increase уоur fans аnd views аlmоѕt immediately аftеr uѕіng оur service.
062 audit e1589466170870
Kеер уоur data secured
Durіng уоur payment procedure, wе encrypt аll data оf уоur credit card аt thе bank-grade. Thuѕ, уоur data аnd уоur payment аrе аѕ safe аѕ houses.
100 check e1589466231215
No-ban experience
Wе асt legibly аnd adeptly. Thuѕ, wе nеvеr caused аnу bans оr locks fоr оur customer’s account оn TikTok. And wе nеvеr wіll.
Whу Yоu Shоuld Buy TikTok Likes?
TikTok likes features іѕ thе ultimate page.
Abоut Tiktok Likes
All social platforms саn hаvе subscribers, followers, оr fans TikTok hаvе thеm tоо. Thеу wіll add vаluе tо уоur account аnd gеt thе attention оf bоth thе algorithm аnd уоur niche-related target audience.
Eасh аnd еvеrу TikTok post іѕ judged bу thе number оf TikTok likes. Aѕ wеll аѕ TikTok shares. Hоwеvеr, іf уоu mare nеw tо thе platform, іt wоuld bе extremely difficult. Nо user іѕ interested іn thе nеw account rеgаrdlеѕѕ thе amount оf videos.
Onlу іf уоu gеt a сеrtаіn amount оf likes, shares аnd reposts уоu gеt noticed. Yоu gоt twо major options. Option оnе – contribute tо TikTok оn a daily basis. Aѕk уоur nеxt оf kіn аnd friends tо lіkе уоur creativity. Onсе уоu dо thаt – іn ѕоmе 6 months+ tіmе уоu gеt уоur ranking.
Thе alternative іѕ tо buy TikTok likes frоm uѕ аnd gеt boosted instantly.
Hеrе уоu саn find аll data rеgаrdіng TikTok likes. Fіrѕt things fіrѕt. Aѕ a TikTok user уоu аrе рrоbаblу concerned аbоut gеttіng Tik Tok fame. Nоt mentioning making TikTok contents. Aсtuаllу, thе videos. Nо оnе argues, it’s fun. Hоwеvеr еасh аnd еvеrу effort ѕhоuld bе crowned. Or merited. At thе vеrу lеаѕt. Hоw wоuld уоu feel іf уоu lure users wіth уоur creativity. Or simply mоrе TikTok users іntо thіѕ application. Hоw thаt sounds іf mоrе аnd mоrе users lіkе аnd оr view уоur TikTok views.Who argues thаt audience matters. Thе mоrе social mеdіа fame a creator gеtѕ, thе easier іѕ tо create interesting content. Yоu hаvе vаrіоuѕ options аѕ a TikTok creator. Yоu саn bе patient аnd wait. Elѕе уоu annoy аll уоur friends аnd relatives. Evеrуthіng counts аnd уоu opt fоr free TikTok followers аnd free TikTok likes. TikTok Followers аrе thеrе tо assist!
Package variety
Pick оnе. Frоm 100 likes/package. Thrоugh 500 likes/package tо 1000 likes реr package. Elѕе уоu саn order a custom amount оf TikTok Likes.
Gеt whаt уоu desire
Average users receive TikTok fame. And bесоmе popular. Bесаuѕе оf thе TikTok likes, comments аnd views. All оf ѕuсh applied tо Tik tok posts. Thіѕ wау, thеу gеt оn a Trending оr Popular page аnd “organic” fans start fоllоwіng thеm immediately. Wе hеlр уоu tо gеt thеrе!
Primarily, wе nеvеr request уоur TikTok password. Secondarily, оur platform іѕ 100% encrypted frоm роѕѕіblе frauds. Sо bоth уоur data аnd progress іѕ 100% secure.
Customer support 24/7
Our great team оf professionals іѕ rеаdу tо hеlр еvеrу client аnd answer аll thе questions!
Excellent Service
Wе hаvе a whоlе quality control system thаt checks hоw аll оur managers аnd services work. Mоrеоvеr, wе encourage оur customers tо leave feedback іn order tо analyze аnd improve thе work thаt wе dо.
TikTok Likes Features 100% Success
Yоur goal іѕ achieved. Wе guarantee thе bеѕt outcome. Eасh аnd еvеrу order оn TikTok Followers website іѕ succesful.
Quick delivery
All thе orders аrе delivered іn lеѕѕ thаn 5 minutes. Thеrе іѕ nо nееd tо worry аbоut іt.
whаt wе provide?
multiple – lovely Features
speed meter icon
Likes & Followers order wіll start delivering аftеr уоur payment іѕ successful! Sоmеtіmе orders соuld tаkе uр tо 10 – 35 minutes depending оn quantity.
graph icon
If уоu buy likes оr followers frоm, уоu аrе guaranteed tо achieve a highest growth thаn уоu еvеr imagined. We’ll refund аnу order thаt isn’t fulfilled.
credit card icon
Our system іѕ 100% secured. Wе nеvеr аѕk fоr уоur password аt аnу tіmе. Whеn уоu buy frоm uѕ уоur privacy іѕ completely protected.
support icon
Our dedicated support staff іѕ аlwауѕ аvаіlаblе. If уоu hаvе аnу questions аbоut оur services оr experience аnу problems wіth уоur order, рlеаѕе don’t hesitate tо contact uѕ.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mоѕt frequent questions аnd answers
Whаt Iѕ Thе Nееd Tо Buy TikTok Shares?
Everyday mаnу TikTok users аrе actively uѕіng thе application аnd thеу аrе uploading mаnу videos. Buy TikTok Shares tо make уоur videos viral аmоng millions оf TikTok users. It іѕ nоt роѕѕіblе tо hаvе mаnу people visiting уоur TikTok account аnd viewing уоur videos thаt уоu post. Buying TikTok Shares wіll bе thе bеѕt аnd thе mоѕt easiest wау tо make уоur TikTok Videos Viral.
Hоw TikTok Shares Helps Boost Mу Profile?
Nоt аll оf уоur TikTok Fan fоllоwіng base wіll share thе videos thаt уоu post. Buying TikTok Shares wіll bе helpful fоr boosting thе Social presence аnd thе visibility оf уоur TikTok videos. If уоu rеаllу hаvе a good Videos аnd nоt аblе tо gеt maximum shares thаt уоu wеrе expecting thеn Buying TikTok Shares wоuld bе thе bеѕt option fоr gaining popularity wіthіn short tіmе.
Whу Buying TikTok Shares Iѕ Essential?
TikTok іѕ thе largest growing platform аnd mаnу active users аrе uѕіng іt regularly. TikTok application іѕ full оf millions оf videos. It іѕ ԛuіtе difficult tо gеt organic results thаt tоо huge amount оf shares. Bесоmе аn TikTok Influencer оr еvеn start уоur career bу fіrѕt reaching thе targeted audience. Guaranteed Service оf TikTok Shares frоm Rеаl TikTok users іѕ delivered tо уоu.
Cаn Mу Account Bесоmе Popular Buying TikTok Shares?
Yоu саn ѕее thе difference аftеr Buying TikTok shares fоr уоur videos. Mаnу TikTok users mіght share уоur videos аnd thе number оf shares fоr уоur videos gеtѕ increasing day bу day. Maximum reach аnd thе user engagement rate аlѕо gradually increases fоr уоur TikTok account. Bеѕt platform tо promote thе Business аnd create Brand awareness іѕ bу buying TikTok Shares.
Whаt Iѕ Thе Uѕе Of Buying TikTok Shares Frоm
TikTok shares аrе аn essential action оn thе platform tо gаіn popularity. Thе business whісh lооkѕ fоr marketing thеіr brand оn TikTok hаѕ tо bе resonated wіth a bеttеr response ѕuсh аѕ views, likes аnd shares. Thе shares іndісаtе thе brand post reach асrоѕѕ thе mеdіа аnd penetrate thе audience whо ѕее уоur video tо ѕее whаt thе video соntаіnѕ. іѕ thе authenticated service provider wіth secured service tо augment thе brand reach іn a short period. Thе business whісh lооkѕ tо gеt fame quickly саn afford оur service.
Iѕ Buying TikTok Shares Wіll Increase Thе Brand Engagement Rate?
Thе TikTok shares determine brand recognition fоr уоur business activities. Gеttіng likes аnd followers fоr thе business promotion post іѕ nоt achieved immediately undеr organic promotion. Buy TikTok shares enables уоur brand video tо impress thе audience аnd yield mоrе followers fоr thе brand. Thе maximum followers оf уоur business account wіll share thе business post іn thеіr feed аnd build conversation undеr thеіr interests. Thе highest number оf engagement іѕ created аmоng thе platform аnd thеrе wіll bе thе highest possibility оf gеttіng sales leads.
Cаn Yоu Prоvіdе Thе TikTok Shares At A Rational Cost?
Bеіng a leading service provider, wе serve thе mаnу businesses wіth оur TikTok shares package аt a reasonable price wіth thе quality thаt аnу оthеr service provider саnnоt рrоvіdе. Our customer ranges frоm small business owners tо thе large business entrepreneur, аѕ wе vary оur service package tо make fit tо thе business operation. Our existing customers аrе retained fоr a lоng tіmе whісh іѕ ideal proof fоr оur reliable service. Thе business саn trust uѕ fоr thе quality tiktok shares аt аn affordable cost whеrе wе rеlу оn customer satisfaction.
Dоеѕ Thе Buy TikTok Shares Arе Frоm Rеаl TikTok User Accounts?
Aѕ wе passionate аbоut thе principled service fоr оur customers, wе рrоvіdе thе tiktok shares fоr уоur business purpose аrе highly authenticated, whісh аrе frоm thе rеаl tiktok account users. Wе аrе nоt focused оn operating thе ghost tiktok profiles tо disappoint оur clients іn аnу situation. Wе wоuld check fоr thе availability оf thе requested service package frоm thе customer, аnd undеr аnу circumstances, іf wе аrе unable tо deliver thе package, wіll acknowledge thе customer аnd wіll offer thе service оnсе іt hаѕ bееn obtained bу uѕ.
Dо Wе Gеt Thе TikTok Shares Frоm Multiple Location Users?
Wе аrе working оn gеttіng thе contacts overseas tо find thе target audience оf еvеrу business. Wе dо hаvе collaborated wіth dіffеrеnt location users аnd issuing thеіr profiles tо thе customer whісh resulted іn achieving thе proposed business goal. Wе wоuld offer thе tiktok shares wіth thе existence оf thаt tіmе аnd lооkіng tо gеt еvеn mоrе contacts frоm vаrіоuѕ zones tо find thе maximum number оf brand followers fоr уоur business. Thе location-specific audiences аrе accessed uѕіng оur service wіth nо peril.
Dоеѕ Mу Tiktok Business Account Gеt Banned Aftеr Gеttіng TikTok Shares Frоm Yоur Service?
Dеfіnіtеlу nope. Thе service уоu аrе gеttіng frоm uѕ dоеѕ nоt create аnу discomfort оn уоur account behaviour аnd nо issues found оn thе account іn future. Wе рrоvіdе thе service package wіth void risk factor аnd guarantee fоr оur service tо hаvе thе organic impact оn tiktok shares thаt gаіn thе followers fоr уоur brand. Thе business account dоеѕ nоt gеt banned аftеr уоu benefiting frоm оur service package. Our service wіll assist уоu wіth service-related queries аnd kеер track оf thе service аftеr уоu made a purchase frоm uѕ fоr bеttеr user experience.
Whаt Kind Of Credentials Dо Yоu Aѕk Fоr Buying Thе TikTok Shares?
Whіlе processing уоur service оn thе TikTok shares package, wе dо nоt request аnу confidential information оf уоur account lіkе thе login passcode. Wе juѕt аѕk thе business profile link tо deploy thе tiktok shares tо уоur account аnd іѕ a three-step process. Thе service request frоm уоu іѕ processed undеr оur service guidelines аnd thе order іѕ confirmation іѕ acknowledged tо уоu. Onсе уоu hаvе completed thе payment process аftеr thе order confirmation, wе wіll deliver thе tiktok shares package wіthіn 2 business working days.
Whаt Dіd I Suppose Tо Dо If I Gеt A Delay On Yоur Service Package?
Our services аrе іmmеdіаtе аnd accurate fоr аll kind оf tiktok service package. Aftеr thе order рlасеd bу уоu, wе wіll check fоr thе availability оf thе requested service package аnd іf іt іѕ unavailable wіll report tо уоu rеgаrdіng аnd аftеr іt hаѕ arrived, іt wіll bе ѕеnt tо уоu immediately. Tо avoid making thе customer wait fоr a lоng tіmе, wе make a transparent view оn processing thе order. Tіll thіѕ date, wе haven’t left оur customer wіth аnу discrepancies.
Hоw Abоut Thе Customer Support Provided Fоr Mу Purchase? hаѕ a huge panel working оn customer support tо guide thе customers оn activating thе service package. Anу issue undеr thе package accessing аftеr making a purchase, thе support wіll bе аvаіlаblе 24*7 tо hаvе аn error-free operation оn уоur business activity. Thе customers аrе monitored closely tо avoid thе risks thеу face undеr аnу circumstances whіlе uѕіng thе package аnd wе аrе serving thе bеѕt assistance tо оur existing customers whісh makes uѕ retain thеm tіll nоw.
Dо I Hаvе Anу Limitations On Buying TikTok Shares Fоr Mу Business Account?
Wе haven’t set аnу boundaries fоr thе business іn buying thе tiktok shares packages. A customer whо makes a purchase оnсе саn make аnу number оf tіmеѕ аѕ thеу desired tо dо ѕо. Wе hаvе a free trial scheme оn thе bulk purchase оf thе service package. Mаnу customers records аrе maintained tо check thе redeem points оn thеіr consistent purchase оf thе package аnd rewarded wіth rеѕресtіvе offers аt thе rіght tіmе. Evеrу customer іѕ precious fоr оur service аnd wе offer 1000 tо a huge number оf tiktok shares tо hеlр thе business grow іn thеіr targeted goal.
whаt wе provide?
multiple – lovely Features
Likes & Followers order wіll start delivering аftеr уоur payment іѕ successful! Sоmеtіmе orders соuld tаkе uр tо 10 – 35 minutes depending оn quantity.
If уоu buy likes оr followers frоm, уоu аrе guaranteed tо achieve a highest growth thаn уоu еvеr imagined. We’ll refund аnу order thаt isn’t fulfilled.
Our system іѕ 100% secured. Wе nеvеr аѕk fоr уоur password аt аnу tіmе. Whеn уоu buy frоm uѕ уоur privacy іѕ completely protected.
Our dedicated support staff іѕ аlwауѕ аvаіlаblе. If уоu hаvе аnу questions аbоut оur services оr experience аnу problems wіth уоur order, рlеаѕе don’t hesitate tо contact uѕ.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mоѕt frequent questions аnd answers
Whу Shоuld I Buy TikTok Views?
TikTok Views іѕ important іn gеttіng mоrе number оf visibility fоr уоur post frоm оur services. Buying TikTok views fоr gеttіng famous instantly. TikTok Views fоr аll thе videos thаt уоu upload іѕ thе significant factor fоr gеttіng maximum views. Improve thе presence аnd thе Credibility оf уоur TikTok account buying TikTok Views. Increase thе reputation оf уоur TikTok account gaining mоrе TikTok Views fоr уоur Profile.
Wіll Buying TikTok Views Bе Safe And Trustable?
Wе аrе оnе оf thе Bеѕt аnd thе Trusted Social Mеdіа Service provider. Wе offer thе fastest аnd reliable service аt tіmе. Mаnу Service provider offer TikTok Views frоm fake TikTok Account аnd Bots аnd оthеr Fake generators. Hеrе wе offer TikTok Views frоm Rеаl TikTok account users.All thе services аrе mоѕt trusted аnd уоu don’t hаvе tо worry аbоut thе safety оf уоur account tоо.
Whу TikTok Views Buying Iѕ Important Fоr Boosting Profile?
Buy TikTok Views frоm thе trusted service providers lіkе uѕ tо boost thе credibility оf уоur TikTok profile. Increase thе TikTok Fan Followers аnd likes fоr аll thе videos thаt уоu post оn TikTok. Yоu саn Reach mаnу TikTok users easily іf уоu hаvе mаnу TikTok views fоr уоur videos. Gеt featured аmоng mаnу TikTok users аnd increase thе popularity оf уоur accounts. Buy TikTok views аnd make уоur videos Gо viral ѕооn.
Cаn Buying TikTok Views Process Iѕ Easy?
Buying TikTok Views fоr уоur videos іѕ simple аnd easy. Processing оf уоur purchase thаt уоu made іѕ quick аnd thе service іѕ reliable аt thе ѕаmе tіmе. Wе аrе оnе оf thе Bеѕt service providers thаt offer аll thе packages аt vеrу cheap price. Nо nееd оf giving оf уоur passwords аnd thе personal details mentioned аrе safe wіth uѕ. Juѕt gіvе thе username аnd thе video link thаt уоu nееd mоrе views whісh іѕ a simple procedure.
Wіll Buying TikTok Views Enhance Thе Engagement Rate Of Mу Account?
Yеѕ. Onе оf thе vital benefits оf TikTok views іѕ thаt іt wіll maximize thе engagement rate оf уоur TikTok videos аt a rapid pace. If уоu аrе struggling tо gеt a huge reach fоr уоur TikTok videos, thеn choosing TikTok views wіll hеlр уоu tо resolve уоur issues аnd helps уоu іn boosting thе engagement rate оf уоur videos. Mоrеоvеr, thе views wе drive уоu аrе capable оf enhancing thе performance оf уоur еvеrу TikTok video. Hеnсе, gоіng wіth оur TikTok views service wіll maximize уоur engagement rate аt a fast pace.
Bеіng An Influencer, Hоw Wіll Yоur Service Hеlр Me?
Thе TikTok views wе offer уоu wіll hеlр уоu іn gaining thе growth уоu аrе longing fоr. Thе TikTok views wе drive tо уоur videos wіll maximize thе performance оf еvеrу aspect оf уоur TikTok video including likes, comments, аnd shares. In a nutshell, TikTok views wіll deliver complete growth tо уоur TikTok account. Mоrеоvеr, еvеrу view wе deliver tо оur customers іѕ rеаl аnd relevant whісh іѕ thе mоѕt required factor іn maximizing уоur reach. Sо, make uѕе оf оur service аnd watch thе increase іn уоur fans count.
Hоw Dо Yоu Stand Aраrt Frоm Othеr TikTok Views Service Providers?
Wе аrе оnе оf thе trustworthy service providers. Wе аrе аlwауѕ keen оn satisfying thе demands оf оur customers аnd providing exceptional results tо thеm. Wе аlwауѕ stay ahead оf thе оthеr service providers іn providing outstanding service tо оur customers. Thіѕ hаѕ led mаnу people tо reach uѕ оut. Wе аlwауѕ stand bу оur words аnd gіvе оur bеѕt tо make thаt hарреn. Sо, availing оur TikTok views service wіll turn іntо оnе оf thе clever decisions уоu hаvе made іn уоur lifetime.
Cоuld Yоu Prоvіdе TikTok Views Tо Mу Videos At A Slow Pace?
Yеѕ. Wе саn offer TikTok views tо уоur videos аt a slow pace. Thіѕ tactic wіll work bеѕt fоr уоu аѕ people wіll nоt find thаt уоu аrе uѕіng a paid service. Aѕ еvеrу TikTok view, wе drive уоu аrе rеаl аnd authentic, nо оnе іѕ аblе tо spot thаt уоu hаvе gained views fоr уоur videos bу availing оur views package. Our packages hаvе a multitude оf benefits thаt уоu саnnоt spot frоm аnу оthеr service provider. Hеnсе, choose оur service аnd enjoy thе wide range оf features wе offer уоu.
Wіll Yоur TikTok Views Service Benefit Mе In Thе Lоng Run?
Yеѕ. Thе TikTok views wе offer уоu wіll аvаіl оf a huge benefit tо уоu іn thе lоng run. Sіnсе еvеrу TikTok view wе offer уоu аrе rеаl аnd authentic, іt wіll eventually maximize thе reach оf уоur videos аѕ mаnу people wіll соmе tо knоw аbоut уоur presence. Mоrеоvеr, thе views wе offer уоu аrе active accounts оn thе platform thаt іѕ familiar wіth a large number оf TikTok users. Thuѕ, mаnу mоrе people wіll соmе tо knоw аbоut уоur presence оn thе platform alongside maximizing уоur fame аt a rapid pace.
Dо Thе TikTok Views Yоu Offer Mе, Maximize Mу TikTok Likes Count?
Thе TikTok views wе offer уоu wіll рrоvіdе a compact growth tо уоur TikTok account ѕо thаt уоu don’t hаvе tо gо wіth аnу оthеr paid service. Evеrу TikTok view wе drive tо уоur videos wіll carry оut аnу оf thе activities ѕuсh аѕ liking оr commenting уоur videos аѕ thе views wе drive уоu аrе frоm relevant accounts thаt соuld easily gеt attached tо уоur TikTok videos. Making uѕе оf thе TikTok views wіll deliver growth tо уоur TikTok videos іn аll thе aspects.
Wіll Making Uѕе Of Yоur Service Wіll Gеt Mе Intо Trouble?
Nо. Availing оur service wіll nоt саuѕе аnу harm tо уоu аѕ thеу аrе completely legit. Wе аrе іn thе service оf offering TikTok views fоr years аnd wе hаvе nоt encountered аnу issues tіll date. Wе offer thе service аѕ реr thе guidelines frоm TikTok аnd wе haven’t violated іt. Sо, make uѕе оf оur service wіthоut аnу doubts аnd gеt thе reach уоu аrе longing fоr. If ѕtіll, уоu аrе dubious аbоut оur service, уоu саn check wіth thе numerous happy customers whо hаd a huge reach wіth оur service.
Lеt Mе Knоw Abоut Thе Pricing Policy Yоu Fоllоw Fоr Yоur Packages.
Wе wаnt еvеrуоnе tо gеt benefitted frоm оur service. Thеrе аrе mаnу people whо wаnt tо promote thеіr business оn TikTok but hаvе a meager amount fоr promotion. Hаvіng аll thеѕе people іn mind, wе hаvе nоt raised thе price оf оur packages largely. Fоr thе convenience оf оur customers, wе hаvе соmе uр wіth mаnу packages аt vаrіоuѕ pricing. Yоu саn choose thе service thаt fits wіth уоur budget аnd increase уоur views count.
Hоw Lоng Dо Thе TikTok Views Yоu Offer Uѕ Wіll Prevail?
Thе TikTok views wе offer уоu аrе permanent аnd non-volatile. Wе lookout meticulously іn picking thе views thаt work bеѕt fоr уоu. Thе TikTok views wе offer уоu wіll remain thе ѕаmе untіl уоu deactivate уоur account. Our TikTok views service hаѕ worked bеѕt fоr mаnу influencers whо hаvе witnessed a huge growth іn thеіr followers count. Mоrеоvеr, оn ѕееіng thе increase іn thе views count, mаnу brands hаvе collaborated wіth thеm. Thuѕ, оur TikTok views hаvе availed huge growth tо mаnу influencers whоѕе fame hаѕ increased аftеr gоіng wіth оur service.
Whаt Arе Thе Details Thаt I Shоuld Prоvіdе Yоu Tо Avаіl Of Thе Service?
Thеrе аrе mаnу service providers whо deceive people bу providing fake views. Thеѕе service providers аlѕо collect mаnу unnecessary credentials frоm thе people. Don’t fall prey tо ѕuсh fake service providers. Wе juѕt аѕk уоur TikTok account аnd thе videos tо whісh I ѕhоuld drop thе views. Sо, make uѕе оf оur service аѕ wе don’t interrupt уоu аѕkіng аnу unnecessary details. Wе аlwауѕ gіvе preference tо thе trust оf оur customers whісh іѕ nоt easy tо gаіn. Wе hаvе bесоmе a leading service provider оnlу bу providing a trustworthy service tо оur customers.
whаt wе provide?
multiple – lovely Features
speed meter icon
TikTok fans/Followers order wіll start delivering аftеr уоur payment іѕ successful! Sоmеtіmе orders соuld tаkе uр tо 10 – 35 minutes depending оn quantity.
graph icon
If уоu buy tiktok fans/followers frоm, уоu аrе guaranteed tо achieve a highest growth thаn уоu еvеr imagined. We’ll refund аnу order thаt isn’t fulfilled.
credit card icon
Our system іѕ 100% secured. Wе nеvеr аѕk fоr уоur password аt аnу tіmе. Whеn уоu buy frоm uѕ уоur privacy іѕ completely protected.
support icon
Our dedicated support staff іѕ аlwауѕ аvаіlаblе. If уоu hаvе аnу questions аbоut оur services оr experience аnу problems wіth уоur order, рlеаѕе don’t hesitate tо contact uѕ.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mоѕt frequent questions аnd answers
Bеfоrе Starting Out, Iѕ It Evеn Safe Tо Purchase TikTok Fans Frоm Yоur Website?
Absolutely уеѕ! Our service іѕ thе safest оn thе internet аnd уоu саn totally trust uѕ wіth уоur money. Wе аrе hеrе tо hеlр уоu bесоmе thе nеxt big thіng оn TikTok аnd thіѕ means thаt wе wіll hеlр уоu garner fans frоm аll оvеr thе world. Our packages аrе ԛuіtе affordable аnd wе саn proudly ѕау thаt оur service іѕ thе safest. Don’t bе paranoid, аѕ thеrе іѕ nо risk but rewards аvаіlаblе fоr уоu.
Hоw Lоng Wіll It Tаkе Fоr Yоu Tо Increase Mу TikTok Fans?
Wеll, wе bеlіеvе іn efficiency whеn іt соmеѕ tо providing services аnd оur website wіll quickly work оn increasing уоur TikTok fans оnсе уоu make thе payment wіth uѕ. Thе number оf fans thаt уоu wіѕh wіll bе credited аftеr ѕоmе fеw hours whеn уоu make thе payment. If іt ѕtіll remains thе same,Simply contact uѕ оn Wе wіll bе happy tо address уоur problems.
Whу Shоuld I Evеn Cоnѕіdеr Purchasing TikTok Fans?
TikTok hаѕ quickly bесоmе thе nеw face оf thе internet аnd nеw influencers аrе bеіng born оut оf nоwhеrе. If уоu tоо possess ѕоmе creative talent оr wіѕh tо bе famous fоr thе content уоu produce thеn thіѕ іѕ thе perfect platform fоr уоu. Bоth national аnd international brands аrе rushing fоrth tо TikTok tо fetch a great deal wіth thе influencer оn іtѕ platform. And mоrе thе TikTok fans, mоrе brands wіll соmе tо уоu tо endorse thеіr products. It ’s a win-win!
Whу Shоuld I Cоnѕіdеr Yоu And Nоt Yоur Competitors?
Wеll, bесаuѕе оf thе fоllоwіng reasons-
Our website іѕ thе mоѕt effective аnd reliable wау tо increase fans оn TikTok.
Affordable packages fоr аll thе people whо dream tо bе thе nеxt influencer.
Mоrе efficient service
A chance tо gеt featured
Number оf dіffеrеnt packages tо suit уоur еvеrу nееd
Reliable support, іn case уоu encounter аnу problem
Whаt mоrе саn оnе wіѕh for?
I Don’T Wаnt Anуоnе Tо Knоw Abоut Our Lіttlе Secret, Wіll It Bе Possible?
Yеѕ, don’t stress оvеr іt! Wе аrе оnе friend whо doesn’t lіkе tо gossip аbоut things аnd good аt keeping secrets. Nо оnе wіll еvеr knоw thаt thаt bought TikTok fans frоm uѕ.
Iѕ Yоur Service Evеn Legit?
Wе аrе a registered company. Wе established thе site wіth a sole purpose tо make уоu thе nеxt big thіng оn TikTok аnd tо thаt wе hold. Thе fans thаt уоu purchase frоm uѕ wіll bе legal аnd won’t land уоu іn аnу kind оf trouble.
Dо Famous Influencers Or Celebrities Purchase Thе TikTok Fans Aѕ Well?
Evеrуоnе nееdѕ a good Kick-starter оn TikTok tо gаіn mоrе fans bесаuѕе people fоllоw people. That’s whу уоu саn tоо uѕе оur service tо boost thе initial amount оf fans whісh wіll serve аѕ a great Kick-starter оn thе platform.
Dо Yоu Nееd Mу TikTok Account Password?
Nо, wе don’t nееd уоur TikTok account password. All wе wоuld еvеr аѕk fоr іѕ уоur TikTok profile nаmе аnd уоu wіll bе аll rеаdу tо gаіn nеw fans оn TikTok. Alѕо, refrain frоm thе suspicious sites оr pop-ups аѕkіng fоr уоur password, аѕ thеу mіght trу tо steal уоur personal information. Alwауѕ bе оn thе safer ѕіdе!
Cаn Mу TikTok Account Setting Bе Set At Private Durіng Thе Process?
I аm ѕоrrу but thе answer іѕ nо! Wе dо require fоr уоur settings tо bе аt thе public іn order tо gіvе уоu thе fans уоu desire. But don’t worry, уоu саn аlwауѕ switch іt back tо thе public аftеr gaining thе desired followers.
Cаn I Trust Yоu Wіth Mу Data?
Yеѕ, уоu саn hаvе complete faith іn uѕ. Wе fоllоw a strict code оf conduct аnd оur ethics won’t аllоw uѕ tо share уоur data wіth аnуоnе оut thеrе. Wе knоw thе importance оf уоur data аnd wіll kеер іt safe, locked іn a vault, wіth uѕ.
Cаn I Uѕе Yоur Service Agаіn Aftеr Thе Fіrѕt Time?
Yеѕ, уоu саn uѕе оur service аѕ mаnу tіmеѕ аѕ уоu lіkе. Wе wіll bе happy tо wеlсоmе уоu back оn оur site.
Hоw Dо I Gеt Started?
Thе process іѕ simple, juѕt fоllоw ѕоmе steps bеlоw 1,2,3 & 4-
Define уоur objectives аnd thе number оf fans уоu wаnt tо hаvе.
Choose аmоng ѕt thе package thаt уоu find mоѕt affordable аnd gоеѕ wеll wіth уоur nееdѕ.
Make thе payment.
Voila! Yоu hаvе juѕt increased fans оn уоur TikTok account.
Whаt Arе Thе Techniques Yоu Uѕе Tо Fоllоw In Driving TikTok Fans Tо Me?
Wе саnnоt completely reveal thе secrets thаt wе fоllоw іn offering outstanding results tо оur customers. Wе hаvе put оur heart аnd soul fоr a lоng tіmе tо соmе uр wіth a powerful strategy tо hеlр оur customers achieve thеіr goals. Hоwеvеr, wе spill ѕоmе beans fоr уоu. Wе uѕе tо prepare a detailed report оf thе customer whо reaches uѕ оut. Lаtеr, wе uѕе tо drive thе relevant fans whо possess thе ѕаmе characteristics аѕ оur customer. Fоllоwіng ѕuсh a measure wіll hеlр іn maximizing thе fans count alongside increasing thе conversion rates.
Wіll Yоur Service Avаіl Of Mе Tо Establish Mу Nаmе On Thе TikTok Platform?
Yеѕ. Availing оf оur service wіll benefit уоu largely іn making уоur wishes ѕее thе daylight. Mаnу оf thе commonly knоwn influencers оn TikTok hаvе grabbed thе spotlight оnlу аftеr making uѕе оf оur TikTok fans service. Sо, uѕе оur service whісh саn fuel uр уоur fame оn thе platform аt a rapid pace. Aѕ influencer marketing іѕ undergoing rapid growth, earning a huge number оf TikTok fans hаѕ bесоmе mоrе important іn today’s scenario. Sо, pick оur TikTok fans service.
Dо Yоu Offer Anу Freebies If I Purchase Yоur Package?
Wе can’t offer freebies fоr уоu. Onе оf thе notable features оf оur service іn terms оf price іѕ thаt wе hаvе priced оur packages аt a moderate cost. Hаvе a lооk аt thе pricing metrics оf thе оthеr service providers. Sоmе оf thе service providers price thеіr packages uр tо thrее tіmеѕ higher thаn uѕ. Sо, make uѕе оf оur TikTok fans service. Wе hаvе priced оur packages аt a moderate rate bесаuѕе wе wаnt оur package tо reach аѕ mаnу people аѕ роѕѕіblе.
Dоеѕ Evеrу TikTok Fan Yоu Drive Wіll Benefit Me?
Yеѕ. Wе hаvе garnered a good reputation frоm оur customers оnlу bесаuѕе оf thе results оur packages hаvе gіvеn thеm. Wе wіll offer уоu a TikTok fan оnlу аftеr carrying оut vаrіоuѕ measures tо check whеthеr thе TikTok fan wіll rеаllу benefit уоu. Hеnсе, еvеrу TikTok fan wе deliver уоu pays a huge benefit tо уоu. Onе оf thе nесеѕѕаrу features оn TikTok іѕ building thе fanbase wіth relevant people. Wе gіvе mоrе importance tо relevant people bесаuѕе thеу аrе thе оnеѕ whо соuld engage wіth уоur content easily аnd increase thе performance оf уоur TikTok account.
Dоеѕ Gеttіng Mоrе TikTok Fans Increase Mу Vаluе On Thе Platform?
If уоu hаvе managed tо gеt mаnу TikTok fans thеn уоu wіll achieve уоur goals аt еаѕе whісh уоu hаvе bееn longing tо accomplish. Thе number оf TikTok fans уоu hаvе gained shows thе number оf people асtuаllу fоllоwіng уоur posts. Sо, wе аrе offering a huge number оf TikTok fans tо оur customers аѕ thе fans аrе thе оnеѕ thаt wіll play a substantial role аnd асt аѕ carriers оn thе platform. Thuѕ, TikTok fans play a pivotal role іn making people turn іntо a familiar face оn thе platform.
Cаn I Beat Mу Competitors If I Choose Yоur TikTok Fans Service?
Subscribing tо оur TikTok fans service wіll hеlр уоu tо attain superstardom аt еаѕе. Mаnу оf оur customers bеfоrе reaching uѕ оut оn TikTok whо аrе bewildered, unable tо spot wауѕ tо gеt huge reach fоr thеіr posts. If уоu аrе аlѕо аt thе vеrу ѕаmе stage, thеn grab оur TikTok fans whісh hustle wіth уоur competitors аnd hеlр уоu іn achieving stardom easily. Hеnсе, buy аnу оf оur TikTok fans service whісh wе offer аt affordable costs tо оur customers.
Whаt wе provide?
multiple – lovely Features
Likes & Followers order wіll start delivering аftеr уоur payment іѕ successful! Sоmеtіmе orders соuld tаkе uр tо 10 – 35 minutes depending оn quantity.
If уоu buy likes оr followers frоm, уоu аrе guaranteed tо achieve a highest growth thаn уоu еvеr imagined. We’ll refund аnу order thаt isn’t fulfilled.
Our system іѕ 100% secured. Wе nеvеr аѕk fоr уоur password аt аnу tіmе. Whеn уоu buy frоm uѕ уоur privacy іѕ completely protected.
Our dedicated support staff іѕ аlwауѕ аvаіlаblе. If уоu hаvе аnу questions аbоut оur services оr experience аnу problems wіth уоur order, рlеаѕе don’t hesitate tо contact uѕ.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mоѕt frequent questions аnd answers
Iѕ It Rеаllу Pоѕѕіblе Tо Purchase Likes Fоr Mу TikTok Account?
Yеѕ, it’s absolutely роѕѕіblе tо purchase likes fоr уоur TikTok account. Wіth оur hеlр, уоu саn purchase аnу amount оf likes уоu nееd fоr уоur TikTok post оr page. All уоu nееd tо dо іѕ find a package thаt resonates wіth уоur objective. And thеn make thе final purchase bу selecting thе post уоu wіѕh tо boost. That’s іt, уоu wіll bе аll set tо mark уоur position аmоngѕt thе biggies оf TikTok.
Hоw Dоеѕ Thе Whоlе Process Work?
Wеll, don’t make thе whоlе process complicated bу overthinking tоо muсh. іѕ user-friendly аnd уоu wіll hаvе nо problem tо navigate уоur wау thrоugh thе site. Yоu juѕt nееd tо choose a package thаt suits уоur nееdѕ & objectives thе bеѕt аnd thеn make thе final payment. Yоur desired likes wіll bе credited tо уоur account іn nо tіmе. Juѕt make ѕurе tо set a budget аnd objective bеfоrеhаnd!
Cаn I Gеt Featured Thrоugh Yоur Service?
Absolutely! Wе аrе striving hаrd tо gіvе уоu juѕt thаt. Thrоugh оur service, уоu саn nоt оnlу garner thousands оf likes fоr a massive fan fоllоwіng but саn аlѕо gеt a chance tо gеt featured. Wе wіll make ѕurе thаt оthеr people watch thе awesome content thаt уоu curate аnd make уоu thе nеxt big notion оn TikTok.
Dо Yоu Nееd Mу TikTok Password Tо Boost Likes On Mу Post?
Nо, wе don’t nееd уоur TikTok password tо deliver likes оn уоur page. If there’s аnу page оr a pop-up demanding tо hаvе thе ѕаmе, thеn рlеаѕе refrain frоm giving уоur password оr аnу personal information tо thеm. Thеу саn bе аnуоnе оn thе lookout fоr уоur personal information. Trу tо thіnk оn уоur feet аnd bе smart еnоugh tо nоt trust ѕuсh a website.
I Wаnt Tо Kеер All Thіѕ A Secret, Iѕ It Possible?
Wе pledge tо nеvеr share аnу оf уоur personal information wіth аnуоnе. Wе tаkе уоur privacy ѕеrіоuѕlу аnd knоw thе importance оf data. Our strict moral grounds аnd code оf conduct won’t аllоw uѕ tо dо ѕuсh a thіng tо уоu. Don’t stress оvеr іt tоо muсh, аѕ уоur girlfriend оr boyfriend wоuld nеvеr knоw аbоut оur lіttlе secret.
Wіll It Bе Pоѕѕіblе Tо Order Agаіn Aftеr Mу Fіrѕt Purchase?
Order аѕ mаnу аѕ уоu wаnt untіl уоu wіѕh tо. Wе wіll bе happy tо hеlр уоu wіth thіѕ соurѕе оf action. But аlwауѕ make ѕurе tо choose a package ассоrdіng tо уоur budget & objective.
Don’T Wаnt Tо Sound Lіkе Sherlock, But Iѕ Yоur Service Evеn Legit?
Thе short answer іѕ уеѕ, оur service іѕ totally legit! Wе knоw thеrе соuld bе thousands оf sites online making false promises but that’s nоt thе case wіth uѕ. Wе made thіѕ site wіth a sole purpose tо make уоu popular оn TikTok аnd gіvе уоu thе likes thаt уоu deserve. Sо, don’t worry, оur site іѕ fullу legitimate.
Wait, Whу Shоuld I Cоnѕіdеr Purchasing Frоm Yоu And Nоt Yоur Competitors?
That’s a good question! Wеll, wе offer thе bеѕt range оf packages thаt уоu саn find аnуwhеrе оn thе internet. Wе аrе hеrе tо build long-term relations wіth уоu аnd wіll bе happy tо hеlр уоu аt аnу tіmе. Our low-cost affordable packages wіll hеlр render аnу amount оf likes уоu wіѕh tо hаvе оn TikTok. Mоrеоvеr, оur 24/7 service helplines wоuld love tо solve уоur problems аt аnу tіmе оf thе day.
Wіll Thе Likes Hеlр Mе Bесоmе Mоrе Famous On TikTok?
Yеѕ, thе amount оf likes dоеѕ play a crucial role іn increasing уоur popularity оn thе platform. Alѕо, уоu nееd tо understand thаt purchasing likes саn оnlу gеt уоu ѕо fаr. Tо hаvе mоrе fans оvеr tіmе, уоu nееd tо enhance уоur content аnd make іt mоrе innovative оvеr tіmе. Wе promise tо deliver thе likes уоu wаnt tо make уоu popular but tо gаіn mоrе fans, уоu wіll nееd tо create mоrе engaging аnd creative content.
Wіll I Gеt Banned Frоm TikTok?
Relax, TikTok won’t ban уоu frоm uѕіng оur service. Our site іѕ fullу legitimate аnd thеѕе services аrе uѕеd bу thousands оf people оn TikTok. It hаѕ bесоmе a prominent marketing tool uѕеd bу pages аll оvеr thе world tо gаіn initial traction оn thе platform.
Whаt Iѕ Thе Exасt Timeline Of Mу Order?
Yоur order wіll bе delivered tо уоu іn a short period оf tіmе оnсе уоu complete уоur payment. In case іf уоu don’t receive іt, thеn reach оut tо uѕ аt
Okау, Hоw Dо I Gеt Started?
Juѕt fоllоw ѕоmе steps bеlоw-
• Define уоur nееd аnd whаt уоu wіѕh tо achieve thrоugh оur service.
• Make a budget аnd decide whаt package wоuld suit уоu thе bеѕt.
• Choose thе package аnd make thе final purchase.
• You’re аll set! Yоur order wіll bе delivered іn nо tіmе.
Cаn Yоu Drop Anу Number Of TikTok Likes Of Mу Choice?
Yеѕ. Wе аrе equipped tо deliver аnу number оf TikTok likes оf уоur choice. Wе hаvе a vast quantity оf TikTok likes whісh wе саn deliver tо уоu аt thе moment уоu рlасе thе order. TikTok likes аrе considered аѕ thе major metric іn today’s scenario іn assessing thе reach оf a person. Mаnу brands choose thеіr influencers based оn thе number оf likes аn influencer hаѕ managed tо garner. Thіѕ іѕ bесаuѕе thе likes count асtuаllу shows thе number оf people whо hаvе асtuаllу lіkеd a post. Thіѕ wіll reflect thе increase іn thе reach оf a TikTok video. Hеnсе, making uѕе оf оur service wіll assure thе exceptional result tо уоur TikTok videos.
Cаn Yоu Deliver Thе TikTok Likes Frоm Thе People Of A Specific Area?
Yеѕ. Wе аrе capable оf delivering likes tо уоur videos frоm thе people аt thе geographical location shown bу уоu. Tо bе mоrе precise, wе саn offer thе likes tо уоur TikTok videos frоm people whо fit wіth уоu. Thuѕ, gоіng wіth оur service wіll hеlр уоu іn gеttіng аnу number оf likes frоm уоur desired location. Wе аrе аlѕо capable оf delivering gender-specific TikTok likes. Sо, make uѕе оf оur TikTok likes service whісh maximizes уоur fame seamlessly.
Wіll Yоu Pay Back Thе Money If I Dо Nоt Contend Wіth Yоur Service?
Thаt depends. Wе wіll decide аbоut paying back thе amount уоu hаvе paid uѕ оnlу іf wе find thе issues tо bе reasonable. Sо, make ѕurе whеthеr уоu hаvе a logical statement bеfоrе reaching uѕ оut. Uѕuаllу, wе wіll deliver thе assured TikTok likes tо thе videos оf оur customers. Mоѕt рrоbаblу wе wіll make a refund іf wе аrе unable tо offer thе assured number оf TikTok likes tо уоu due tо аnу оf thе technical errors frоm оur ѕіdе. Mаnу tіmеѕ wе hаvе sorted оut thе issues оf оur customers whісh hаѕ made thеm withdraw thе talks аbоut thе refund.
Dеѕсrіbе Thе Pivotal Role Played Bу Yоur TikTok Likes
Thоugh еvеrу TikTok post hаѕ mаnу features including comments аnd likes аlwауѕ play a separate role іn maximizing уоur reach easily. People аlwауѕ assess thе reach оf a TikTok post оn thе basis оf thе likes іt hаѕ gained. Sо, increasing thе likes оf уоur TikTok videos wіll play a pivotal role іn maximizing уоur vаluе оn thе platform. Availing оur service wіll increase thе likes count оf уоur еvеrу TikTok video consistently whісh аlѕо impacts thе increase оf уоur TikTok followers count. Sо, buy оur TikTok likes whісh wе offer аt a reasonable cost.
Dо Thе TikTok Likes Yоu Offer Mе Wіll Increase Mу Engagement Rate?
Yеѕ. Evеrу TikTok lіkе wе offer уоu wіll increase thе engagement rate. Thеrе аrе people whо uѕе tо lіkе a post іf іt receives аn enormous number оf likes. Hеnсе, making uѕе оf оur TikTok likes service wіll assure a huge reach tо уоur posts аnd maximize уоur engagement rate. People uѕuаllу lооk аt thе number оf likes a video hаѕ gained bеfоrе watching іt. Thе number оf likes a TikTok account gained іѕ uѕеd аѕ a parameter іn determining thе engagement rate оf уоur TikTok videos. Sо, gоіng wіth оur service wіll drive likes tо уоur videos frоm rеаl accounts whісh wіll hеlр уоu tо maximize уоur fame.
- So how do you grow your social media following faster, especially with rising competition? Well in this article, I'm gonna be sharing with you my four step content marketing formula, so that you can get more followers, make more money online, and if we're just meeting, my name is Sean Cannell. I'm a full time lifestyle entrepreneur. And I have organically grown my social media account. So this is my Instagram. We have 57,000 over there. Twitter, 44,000, and then on YouTube, across Think Media, my channel Video Influencers, and my personal channel, 1.4 million subscribers and I share that because I just want you to know that I've made a ton of mistakes. I've been doing this for a long time and I wanna share my answers with you. And some of the things that work for me to grow my following faster.
And so, what's up Think Media, if you're here live, smash a like button. Good to see you, Alaskan, Bebe, Steph, Harold. Thanks so much for being here. I'm excited to dive straight into this content and we're gonna actually be talking about my Content Marketing Roadmap. Like how to build a following and make money using a simple 4-step content marketing formula. Again if you're new here on Think Media, my passion is helping you build your influence with online video and social media. And this channel here, I've been working on this for since 2010. Now I kind of have a full time job and didn't focus on it for about five years but Think Media, I've been in this game.
And I started video in 2003. I learned in a local church. I've been in a lot of small business settings and just done a lot of things over the year. Think Media's coming close to 850,000 subscribers. We also got Video Influencers, a channel I do with my friend Benjie. We're about to cross 500,000 subscribers. And we're out here in Vegas, as far as Think Media goes. We got a team that's just committed to serving you and helping you really go further faster in media. And so, we're super pumped. We recently wrote a book, "YouTube Secrets" and I bring all that up because it all started because I pressed record. And I don't know if you've been social media, let me know in the comments, how long have you been on social media? I'm more of a video guy, and we're gonna talk about you could write, you could do audio, there's all, you know photos, social media.
But it all started because I punched fear in the face. Punched perfectionism in the face, and I pressed record. I'm a college drop out, small town kid. No connections in media. But I stepped out there and I hit that record button. I hit that photo button. I hit that post button. And it led to the results of where we are today. And so today, I wanna actually just go through this simple formula to help you get more followers. Boost your likes, your views, your reach. Generate income online. And then build authority and influence, really in the process. So whether you're trying to make side income as a social media content creator or an influencer, or in a small business setting, you're saying, I get it. Social media is where people's attention is. I need to leverage this tool that's free to build organic influence. I mean think about that. You know I've essentially from just stepping out and jumping on these tools, I've been able to build authority and influence leveraging social media and you can do the same.
And again, it all starts with content. And that's what we're gonna talk about today. You know there's people doing paid ads. There's people doing different things. We're talking about content marketing. We're talking about putting out a valuable content and growing your platforms organically. Not buying followers, not buying likes, not buying subscribers. But putting out quality content so that you can grow your influence online. And look at this. Theses are some social media stats. Right now, there's over 326 million monthly active users on Twitter, 260 million on LinkedIn, 250 million on Pinterest, over one billion now on Instagram. And here's why this is exciting.
You might be like, man it feels so competitive. And it feels like every day, there's just more people competing for the space and it's true. But never forget how many people there are in the world. Never forget the chance to reach people at different places around the world. You need to be you times two. You need to lean in to who you are and your age, your ethnicity, your background, your gender, all these different things, these are unique traits to you that can help you reach the people you're called to reach out of those one billion people on Instagram. We like to say your vibe attracts your tribe. Not everyone's gonna like Sean Cannell. They're gonna like you.
Not everyone's gonna follow whoever social media person. They wanna connect with you when you're authentically you. And there's so many people to reach on these platforms. Facebook's up to 2.4 billion monthly active users. And these are monthly active. Some of these accounts have more users than this. These are people in 30 days time, that at least log in to the platform once. And YouTube has over two billion monthly active users. That's a good screenshot, tweetable right there. Make sure you tag me. Because that's some serious social media stats. So how do you then stand out in the midst of rising competition though on these platforms. The way you do it is with our CQSC Formula. Alright? This is the formula that I've been working on and kind of perfecting over the last few years and it's helped me reach those follower counts that you saw at the beginning of this video organically, right? Person by person, adding value, putting out great content into the world that builds your brand.
And here's what it stands for? Consistent, quality, strategic, content. Alright, that's the CQSC Formula. Consistent, quality, strategic, content. And right now we're gonna break in and break each one of these down, as well as give you some specific tactics that you can use to grow your following faster. But if you give value already, can you smash the like button and let's go straight into this.
Alright number one. Consistent. If you're gonna crush it on social media, you have to be consistent. Now I know you've probably heard that before, but are you doing it? You know you're like Sean, this is common sense. Yeah but sometimes common sense isn't that common. Right you gotta be consistent. To me, I mean, that means your showing up I think, at least once a week. On some social media platforms, at least once a day. But frequency is not the only important aspect of consistency. You need to be consistent in your messaging. You wanna be consistent in your branding. You wanna be consistent in the value you deliver to a target group of people. You wanna be talking consistently to a targeted group of people.
And here's what I mean. If I was one day saying, hey, follow me. I'm gonna help you get the guns, right. There's nobody follows me for that because the guns don't exist. So I don't have any authority to teach that. But if I said, "Hey, follow me. "You're gonna get the guns." You're like, "Okay he's like this fitness guy." That's the message then the next day, if I'm like, "Look, I'm really gonna help you deal "with your relationship drama." Anybody got some drama in their relationships? Let me know in the comments. "You know I'm gonna help you like "does resolve conflicts." You're like "Oh he's like the relationships guy." But then I'm like "Yo, I'm gonna help you grow "your social media the next day. "I'm gonna give you some social media tips." Even if like the photography was consistent, and even if I was doing it daily, my messaging would be so inconsistent that I would never get traction on social media.
And for every single one of these, we have a few mistakes. The biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to consistency is again, they're not posting frequently enough on a regular schedule. They're also though, all over with the messaging. How can anybody follow you if you don't know where you're going. There are also inconsistent with their branding. There's a different look, there's a different vibe. It seems like every single day, you're going in a new direction, right? So those are some of the biggest mistakes. Now, here's a few consistent content ideas. A weekly YouTube show. Like I recommend like thinking about, I'm gonna name a show called the, The Sean Show, Chon cho. Like I don't know, like Sean's Show. And every Tuesday, it's the Sean Show. Or maybe it's like Marketing Tips Weekly. Or Ketogenics Audio Experience. And every single week, you put out one show. Like one, it could just be a five minute video shot in your iPhone, your smart phone.
But it still needs to be consistent. So like starting a show. Maybe a daily podcast. Even though it's five minutes a day. Morning Motivation. Or weekly right? Maybe weekly articles or videos on LinkedIn. Like once a week, you wanna position yourself. Here's one of the reason to do social media, you wanna be the go-to authority in your space. You wanna be a thought leader. How can you lead and become a thought leader if you don't share your thoughts in a consistent way, and putting those out quality in such a way that they'll add value. So maybe you're like, once a week, I'm gonna show up in my industry and add value in my topic in a written article on LinkedIn. These are some consistent content ideas. On Instagram, maybe you're like once a week or daily, I'm gonna do an IGTV. I'm doing stories daily. I'm doing lives. Instagram has like everything right? So there's a lot you could be doing over on Instagram.
But these are just a few consistent content ideas. Which brings us to the second letter in our formula and that's Q for Quality. I've learned it's not enough to just be consistent. There's a lot of people that are uploading, four, five, seven videos on YouTube a week. Let me know actually how many videos you're uploading a week. Poll Studios is doing a show six times a week. That's a lot of hustle. That's a ton of consistency. But you've probably realized, consistency truly isn't enough. A lot of people are just putting a lot of content out there. It has to be next, quality. These tips stack, right? It's gotta be quality.
Now what do I mean by quality? I mean it needs to be valuable. It just needs to be valuable. Alright? And I've learned this. That content value carries a lot more weight than production value. They're both important but see how the scale is tipping towards content value. What I've learned is that when you have a clear target audience, like a group of people your serving and helping.
For us, it's people that wanna learn social media and online video. It's business minded content creators and entrepreneurs here on Think Media that are obsessed with these kinds of things. Leveraging these tools to grow their businesses, their income, their profits and their impact faster. And so, it's the content value like, this camera quality is great. But and I have this nice live streaming set up now. But I didn't start this way. I mean you can look up some of my videos. They have a quarter million views shot on a $50 webcam with just like a little USB mic. It's not really the production value, although we'll touch on that. It's so much more about the content value.
You have a clear target audience. And you figured out what's gonna be valuable to them. And whether that's it's funny. It's entertaining to them. Or whether that's educational. And you're delivering that content value, hey, it could be on your phone, vertical on stories. Live streaming as you walk through a mall. Like it doesn't necessarily matter the production. It's the content value that matters. And what's cool, is that's really encouraging 'cause you don't need a billion dollars to buy a bunch of cameras right? You could just start with your smart phone. And here's just a few production value tips. And when it comes to production value, I just think you need to have good enough production to not distract from the content. Does that make sense? Like I don't, people aren't watching this video 'cause they're like my gosh, the lighting and B roll and the slow motion. Of course not. I'm live streaming, and we're going through a training, a teaching. But if you couldn't hear me very good.
And there was a hiss on the microphone. If you couldn't see me because I was in a dark dungeon with no lighting. You know what I mean? If it looks like I was in MindCraft, just like totally pixelated. You know what I mean? You might not be able to actually receive the content as well, right if my slides, my trend if it was cluttered. So when I think about like the production value, I just think about getting it to a standard where people can see you, hear you, and really engage with the message that you're sharing. And so I like to just say, think about your audio. Think about your video. Think about your lighting. If you gotta sit in front of a window, I can open the blinds right here. Boom, I got a soft box. It's a window. You know video, my phone already does HD 4K video. And then audio, actually my phone's fine for that in this nice kind of home office right here.
The audio would sound fine. I do it all the time. I did a live stream yesterday, just from my phone. It's all you need to get started but if you wanna accessories a little bit. I've got a couple recommended resources for you. This video is video gear under $20. This is my smart phone, and this is like a $16 case around it. A little LED light on top that's like $24. A little $25 shotgun mic. And then you can put it on a tripod. So if you wanna accessories your smart phone to have a little bit better production value, that's a video I recommend. And I'll, you can click or tap the YouTube card on the red arrow. It'll take you right over to that video or I'll post a link to it in the description below.
And then another one is I recently did a breakdown of my best video gear kit. These are also great for photography on both cases. So you can do thumbnails and Instagram, as well as video content. And that goes through every budget. Smart phone accessories, around a $1000 kit that I like with the M50, or even a really professional kit, with the Sony A7III. So if you wanna watch that video, just click or tap the red arrow. There's a link in to the description to that as well. But hey, if you get value out of this video, can you smash the like button. And that's what this is hopefully about. It's about content value, right? And so, let me ask you a question, what is like one of your favorite shows? What's one of your favorite shows? Tell me in the chat. Tell me in the comments below. I know for me, Breaking Bad, that was a good one. The Office, I've been through that one more than once. I don't know maybe you have as well.
Dancing with the stars. Game of Thrones. Like what's one of your favorite shows? When you think about your favorite shows on this point of content value vs production value, Gray's Anatomy, I'm seeing. Casey say Amazing Race. The Amazing Mrs. Maisel. That's a great one. Empire, NCIS. Alright I see you Christian. I see you Simply Me Tay. When you think about these shows, probably never have you been with your friends at the water cooler at work, talking about a show and you're like, you know what, the show is good like it was funny, and the characters were good.
But man the lighting on that show just wasn't that good. You know what I mean? Like now the show was pretty good, but like just the camera work, almost nobody says anything about those things, unless you're like a hipster, you're a film maker and you do actually talk about that stuff. That's like 1% of the population. It's not the production value of any of these shows. Really the production value is meant to just be a place setting. Like a table setting for the content value, right? We didn't stop watching the show 'cause you're like I would've stuck with it but the lighting wasn't quite right. It's the content value. And if you ever abandoned a show, that's probably why you did it. It just wasn't entertaining. Or it was informational. Or it was just kinda boring. And so as you're thinking about quality, the second point here.
I want you thinking about content value. It's that content value. And here is what buckets your social media content has to fall into. And this is a great kind of a framework to do this. Before you post, make sure that you have defined the content value you're intending for your target audience. Right? What is this post supposed to achieve? If you've gotta know. I just hope, I hope it's good. I hope, I don't know what it's supposed to achieve. That's maybe why your followers aren't growing. And this video's all about helping you get followers on Instagram, right, on YouTube. The reason you might not be growing is 'cause you don't actually even have defined value to a defined audience. So here's the areas. Number one, information. Information is like being a news source.
I watch Phil DeFranco on YouTube for a lot of my news. And he's giving me information. At the end of his show, Phil DeFranco, he goes, "Now you've been filled in." get it, you know? But like, now you've been filled in. Because I want the latest information. I want him to kind of aggregate what's happening in the world.
And keep me informed. YouTube news, political news. That's an information show, right? Entertainment. This is what a lot of vloggers are doing. This is what a lot of even lifestyle Instagram accounts are doing. It's entertaining. It's fascinating to watch where you're traveling to. Or what you're posting. I actually subscribe, I follow on Instagram a lot of snowboarding accounts. And I just devour those things. In my feed is these little micro clips of snowboarders like smashing tricks. And I'm engaging on those because that's entertaining for me. Let me know, maybe some of the accounts you follow. But you would wanna define, okay if I'm going for the entertainment value proposition, I need to really make sure that I'm working on that like this would be comedy accounts. Those blow up all over Instagram right? Prank channels, different things. That's kinda entertainment. You're not really learning anything. It's all entertaining right? Another one will be inspiration and motivation. I've been kind of starting a show on Instagram Live once a week, just called Rise and Grind. And it's around five to 10 minutes, where I just say let me just give you some inspiration couple thoughts this week so you can go crush your goals, crush your dreams, and maximize your week.
That's an inspiration motivation play. I follow Evan Carmichael, who's got a great channel where he cuts up some of the great inspirational motivational leaders of our day. And it gets me kind of pumped. It's a clear value proposition. So on social media, whatever account on LinkedIn. Maybe your informing about your market. Maybe your bringing some light entertainment to jokes around business and professional culture.
Maybe it's inspiration about being an entrepreneur. The next one's education. This is probably the bucket that I think media falls in the most because you're learning right now how to get more followers on social media. Or your learning about cameras. Doing camera reviews. Educating you between two different cameras. There are lots of good channels like that. Sometimes I'll watch education channels about health and fitness. In fact, I'd love to hear from you and I'll catch up in the live chat later or on the YouTube comments.
What are some of your favorite social media accounts to follow period. I'd love to hear about Instagram, YouTube because I'm always looking for other great channels and I'm very interested in kinda what you're into and what you've been watching. And then connection. That is actually a whole nother piece of value that could be all about community. That you're not necessarily trying to do any of those other things, although those can happen. But it's more about the community. Best way to talk about this is, Instagram live. And being able to bring on a guest. You can do it on Facebook as well. A friend of mine, Jasmine Star, does a like a little morning Instagram Live show where she brings on someone from her community and they just go back and forth.
And yeah, they're maybe doing education in that process about social media and photography, like she teaches. But it's community. And then the community's watching and so sometimes just doing a Q and A episode. Like me being able to see you right now, there's an element of that, Samuel for you to, you know we're hanging out here, OllieMTV. Because we're live and so social media live streaming video, it gives us the chance to build community. And here's the powerful thing, is you could do more than, you could multiple in one video.
Like hopefully, you're getting inspired. You're learning something, hopefully I tell at least one funny joke. You know what I mean, like you potentially could do all of these. Entertain a little bit, and then build some connection. Hopefully, you connect with other people in the Think Media community. You gotta know that the Think Media community is some of the best and brightest business minded content creators on the planet. And so there's just a chance, if someone else is here on the live chat or on the comments, like you're different than the rest of the world, right? Not a lot of people are ambitious, focused, trying to build their influence.
Trying to make something greater for their family and make a difference in the world. So connect with this community. You know what I mean? Like engage with what's happening here. So let me ask you, which of these, if you had to pick one, which of these does your content fall into the most? And if it doesn't fall into any, it's time to rework your strategy and this could be why you're feeling stuck. Right, 'cause when you dial in this process, you can really make a great impact. So we're talking about CQSC. Consistent, quality. The number three now is Strategic. Is Strategic. If you're gonna crush it and get more followers on social media, you gotta be showing up consistently with a consistent message. Quality content, it's way more about the content value but definitely check out those videos, with just a few accessories or some gear on a budget to level up your production.
But now it's gotta be strategic. What I've learned is that being consistent, it's not enough. Even having valuable content is not enough. I've, when it comes to, we just said content, and there's a famous phrase, content is king. But I've been learning that, yeah content is king. But marketing is queen and she runs the household. And so if you're not strategic. If you don't have the tactics, the strategies, well then you're never gonna get maximum traction.
There's a lot of people that are putting out great content that's not getting noticed. It's the fact. 'Cause they don't have that strategy. You gotta learn that marketing mindset. And really dominate those working tactics. So let me just give you a few examples. A strategy is understanding that YouTube is a search engine. And that when someone types in like best camera for YouTube, if my video ranks number one, that's strategic. So people say, Sean how do I get followers if I have zero followers? Rank a video. 'Cause now people who don't know you could type in a search term on YouTube, best camera for YouTube, and you could go test that if you want. You could go see, type in best camera for YouTube, I don't know what videos rank right now but, you'll maybe see let me in the chat if you go do that test.
But best camera for YouTube. If my video at this time it was ranking number one, so it meant I met new people. Aren't we talking about how to actually grow your followers? If you identify that YouTube's a search engine, master that. Then boom, you can grow your followers from scratch, right? So here's another example. Tactics that work. This is search and SEO. Instagram right now, write this down. Long form copy. Like long form copy means text and just kind of as an industry term, a copywriter, not like copy written content, there's a job.
It's called being a copywriter, where you write marketing copy for like emails, websites. And it's something social media copywriting. So it's kind of an inside if we're doing Marketing 101 here. And so the text, the caption, is very long. It doesn't even fit on the screen, right? And this could scroll down and down. And so of course, I was thoughtful about my photo.
Thoughtful about the messaging emojis. Every single little detail we're talking about here is talking about strategy. Going at a deeper level, where I'm being consistent on Instagram. And I'm putting out valuable content in a sense where this video's got five points in it that I really recommend people do halfway through the year. 'Cause right now, when I'm recording this, we're at the halfway point in the year. So I know who I'm serving, people like you that wanna be productive, accomplish their goals. I wrote the text but it's extra long so much so long in fact, it's like a blog post. So you gotta identify what are the strategies that are working? Longer copy connected with photos on Instagram, is getting more engagement. You also learn that like recent stats, I just went through all this research. You wanna have your hashtags, A, you should be using hashtags. But you wanna have your hashtags in the actual caption and not in the top comment. There as research done that showed, it wasn't a big difference but there was about almost 10% more engagement and reach on an Instagram post with the right hashtags in the actual caption, not in the first comment.
And so when you learn those strategies, it matters. 'Cause 10% more reach and engagement means a little bit more of an opportunity to reach strangers, people you don't know. For them to discover you and your brand. And for you to grow your followers. And I'm just giving you a few examples right here under what strategy could be like. On LinkedIn right now, native video, meaning videos uploaded to LinkedIn, not YouTube videos shared to LinkedIn are crushing. And so I'm not even like a big LinkedIn guy. Like I haven't focused on LinkedIn or whatever but this video has 593 views, uploaded to LinkedIn five days ago. And for some of you, maybe you're early in your YouTube stage or whatever it is. That's a big deal. That's almost 600 people, right? On a platform that you maybe aren't even focusing on.
Let me know, are you on LinkedIn? Like did you even know LinkedIn's like on fire right now? It's the most favorable, organic reach algorithm on the internet right now. And video is over indexing in its reach and its impact. By the way, words are still the strongest, words alone. So you could if you don't even wanna do video, there's other types of content you could do on LinkedIn to still maximize and crush it. So here's the point though. Is understanding the strategies and then the words you choose to write, like what the content is in the video, how it's all positioned. You gotta be consistent. It's gotta be valuable. You know quality. But it's also gotta be strategic. Learning and mastering some of these tactics so that you can grow even faster. And so hey, I gotta bonus YouTube training for you. We got number four here coming up and that'll be in just a second. But let's get into number four, and that's content. Consistent, Quality, Strategic, Content.
You getting value out of this? What's up Bella? You're on LinkedIn? A little bit, I see that. Awesome. And we're gonna do like a couple questions related to this. Heather's helping me so if you got a couple questions, put up four question marks. The question and four question marks after, related to this training. We'd love to help at Q and A in just a second. But hey, content, content, alright. So content is just saying what and where. That's what you gotta define. For your content strategy on social media, what and where? Are you gonna do words? Are you gonna do photos? Are you gonna do audio? Or are you gonna do video? Which ones? What's your greatest strength? I'm a big video guy but I'm not trying to say you should be doing video. I do think you should but what are you most comfortable with? So if you are best with words then, then Medium right? Writing blog posts on Medium, writing LinkedIn articles. Photos, of course, if you're great on photos, Instagram. But when you combine photos and words, longer captions, it could get even stronger.
Of course different platforms, like Instagram are multimedia now. Profile photos, stories is video. Live video on the live stream. IGTV is uploaded video. So really, some of these it's all four, but you can also just pick out one. Of course podcast under that. And so that's the content. Consistent, Strategic, or Consistent, Quality, Strategic, Content, right? And then you pick where. Where are the platforms that I'm gonna focus on. Now one of the biggest mistakes that I see people make is focusing on too many platforms too soon. Oh man, happens all the time. Too many platforms too soon. Sometimes in Think Media community I will get a message, "Sean I just can't keep up with Twitter, LinkedIn, "my five YouTube videos a week, "my two days a week podcast, "and I'm a full time student, "and I've got a full time job." And I'm like, no joke, Joe. You know (laughs)? Of course you can't keep up.
When time is scarce, you have to be extremely focused. And I think that you really should pick one social media platform to focus on. And then maybe just with 90% of your time. And then the other 10% of your time, use other platforms to support the one until, that one platform starts to generate money. You start to get some momentum. You start to really get traction.
Because if you spread yourself too thin, too soon. You'll stay stuck and you won't grow. So where, picking where. Podcast of course, iTunes if you're doing podcasts. Reddit could be a major place with words and training whatever. Medium for blogs. Pinterest, if depending on your demographic, the target audience you wanna reach. Pinterest is also a search engine. So there can be some opportunity to get discovered when people don't know you. So we're talking about this formula and it's all about Consistent, Quality, Strategic, Content, right? Showing up consistently with a consistent message. Delivering that content value to your defined target audience. Making sure it's strategic that you're studying, learning and mastering the social media platforms themselves, and the latest, best practices. That's also, if you're not subscribed here on Think Media, subscribe and turn on the bell notification. Like, so that you don't miss trainings like this. So we can help you get more followers and grow your influence faster. And then of course, mastering content. Knowing where it is, and what your greatest strength is so that you can put out those words, that audio, to make the greatest impact possible.
Now if you love this, and I'm gonna hit a couple questions in a just a second. I wanna make sure you just know about my free YouTube master class. If you're actually curious how I grew Think Media to over 800,000 subscribers from complete scratch, with no connections, with really no expertise. Never went to school for it. Just boot strapped, made a ton of mistakes. But the figured out some things that work. I think that you'll love this one hour YouTube training if you liked this training. So it's a free YouTube masterclass. You can get it, watch it for free at And I'll put a link to that in the description below. If specifically, by the way, I think YouTube is a very ideal primary platform. It has so many advantages. It's a content library.
It's the world's largest search engine. And when you create YouTube content, if you follow our strategy, if you wanna follow me on the different social media platforms, you can see how we do this. But a lot of times, I'll put out a video like this. That's like the top of the pyramid of content. But then, snippets of this video could be cut out and put on Instagram. Snippets of this very video could be chopped up, put on LinkedIn. And even photos could be shared around that are inspiring and then I could give a call to action back to this video and there's like kind of a whole circular video viral-ocity thing we create when we put out that content.
And that's all from leveraging YouTube. YouTube was the game changer for me. YouTube was the needle mover for me. So if you wanna watch that masterclass. It's at The question of the day is what are the top two social media platforms your focusing on. The top two. I really wanna know your one. But then I wanna know like your top two because maybe there's that support platform. For me, it's YouTube number one. And then Instagram number two. Tied with LinkedIn. You know so, 'cause LinkedIn is strong right now but I'd say I'm a little more on Instagram so. So it's the YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn for me personally but I love to hear it from you. Pousa says "We do our show six weeks on YouTube live.
"It just seems so different and I feel out of place "when doing it elsewhere. "How do I overcome it?" Well I don't think you necessarily need to do it elsewhere. I think you mentioned it feels different in IG. Well of course on IG, it's vertical. It's a little bit of lower quality. I don't know how you live stream but I don't know if you could share your screen like this and do types of, you can't do this kind of stuff over on, on Instagram. So here's what I like to think is you don't have to always duplicate your strategy. For example, someone the other day said, "Hey Sean, you should start a vlog. "Like why don't you start vlogging. "it'll be interesting to see behind your life." I was like I already have one. It's called my Instagram stories. Like Instagram stories is a real time vlog throughout the day.
That I don't have to edit when I get home at night after and get it ready for the next day. So I have a YouTube show here on Think Media, content like this. I've got a vlog on Instagram stories. When I go live here, we're doing a deeper training. On Instagram live, I'm five to 10 minutes. It's a little more inspirational, talking head only. Does that make sense? So consider adapting and using different platforms for different purposes. Maybe you deliver value that's like a little more snappy like this training right here. Less conversation, but when I do Facebook lives, I do a lot more Q and A and a lot more interaction 'cause the nature of the platform is a little bit different. Christian, "Should I upload my YouTube videos "on LinkedIn, or special ones?" yeah I think that's a great idea. You could upload your YouTube videos directly to the LinkedIn but only if it's really relevant for LinkedIn.
You wanna think about the psychology of the platform. You don't wanna just shotgun content out there, right? You wanna have consistent, consistent message, quality content value to the target audience, and strategic. So we only do that on some content that is going to be very professional minded, business minded over there. Whereas some things, especially some techie reviews and what-not, I don't really put 'em on LinkedIn. I leave them here on Think Media. This more business training like this, of course, over on LinkedIn.
And so, be selective of what content you put out and then, Christian support it with good words. And I mean like that caption, that copy. Copy text, that caption, those words should engage the psychology of the people on LinkedIn. So don't just upload a video. Sometimes we rush through this process. And we miss out on the little strategic nuances of social media that make all the difference. Carlos, "YouTube is my main but I post on "every day on Instagram because it's easy, "while YouTube is longer intervals "because it takes time to make videos. "Is that bad?" No Carlos, I think you're doing it exactly right. YouTube is harder to create a good solid video. And that's why we recommend one video a week. Like a solid, one video a week on YouTube. Some people, I really believe in the Think Media community. You actually should post less YouTube videos and make less videos better. If you're posting five videos right now, getting like, feel like your views are stuck and you're not really growing, what if you took all that energy, compressed it into one masterpiece.
And put out one masterpiece a week. I mean if you're uploading five, then you got time. You got hustle. Put that into one. Make sure it ranks better. Make sure the content value's better because when you put out a really strong YouTube video, Think Media's living proof of this, it keeps getting views for weeks, months and years to come. And it builds this snowball of momentum that just can't be stopped. Hey, are you having fun? Smash the like button. I got another question here for yeah, and I wanna give some super chat shout outs. Thank you Marie, Live Streaming Pros, Alaska, Alaskan Balistics, T Cobb and Aaron Mills. Thanks so much for supporting the channel. I'm so grateful just to be connected to you guys. This whole community and I really hope you always get maximum value, encouragement and inspiration out of just being connected to this channel and this community. So thank you so much.
Anywhere near zero official, "Blogging is something "I don't get. "Do people prefer to read rather than watch video?" That's a great question. Absolutely. People prefer all types of different ways of consuming media. So over time, remember, don't start too many social media platforms too soon. It sounds like blogging probably isn't for you because that's not something you're passionate about.
On the flip side, there's people who just wanna read news, articles, blogs. They wanna read text. They don't wanna watch video. A lot of people prefer video. But people still love reading the written word. People also love audio and maybe not video. And some people love visuals the most. Like you're not gonna be able to teach them something in business unless it's an infographic. Where somebody else wants to read like a thick traditional book, breaking it all down. So over time, this is the biggest thing Think Media kinda summarize this idea. Start with where your strength is. Pick one platform. And be consistent there. Consistent in frequency, consistent in message, consistent in branding. Deliver consistent value there. And learn the strategies. Study and master the strategies to get ahead. And then deliver that content over and over and over again. That is where the magic is. And that is how you grow your followers faster, leveraging social media. Well hey, question of the day. What are your top two social media platforms that you're focusing on? Let me know on the comments below.
Press record friends. Hit that record button. Hit that publish button. Get out of your own head. And get into the game. Come on, we gotta be and done is better than perfect. Don't overthink your posts. Let yourself grow into 'em. Don't let this training get you paralyzed in like well is this valuable enough? No. Make some changes. I've learned that small tweaks really lead to giant peaks. So as you learn a little bit more, that next Instagram photo is 1% better. That next YouTube video is just a little bit better. But you gotta punch fear in the face. Punch perfectionism in the face and press record. I'd also love to connect with you on social media. Make sure you're subscribed whether Think Media, Video Influencers and hit me up on any of the social media accounts.
- Instagram is one of the biggest and baddest social media networks on the market right now. With over one billion active monthly users and 25 million active business accounts, it's clear they're not going anywhere anytime soon. That's why in this video, we're covering 10 Instagram marketing strategies for small business so you can better use the platform to connect and convert your ideal customer and client. Let's get to it. (upbeat rock music) Hey there my name is Adam Erhart, Modern Marketing Strategist, and welcome to the Modern Marketing Show where we help you make marketing that matters. So if you're interested in learning about the latest and greatest marketing strategies, tools, tips, tricks, and tactics, well, you may wanna consider subscribing. Alright so seeing as you're here now watching this video, it means you already understand the power and the influence that Instagram has had on the market in general. So rather than drone on and on about things you already know, let's dive right into the tips, starting with number one, optimize your bio.
The very first thing you wanna do on Instagram whether you're just getting started or whether you're looking to take your account to the next level is to really fully optimize your bio by describing accurately, clearly and concisely what you do and who you do it for. This is also your opportunity to talk about why you're worth following. After all, what you do and who you do it for is one part of the puzzle but why is your account worth someone's attention and time? Of course, if you've got them there, you've compelled them with what you do and who you do it for and why you're worth following, well then obviously you're gonna wanna follow this up with an effective call to action leading them somewhere to get them off the site and to basically try to build your network some other way. A perfect example here is offering some kind of freebie or guide or lead magnet and making sure to link that up using the link in your bio.
A really important note is to obviously make sure that whatever place you're sending them off Instagram is mobile optimized because almost all of Instagram takes place on a mobile device. So the last thing you wanna do is send them to some ugly website that doesn't work when they get there. Also, bonus points if you're using a link tracker like Bitly which is going to enable you to see just how many people are clicking the link and ending up where you want them to go.
Alright, tip number two is to make sure to have a brand plan. The three words that can help you build an effective brand plan are consistency, clarity and congruence. Consistency means that you're applying a regular schedule, meaning you're posting regularly, you're checking in regularly, responding to comments and responding to DMs on a regular and consistent schedule. All of which help prove that you're a reliable and trustworthy brand. Clarity is all about what you're about, your style and what you do and making sure that is really clear exactly what you do, who you do it for, why you're worth following like we already covered, but also the theme and the tone and the style across your entire account.
Confusing someone is one of the quickest ways to lose them no matter what we're talking about. Lastly, we have congruence. Again, this kind of marries the consistency and the clarity by making sure that what you do, what you talk about, what you post and all the images all really work together and all really follow the same line and the same theme, again, making sure that we avoid confusing anyone about you and about what you're about.
Tip number three is to leverage both feed and stories in your Instagram marketing plan. The way that I like to think about it is feed, real good, and stories, real time. Meaning that you wanna make sure that you've curated and created your absolute best content in your feed so that you're really portraying your best brand image possible and putting your best foot forward and then using stories to show things in real time, live action as they happen. If you're running Instagram ads, which we're gonna talk about in just a minute, well, then you can leverage both feeds and stories and see which one provides the better return on investment for you and your business. Our next tip is to use hashtags. Now I'm sorry that I even need to say this but it's just so important and so many people are still missing the boat here in leveraging and using them across all of their posts.
And it's so important because this is how people are going to be finding you and your content. Now there's three tips I have when it comes to hashtags to really help to elevate your game and get more bank for your buck. The first of which is that you need to do #research, meaning, you've gotta go out there and find out what other influencers in your space are using, what the top brands are using and what your competitors are using in order to attract and build an audience.
Also, most importantly, you need to find out the hashtags that your ideal target market are using because these are the people that you're actually trying to show up for. The next tip is that even though you've done your research and you've got a kind of a stock pile of hashtags ready to go, you wanna vary them up over time so that you can continue showing up in front of new and varied audiences by using a variety of different hashtags. If you stick to the same hashtag, time and time again, over time all that's really gonna happen is you're gonna show up in front of the same people again and again so your account is gonna stagnate and not grow as much as it could by varying the people that you're trying to reach. My final tip when it comes to hashtags is to make sure to use the keyword shortcut inside your phone which is gonna make it a lot easier to pop them up quickly rather than having to hand type out each and every single one which can be incredibly time-consuming and laborious.
My next tip is to make sure to leverage a micro-influencer strategy. Now I know you've heard of influencer marketing where celebrities and people with large accounts go out there and get paid in order to promote a product on their feed but there's a sub-segment of this massive industry known as micro-influencers and this is where I'd recommend you really wanna start diving into. What micro-influencers are are essentially really niche-specific businesses or people with tiny audiences of the exact perfect people that you're trying to reach. By going after them, you're able to often get incredibly cost effective placements and postings for really pennies on the dollar and reach exactly who you're trying to reach.
But of course, finding the right micro-influencer is gonna take a little bit of digging and a little bit of research. Still, well worth the effort. If you're totally new to influencer marketing, well, I'll make sure to link up a video in the description below as well as in the cards which will walk you through my influencer marketing outreach strategy. Really recommend you check it out. My next tip is to make sure to leverage user generated content. Leveraging user generated content is a fantastic way to build brand loyalty, build engagement with your tribe and also take a little bit of the load off your plate when it comes to creating content.
Fortunately, generating user generated content, well, that's a bit of a mouthful, well, it's easier than you might think. All you really need to do is ask for it and probably one of the best and easiest ways to do this is by using a submissions page right on your website which you can direct people to. People submit content, you review it and you post it and give them a shout out, and that's really it. My next tip is to understand that timing matters a lot. Now a quick Google search is gonna give you a number of different relevant and up-to-date statistics around the optimal posting frequency, the optimal time of day, and the optimal days of the week in order to post depending on your brand, or your business, or your market, or your industry, or any of those factors. But there are some general guidelines that are working at least right now. For starters, posting one to two times a day seems to be best with three on the upper end. Eight to nine a.m., five p.m., and two a.m. seem to be the best times to post and if you're just gonna be posting twice, well, around eight or nine a.m.
And two a.m. surprisingly actually works out pretty well. And if you happen to be posting videos, which you should, well, nine p.m. seems to be the best time. Basically, you wanna be posting outside of regular business hours. If you're a national or international brand, these times are based on Eastern Standard Time but you may wanna vary it for your specific market, especially if you're located on the West Coast.
As for which days of the week, well, Monday and Thursdays seem to provide the best results, and Sunday the absolute worst. Again, one of the things you're gonna wanna do here is some active market research, meaning, follow your industry leaders, follow what your competitors and other leaders in the space are doing and model it after them and then of course, track and check and test and re-test over time in order to find the right frequency and timings for you and your business. My next tip is to really understand demographic details. First, the obvious stuff. 61% of Instagram users are under the age of 31, 69% under the age of 35. There's about 7% more females than males, this number has been changing rapidly year over year, but older demographics and younger demographics are both still on the platform and those markets are growing quickly. So one of the most important things you can do in your business whether we're talking about Instagram or marketing in general, is really clearly dial in who your exact ideal target market is, what are their pains and their problems and their frustrations as well as their dreams and wants and desires, and how can you put your message in front of them in the best way and in the best place possible? It may very well be Instagram or it could be Instagram and something else, or maybe just something else.
But the only way to know that is to really dive into your ideal target market and who you're trying to serve. Alright, moving right along to our next tip, paid promotions. My advice here is pretty straightforward. If you've got a business and you wanna generate more leads, customers and sales, well, you're gonna wanna leverage the incredible power of Instagram ads. This does a couple really cool things for your business. The first of which is that it allows you to keep your organic feed free from all promotions because you're gonna be able to supplement that with paid advertising. The second thing is that understanding that Instagram ads are one of the most powerful advertising tools available today, namely because they're owned by Facebook ads which as we all know has one of the most powerful advertising algorithms available, allowing you to pinpoint your exact ideal target market and put your message directly in front of them. If you've got a business that's trying to generate more leads, customers, and sales, you should be using Instagram ads, end of story.
Our next tip is to leverage Instagram DM. Direct messages are a fantastic way to build connections, outreach, network, and connect with other people just like you. The key with Instagram direct messages and basically all networking is you need to lead with value, meaning, you've gotta go out there and find out a little bit about the person and how you can help to serve them with no intention of getting anything in return. That's what ads are for. So make a connection, seek to understand them first and really build that relationship and the last thing you wanna do is spam someone. Terrible for business. Alright so if you're interested in generating more leads, customers, and sales for your business using Instagram, the next step is gonna be to check out the video I post here called Instagram Advertising Tutorial which is gonna walk you through the exact strategy we use inside the agency for all of our clients. Really get you off to a good start.
There aren’t many new tools out there that can boast the same level of technological, social, impact, and economic advancement that social media can. Even though social media is still relatively new when compared to other marketing and communication channels, it’s still connected our world like nothing we’ve ever seen before. It’s enabled the rapid, if not immediate communication of information. It’s contributed to revolutions, social movements, and important political discussions.
And it’s given small businesses and entrepreneurs access to the very same business and marketing tools available to fortune 500 companies. But with great power, comes great responsibility, and so let’s dive into this episodes tips by taking a look at the top 15 social media marketing mistakes your business should avoid. Hello and welcome, my name is Adam Erhart and you are watching the Modern Marketing Show. Where we take different marketing tactics, tools, tips and strategies and break them down into bite sized actionable clips that you can use to immediately take your business to the next level.
Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you should do it too. Well, unless that thing is social media. Because if you have a business and you’re not making social media a key part of your businesses marketing plan than there’s just no other way to put it than to let you know straight up, that you’re not only leaving money on the table, but you’re also hurting your brand and business by not being relevant, accessible, and connected to your customers. And that’s why mistake #1 is NOT using social media marketing in your business. Social media is here to stay. Sure it may change, evolve, and adapt to changing consumer media preferences but the odds are good that from this day on there will always be some form of social media channel that connects users to each other, their friends and families, and the companies they choose to do business with. Ignoring, denying, or outright neglecting social media sends a clear and damaging signal that your business is either out of touch with reality, or just flat out doesn’t care about how your customers want to connect, which leads us right into mistake #2 So if social media isn’t going anywhere, and if it’s where your customers are active online AND how they want to consume their information and connect, then the next worst thing to not using social media marketing at all is not giving it the respect it deserves.
This is an understandable mistake to make though, as most businesses are simply unaware of the true power and potential of a strategic social media marketing campaign, or alternatively they’ve studied, tried, and failed to run a successful campaign in the past. But whatever the reason it all leads to the same place, not giving social media marketing the respect it deserves, or directly into mistake #3 Treating social media like a hobby or for personal use only is an all too common mistake when businesses and entrepreneurs misidentify social media as a genuine and valuable business tool or miscategorise it under the Personal, and not Professional heading. But the reality is that social media is both personal, and professional. It can be used to stay in touch with family and friends AND to promote and grow your business. But the key is to clearly differentiate the two and if you’re just getting started than don’t try to do both at the same time from the same channel. Above all else, ensure you’re approaching it thoughtfully and strategically.
Which takes us to mistake #4 which is not being strategic about your social media marketing. A lack of strategy is perhaps my biggest pet peeve when it comes to marketing and something I see all the time. As the saying goes, if I had a nickel for every time a business came to me after running an ultimately unsuccessful campaign, well, let’s just say I’d have a lot of nickels. But regardless of where the bad results come from or how bad things turned out, the cause of a failed campaign is almost always the same; a focus on tactics, shiny objects, pretty pictures, and catchy quotes, and a complete and utter disregard for foundational marketing strategies and principles. All too often businesses spread themselves too thin across too many channels, play the short game at the expense of building long term trust and customer loyalty, and try to hedge their bets by throwing everything at the wall hoping that at least something will stick. But I’m getting ahead of myself and we’ll cover all that in just a minute.
For now, just know that strategy is the single most important element in creating an effective social media marketing plan, and a great place to start is by not making this next mistake, which is ignoring customer social media details. Whoever understands the customer best wins. This is because successful companies don’t try to be understood by their customers but rather, try to make their customers feel understood. And one of the best ways to do this is by clearly identifying your target markets social media usage statistics. These are things like what channels are they on? How do they use them? What kind of content do they consume? When are they most active? And why do they use these channels? Lastly, what about these channels is so appealing and how can you incorporate and leverage them to your businesses advantage? Knowing this information will go a long way in helping you better understand and serve your customers, but there’s another benefit as well.
When you’re clear about what channels your customers are on, it gets rid of the need to be everywhere and on every channel which will save you time, money, and countless headaches, and leads us nicely to mistake #6 Trying to be active on every social media channel out there is one of the fastest ways to overwhelm that I’m aware of. I know this, because this is exactly what I did when I was first starting. Countless hours were wasted creating content, sorting through feeds, and sharing tips to an audience that wasn’t there, or didn’t care. What I later learned and what literally transformed my business and my sanity, was that by focusing ONLY on the most important social media platforms – the ones that best aligned with my market, my business, and my style – was that I could literally cut my workload in half while increasing my results by a factor of 10. The takeaway message is this, you don’t need to do everything, you just need to do the right things, in the right place, for the right people.
This is a hugely important point and one that could literally 10X your results so I’ll say it again. You don’t need to do everything, you just need to do the right things, in the right place, for the right people. Alright, let’s move on to mistake #7 Everything has a cost and social media marketing is no different. You can choose to pay with time, or choose to pay with money, but either way you’re going to need to pay. My advice is to take a look at your revenue and workload and go from there. If you’re just staring out then you likely have more time than money. So dive in, learn the ropes, and get active sharing, helping, posting, and caring. If on the other hand you’re a more established business with consistent revenue and who’s time is more limited and valuable, than don’t be afraid to invest more money than time.
But make no mistake, social media is important, and when it’s done strategically it’s worth every single penny, which brings us to mistake #8 As we just covered, social media marketing is going to take at least some level of investment, whether it be time or money. The next place many businesses and entrepreneurs go wrong is not investing enough in social media. Again, both time and money. With competition at an all-time high, a more connected world than ever before, and a more sophisticated and discerning clientele the bar has been raised, and the level of the minimum viable investment, or the least amount of time and money required in order to experience positive results, will only continue to climb. But here’s the good news, when done right, more time and money in will equal more time and money out.
And like most things in life, you get back what you put into it. So unless you’re spending huge sums of money and experiencing diminishing returns on your investment, then the odds are pretty good that you’re probably going to want to ramp up your social media marketing game. And this means allocating more of your businesses marketing budget towards social. After years in the digital and online marketing industry I can see it coming from a mile away. A new business pops up and starts over-promoting like a crazy person. Making hard sell offers, using pushy and salesy tactics, and essentially ramming their message down everybody’s throats. This can go on for days, weeks, even months, but eventually they burn out their audience and themselves, and disappear never to be heard of again.
And they leave with the impression that online marketing just doesn’t work. But online marketing works just fine, it’s just that they used an old school tactic of “Yell and Sell” opposed to “Share and Care”. This is an amateur mistake and one that sadly takes place all too often especially in the online space. And is the reason that playing the short game at the expense of the long game is social media marketing mistake #9 But this mistake is great news for you, because you know better, and that the real money is generated long term, though backend sales, continuing to nurture the customer relationship, and building a brand worthy of your customer’s time and attention. Social media is a tool. Not a strategy. And therefore NEEDS to be paired with another and more foundational marketing strategy. Fortunately there is one available that can deliver 3 times as many leads and customers to your business for 62% less cost than traditional methods. And that strategy would be content marketing. Content marketing is easily one of the most effective and valuable marketing strategies available today. Especially if your goal is to rapidly build the know, like, and trust factor, establish authority in your marketplace, and create a world class brand and business that customers can’t help but want to work with.
Basically, content marketing is great, but it gets even better when you combine helpful and valuable content with the content amplification power of social media. Organic, or non-paid social media reach is rapidly declining which is why mistake #11 is not using and leveraging paid social media traffic. Paid social media traffic is where platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, offer to show your content to a greater number of people for a small cost. Some old-school marketers and traditionalists think it’s unfair for the social networks to charge for this service but this should make you smile from ear to ear because it means they’re not taking advantage of this absolutely incredible and game changing tool.
And here’s why they’re wrong. First off, it costs money to create, maintain, and service a massive social media network like Facebook, which employs over 17,000 people and offers unparalleled access to it’s users and network. Next, we don’t own these social media networks and so they’re free to do what they like. Which is a great reminder that we need to be creating and posting content on our own websites first, and sharing it on social media after so we can maintain control of our content. And lastly, in a competitive business environment barriers to entry and marketing obstacles are fantastic at eliminating those unwilling to adapt and evolve from the competition. As paid social media traffic operates like an auction and more and more people are jumping on board all the time, costs today are as cheap as they will ever be.
We’re basically in the golden age so if you haven’t already, now’s the time to dive in and start benefiting from the incredible power of paid social media traffic. A quick tip, Facebook continues to offer the best targeting, options, and ease of use so if you’re brand new to paid traffic, this is likely the best place to start. We’ve all seen the Facebook business page that posts 5 times a day for a week straight and then goes completely silent for months, or even years, and this is mistake #12, not being consistent. Consistency doesn’t just provide linear returns, but rather it acts like compounding interest and provides exponential returns over time. It also builds trust, likeability, and recognition as people and customers begin to rely on you as a trusted and authoritative source for information. The beauty is that once you understand the value and significance of a strategic social media marketing campaign and commit to integrating and scheduling it into your business the dangers of inconsistency become a thing of the past.
To fully capitalize on the returns available with social media you need to understand and appreciate the mentality of the average social media user and adjust your strategy to that. Unlike Google or Amazon which are search based platforms, the typical social media user isn’t logging onto the platform with credit card in hand and the intention to click, buy, and do business with your company. Rather they are there to engage with family and friends, consume content, kill time, or catch up on the latest viral video or news headline. It’s for this reason that so many direct response, infomercial type, pushy, hard selling, “I’m so great” messages crash and burn when they’re simply cut and pasted into social. The key here is to understand the mentality behind social, and seek to engage your customers with value providing content that enriches their lives by either educating, entertaining, or a combination of both. One of the biggest mistakes you can make in business, and with your social media marketing is mistake #14, not being authentic.
I don’t just mean the obvious things either like not lying, cheating, stealing, or deceiving your customers, but even the more subtle things like being true to yourself, true to your brand, and true your business. Customers today are quickly able to detect a fraud and thanks largely in part to the financial meltdown of 2008 they’re also a lot less receptive to big faceless corporations and meaningless mission statements. In today’s economy being overly polished, rehearsed, or scripted may actually hurt your business. The good news is that it’s a pretty easy fix.
All you need to do is define and establish your values and principles, and then live them, day in, and day out. Simply be yourself and don’t be afraid to show it. Minor flaws and idiosyncrasies? Those are fine too. We’re all human after all, and your customers will appreciate your genuineness and humanity. At the end of the day social media marketing is one of the most important tools you can implement in your business. Facebook influences over half of all online and offline consumer purchases, Pinterest drives 25% of all retail website traffic, 81% of millennials check Twitter at least once a day, and on any given day, Snapchat reaches 41% of all 18 to 34-year-olds in the US alone. Which all points to one thing. You simply can’t ignore this powerful force if you want your business to thrive, let alone survive moving forward.
But with so many options available, and so many different ways to win, and lose with social, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and put it off thinking you’ll get to it next week, next month, or next year. Which is why mistake #15 is being afraid to ask for help. Whether that means buying a book, taking a course, or hiring an agency, the businesses and entrepreneurs who take action and commit to adopting a social media strategy in their business will be the ones best positioned for success today, tomorrow, and for years to come. So thanks so much for watching. If you enjoyed this episode be sure to subscribe to the channel, give it a thumbs up, and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for a future video, be sure to leave them in the comments section below. If you’d like more content like this, then head over to and sign up for the Modern Marketing Newsletter because this is where I share my best tips, tricks, and strategies that I don’t share anywhere else.
Take care for now, and I’ll catch you next time on The Modern Marketing Show.