Goodvibespanel is a social networking site where users can buy tiktok likes, or followers. The main purpose of this is to gain more traffic and virality to their website. They use these as paid advertising methods to get more visitors to their websites.
TikTok offers five levels of likes, where the higher the level, the higher quality, relevant posts get by the users. And this is true; when users buy tiktok likes, they are aware that the higher the level of comments, the better the chance of attracting a higher return for their paid advertising. In addition, the more likes a user has, the better the chances of landing a higher position in search engine results. This is the main objective of this marketing strategy.
The main challenge for online business owners is to be able to pay back users who they have sponsored. However, you should remember that you should give all the inbound links that you have promised to your users in order to make sure that they will get what they want. For example, if you have bought tiktok likes, you have to give them with the tiktok views and tiktok likes as well.
TikTok likes coming from people's comments on their products and services. So, when you buy tiktok likes, you will be able to attract a good deal of views.
What you need to do first is to sign up with the TikTok system, which is free. After that, you need to offer your fans with the high quality comments that they really want.
You should tell them that you will give them the relevant updates and information about your products and services, even if you are not paid. Make them understand that you will provide them with a tiktok view that is related to your services and products. It is important that they understand that you are still able to keep in touch with them, even if you are not paid.
The way you buy tiktok likes is by buying them in bulk. You should ask for high amounts of likes so that you can attract more people to your products and services.
Once you have created a good number of likes, you can buy these as members for several months. You can continue to buy them in bulk in order to improve your likes as well as get the likes for your products and services.
If you have noticed, there are people who can afford the likes for a long time and they sell them for large numbers. The only thing that you have to do is to find the ones who have the highest number of tiktok likes at this moment.
When you are buying the likes, the number of likes that you purchase will determine the amount of money that you will be able to purchase. This is because the likes will help you in making more money; therefore, you will need to spend more money in order to get more tiktok likes.
Besides that, the likes will also help you in getting the rank of a certain blog post or page. Because of the likes, you will be able to get the likes and comments of the blog or page owner.
TikTok also offers tools for users so that they can have the capability to promote their products or services, so that they can get a lot of followers for their products. So, in order to get the most out of this social networking tool, you have to use it wisely and smartly.
I will talk about some other tips that if you want to delete your post from Instagram ,Instagram doesn't allow you to delete your post directly from your PC so you can okay now I want you to leave this port and click on this okay now you can see that I will I want to beat this force and I have the options here so I will click on three dots just write my name so click on this and you can see that the delete option is here so I will click on delete and that's it so okay it's not meeting my force from the Instagram you can see there the post has been deleted from my Instagram by this simple trick you can read your post on Instagram from your PC so that's all for this tutorial if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet can do it now and won't miss any updates thank you for watching
Hey, what’s up guys! This is Thomas, in this Article I will show you how to delete an Instagram post on your mobile device. Would you like to delete some of the unrelated and low quality stuff that you posted long time ago? Follow these steps below to delete an Instagram post fast & easy. Open up Instagram app and login to your Instagram account if you haven’t already. Locate the post that you would like to delete. Tap on the 3-dot icon at the top right corner of this post. From the drop-down menu, select “Delete”. Select “Delete” one more time again to confirm that you really want to delete this post.
Done! After you delete your Instagram post, it will not be visible neither to you or your followers. Keep in mind, you will not be able to bring deleted post back after you delete it. I hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to delete an Instagram post.
Today, I'm gon na be showing you guys how to upload to Instagram through your PC, your Mac, whatever 2018, let's find a better way than Chrome and editing the mobile view. Whatever first are gon na, take the dog out and then I'm gon na get to it. Good morning YouTube: let's get it. What is up so we're out here we're putting things online, we're using Instagram whatever whether you're business owner you know. Maybe you broke your phone and you need to put a photo on Instagram through your PC or desktop here we are here. We are so we're online. Here'S my Instagram profile, if you want to check it out the Danny Jacobs, whatever not important, but we're trying to put it online, trying to upload an image from your PC, desktop Mac, blah blah blah blah. So here we are now. This is the old method. I don't recommend this because it's a pain in the butt, but you know I'm gon na - show you because I'm gon na give you a couple options, but you want to choose a hard method or the easy method. That'S your option. So this is the Instagram comm URL, so gone Instagram calm and, as you can see, you know it doesn't really give you the ability to you know upload a photo on the web. I don't know why a billion dollar company hasn't allowed that yet, but they have so here we are now. If you want to upload a photo to Instagram from Instagram calm, not using the app you'll have to have Google Chrome. So you get on Google Chrome, Instagram calm. Now you right-click or you know you do the two finger tap on the Mac and now you go down to inspect. Okay, is this kind of like a little bit of a you know, sneak around method? I guess you'd like to call it so now we're on this mobile view. Okay, so this is what developers can see. So they can. You know, test out mobile settings whatever now we're on this mobile view, and you want to go ahead and refresh it. So then, you know the webpage can understand that it's mobile view got my morning, coffee and feeling good feeling good. So here we are on this mobile view. Okay and as you can see, it looks like how it would look like on the app all right. So now, can you even do this anymore? I think I'm gon na edit the URL to go to the home page is this kind of a pain in the butt see. This is why this is a hard method. I don't even know why anybody else teaches that you should do this method, because what I'm about to show you it's gon na blow your mind, all right, so see we're on this mobile view, and you see how I don't know this even work yeah. Okay, so you know now you can access it like you would access the app you click the camera on the top left. You know, and you pick what photo that you want to upload whatever I'm not gon na upload it, because I want to upload my photos through the other method. But, as you can see, this method does work. But to me it's a panda but now jump over in the next screen. Now I'm gon na show you something cool. Now I came across this site. It'S called lately social calm and it's a hundred percent free and what I've seen that there's really! No there's no limitations on what you know. They allow you to access and, to be honest, you can access anything. You can have unlimited posts, you can post to your Facebook profile or page your Instagram accounts and your Twitter. Now you know since we're here, because Instagram lets go to Instagram. So, as you can see, you know I had already logged in with my account and now this is their dashboard and it's pretty straight forward. You know so say I want to upload that photo. You know it's just a quote, I'm more more or less doing it as a test for you guys to see. So you know I'm in this upload. I'M gon na pick this image. It'S kind of upload. Now I'm gon na add it and, as you can see, they give you a little preview over here on the right of what it looks like now. The cool thing about this. You know if you're a photographer - or you know you just have a lot of files on your computer. It allows you to import your photos through Dropbox and Google Drive. So you know it allows you to kind of sinks everything altogether. It also allows you to post some my story, which I don't believe, the other method that I showed you you know through Google. Google, a lot through Google Chrome allows you to do it all. So you know I'll, let you let you post the multiple post on Instagram bla. I can't even talk right now, maybe I'm just so excited. I got my coffee and all right so and then I you know you could write a caption. You know, I don't even know I'm just gon na pick an emoji so I'll. Let you also insert an emoji yeah, that's one of my favorite ones. It allows you to pull a caption, so you can save captions so say if you have a ton of like hashtags whatever and you use it over and over again it allows you to see those allows you to schedule. I don't know that I mentioned that yet so say you don't want to post it right now, but you want to post it at a peak hour during the day you go ahead and you know you could pick a day. You know say your users, or you know your engagements higher on. Maybe you know you know Saturday or whatever you can pick a day select the day select the time you know go through all that you know, allows you to schedule everything: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. This advanced option is pretty cool as well. It allows you to add the first comment to your post. So again, if you have that, like all the hashtags and everything you use over and over again on your post, a lot of people don't like to put that right in their first like as the caption they you know would rather put it as their comment. So yeah I mean I found this a couple of weeks ago. It'S super cool, very easy to use interface, and you know it gives you the schedules. So you know you can see when you planned out things and a bunch of cool different stuff I'll leave the link below in my bio. If you want to check it out, oh by the way you know their customer support is like insane. You know they have a live chat right on their website anytime. I'Ve asked them a question. You know they answer like the answer right away. Pretty much. I know the live chat, isn't an event isn't available after 12 o'clock at night till 8 a.m.
In the morning, but you know they're very responsive via email, so they have great customer service as well. I like to point that out, but yeah so I'll leave the link of this in my bio. I definitely recommend this method over anything else. I'Ve ever tried and again you know, integrating the Google Drive and Dropbox whatever my stories. Multiple photos, you can add multiple Instagram accounts, multiple Facebook, Twitter, whatever it literally organizes everything all in one, so it's 100 % for you go check it out. Let me know what you think if you like the video, I would oh, I would appreciate so much if you left they, you know like or comment and even subscribe to my channel. You know I'd appreciate that a lot and you know, keep making more. It'S toriel videos, but i hope this one helped. You know, i hope, whatever you needed to post on instagram from your desktop or your pc. I hope this answer your questions. If you have any more questions, leave it leave it in the comments and I'll try to answer it and we'll go from there thanks. You, too hope you liked the video
Hi guys it's Chet here from website wizard TV in this video, I reveal a cool little trick that allows you to upload pictures your Instagram account from your computer and it takes less than 60 seconds and there's no special software or quiet. Let'S dive straight in. Don'T forget to subscribe for more awesome content like this and for all of your new subscribers. Let me know who subscribes by leaving a comment below the video saying I subscribed and I'll reply to each and every one of you let's get started so the first thing you want to do is you want to head on over to Instagram calm on your computer And you need to be using the Google Chrome web browser to do this so head on over to Instagram comm from the Google Chrome web browser. So what you want to do is you want to scroll down here, and you want to click on login right here and you're, just gon na log into your Instagram account as you normally would so, I'm going to pause the video while I log in so after You log in you want to go over here on the right click this to head on over to your profile, and what you want to do is you want to click these dots right here and then go down to more tools and then click on the developer Tools here and actually there's a quick way of doing this, so if I just click me across here to close that you can actually simply just right click on the screen and select inspect, and that brings up the same thing right here. So, are you gon na see this right here? This is just a load of code in so this is what developers use when coding, and you don't need to worry about any of this. All you need to do is head on to this icon at the top. Here, click on that and, as you can see, you toggle to a mobile view right here. So a simple way to know when you're in mobile view right here is, you can see the cursor turns into a circle right here and that just represents the touch screen. Functionality you get on a mobile phone, so once a page is in mobile view right here, you just want to click to refresh the page right here and, as you can see at the bottom here, you've now got all of the features you would when you're viewing. This on your mobile device, you can use this right here to upload search, chrome screen, etc. So we want to upload a photo. So click on the upload button right here and then go over to wherever you've got your image stored on your computer and then just select that as you normally would so it just shows up here exactly how it would when you're uploading on your mobile device. So you click here to resize the image or you can crop it in. So when you're done just click Next, as you normally would and then you can write your caption here, so you can say something like hey guys, I'm recording a video tutorial for YouTube on how to upload photos to Instagram from your computer. Then you can add some tags, as you normally would, and you get the suggestions down here as well. So once you're done, you just want to click on share right here. So now your photo has been posted to your profile. So if you click this right here, you can see your profile page and you can see the image right here and you can also check that on your smartphone and you'll see that it's live on your profile there as well. So you can use the features down here, just as you would on your smartphone. So you can click here to see recent activity. You can click here to search or go to the home screen. So that completes this quick little video tutorial on how to upload to Instagram from your computer. I hope you guys like this tutorial, if you did smash that like button and give this video a thumbs up and if you want to see more awesome content like this, then go ahead and smash that subscribe button and turn on notifications, so that you're notified. When I release new videos - and if you want to check out any more videos on this channel, then you can click here bye for now, [, Music, ],
In this video I'm going to show you the method I personally use to upload videos and photos to Instagram from my computer. Although Instagram doesn't directly allow you to upload from your computer, the program I'm going to show you Does I've been using it for about a year and it's super easy super helpful allows you to upload from your computer, But also your Google Drive and Dropbox accounts, which Is super convenient, Let's go ahead, that it's my computer and I can show you how to use it First up if you want to do, is navigate to lately social comm. I will leave a link below This video for the website and this is a website. I use to upload photos and videos from my computer to my Instagram account. This is just the home page, but I am logged in on this tab So head over here, and this is just the backend dashboard of lately social and on the Left sidebar over here. I want to navigate to Account Manager. This will give us the options for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts, but Since this tutorial tutorial is about Instagram
We'Re going to go ahead and do this and You're gon na want to do your Instagram username, Make sure you're not doing your Instagram email address. Otherwise it won't work So Instagram, username and then your password And then Add Account. Our account has been Successfully added to Instagram. So now we can just head over to this Instagram drop down page post. This will then bring us to the Instagram post page. You want to click this and make sure this is checked on your Instagram accounts Here. We'Ll give you the options: File manager, you could upload. This. Is your Google Drive and then Dropbox, But since we're uploading right from the computer, we're gon na click this button. Now I just have a sample picture in here.
I believe it's the beach Yep add a caption, so This is a test. You also had hash eggs in here and then on this right-hand menu. There'S emojis, You do a heart in there and then It also gives you a couple options. You can save captions. So if you, you know, write a lot of hashtags or write the same caption over and over again, You could save them as well as import captions. The schedule option will allow us to Schedule a post in the future, but I want to post this right now And then this advanced option will allow you to add a location.
And then also the the first comment on your post. So if you want to put more hashtags Because Instagram does have a character limit, you can add it. You know in the first caption, so we're not going to schedule the post. So I'm going to uncheck that Also gon na just uncheck the advanced option and then you can just go ahead and click post now and then this will load for a second and then Post to my Instagram page. I have my Instagram pulled up on this tab, and so you can see that it is posted to my Instagram account and, As you can see, the beach picture has posted and with the caption and emoji On the Instagram post page. It also allows you to do Post to your story as well as a carousel
So if you're uploading, multiple videos or photos, You can select those options. I hope this video helped if it answered all your questions. I would greatly appreciate it like on the video, If you have any other questions, feel free leave a comment below this video Thanks for watching
Today, I'm going to show you how to upload photos to Instagram from your computer, and you can do this on a laptop or a desktop or PC or a Mac, and you don't have to upload your photos or airdrop them to your phone. You can do it right there from your computer, Let's get to it. So what you want to do is go to your Google Chrome browser and I'm starting off by just going to the Google homepage And then what you want to do to go into Mobile View. Is go up to your View, menu Developer Developer Tools - And this is typically used by web developers and web designers to look at the coding of the page to look at the style sheets. I used it a lot in the past when I used to do a lot of web design work. So what you can do, then, is go up to this icon right here, and this is the Toggle Device toolbar, which will show you the mobile view of the page. So I'm going to go here and you can see now that we have the mobile view of the Google homepage.
So then, I'm going to go to my Instagram page here at @ TomWindeknecht, And here you can see it looks just like as if I was on my phone, I can add a photo I can search. I can comment I can like. I can do all of the things pretty much all of the things that I can do on my mobile device on my phone So to go ahead and add a photo. I would just go ahead and, like I normally would click the plus sign here. I can choose a photo, So I'm just going to choose my profile photo just for this example: ( chuckles ). I can size it and crop it just like I normally would. I can even rotate it Go next.
I can write my caption ``, Hey guys, !'' And go ahead and Share And there it is Just like that Super easy. Alright, so that's it! It'S really easy to do to upload photos to Instagram from your computer. Don'T forget to follow me on Instagram at @. Tomwindeknecht, You can also subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell to get notifications of my next post and video that's coming up. I can't wait to do it. Talk to you guys soon, Thanks
Hey everyone welcome back and for those who are new to this channel. Welcome and today, we're gon na have a tech tip on how to post to Instagram using a PC or a Mac, and the best of all is that we don't need any third-party software, and obviously all you need to have here is pretty much a computer which A PC or a Mac and a web browser, and the reason I'm doing this tutorial you guys, is because, as you may know, I have social media accounts now I do have one for Instagram and the other day I was just trying to post some pictures using A PC - and it just doesn't give me the option to do that and compared to the phone you can actually post anything. You want right so after a while of googling on how to post to Instagram using a PC, there's just tons of articles on how to do so using third-party applications, and I find that just using third-party applications was just a little bit tedious. I went ahead and tried to figure out this for myself on how to post to Instagram. So let's get started and, like I said all you need here - is a PC or a Mac, and one of these web browsers now, if you're liking this channel so far, please make sure to subscribe, make sure to also hit that like button and if you have Any comments, questions or suggestions. Please leave those down below the next thing that we're going to do is pull up. Our Instagram account using a web browser and in my case, I'm using Chrome, but you can pretty much use any web browser as long as it has developer tools really important, otherwise, just use Chrome. Now, once you have your account, the only difference compared to a mobile phone is that you have some options or to your bottom. Now. Those options are missing from a PC perspective, you guys and in order to actually have those options, we're going to use a feature of Chrome to actually get those posting features back on a PC. You guys and again we're not gon na be using any third-party applications, which is most importantly because we don't want that adware and none of that stuff installed on our computers right so again, in order to go into the developer tools, many browsers use the f12 key. You guys so, if you press the f12 you're gon na, receive this on your screen and over to your right, you're gon na receive tons of stuff and, most importantly, that is not important for us. I'M trying to post things to Instagram we're going to be focusing on the left side now you're going to see here, there's a drop down here now, if you click on that drop down, you're going to actually view different types of mobile platforms. In this case, we're looking at iPads iPhones galaxies, you name it now. I did try to use the iPad version of it and once you actually load one of these platforms, what you need to do here is actually refresh the page and if everything goes well, you guys you should get the additional features from Instagram when it comes to Posting now, in this case, IB iPad platform, and I didn't get any of those features you guys so I'm going to select the galaxy platform and what I'm gon na do. Is I'm going to refresh this page one more time and let's see what happens there, you go you guys. We have the additional posting features or to your bottom. Like I said, the only difference here is that we're using the developer tools to do this. Now what you can do here is actually close, the rest of the stuff on the right, and in order to do that, you can pretty much click on the X here. Once you click on the X, you should get the Instagram application on your web browser on full screen, including the posting features, and at this point all you need to do here is pretty much go through the prompts on how to post, whatever you want to post On Instagram right, as we all know how to do and pretty much click, the share button, add your hashtags, your additional information and all that, and you should be good to go at this point now. Personally, I really don't like the fullscreen feature of Instagram, so I'm gon na go ahead and click escape or actually click the f12 button again to get me, this mobile type version of the Instagram right, which is more easier for me. Instead of just scrolling up and down and whatnot and like I said, all you need to do here is add your hashtags and ultimately click on the share button, and that is pretty much it also, if you want to add your location in the additional stuff, that Is totally optional, but for this tutorial we're going to show you how to post using a PC and a Mac which is really easy to use when you're, using the developer tools of your web browser. Now again, in many cases going to be the f12 key, you guys so really important to remember that otherwise, just Google, whatever your web browser you're using and just basically Google. What can you do to get into the developer tools of that web browser? In this case, you could be using Safari or Internet Explorer or anything else, and at that point it should be really straightforward for you guys again, if you like this video, this tech tip, please make sure to hit that, like button below make sure to also subscribe. You guys and if you're interested in other videos, please make sure to also check out my channel on the playlist videos. I would really appreciate that and again you guys thanks for watching and I'll see you guys on the next one. Thank you.
Hey everyone. In this quick video, I wanted to show you how you could make your Instagram account completely private and I'll show you a couple of different accounts, because depending on your accounts, it's in a couple of different places. If it's your first time here, I make easy-to-follow social media and tech videos five times a week, so please consider subscribing. So let's start here. Let's launch Instagram and make sure you go to your profile. So you want to see this page and on here you want to click the gear icon next to edit profile. So click that gear icon and if you scroll down here, if your account is laid out like this, this is how you turn it to private.
So just click private and it will make it private. You could always revert back and make it not private by just clicking the slider. So that'll give you a little warning that you are changing your privacy setting. Now if your account is not laid out like this, it's in a different place. Let me show you that. Let me just switch my accounts here. I'll go to a different account and here I'll click the gear icon one more time. And if I scroll down here, I don't have that same option.
My account is broken up in a different category. Privacy and security and then account privacy. I need to click that and then I'll see the private account option. I'll go ahead and click that and now this account is private. So this option is in a couple of different places depending on your account. But that's how you turn your Instagram account private. And you could always change it back to public if you want to at a later time. I hope you found this useful. Please give it a like and subscribe to this channel. There are over 40 Instagram videos and over 200 tech tutorials on this channel and I hope to see you on the next video. Thanks so much for watching..
Hello guys and welcome back to my youtube channel "Teconz". So today i will show you how to make your instagram account to private mode. But i already upload this same content on my youtube channel, then why once again i upload this same content?. Because this previous instagram has 2019 released update. So when we compare to the 2020 and 2019 this instagram setting locations are may varrying. So due to this reason i upload this new video, so anyway leave it.
So let's goto our tutorial... So first of all open your instagram mobile application, in your android mobile or ios device. Now in this section you can press this person icon, and it is placed at the bottom of 5th one. And this is my insta profile, so in this section you can press this horizontal 3 lines icon, and it is placed at almost top of right side corner. And one slidding window is opening, so here you can goto "Settings". Now it shows lot's of account related settings, but you can goto "Privacy" and the third option. And these are the some privacy settings, so here you can goto "Account privacy" and it is placed under the "Connections" category.
So finally i get this private account option, so just click to enable it. And it ask for confirmation, so you can press to "Ok". So finally you can see now my insta profile is goes to private mode. And this setting location is also available for ios devices, so don't worry about it.
Welcome to a Foxy Tech Tips tutorial on making your Instagram account private.If you find this video helpful please consider subscribing to my channel and liking the video! Open up Instagram and head over to your profile page. Tap the menu button at the top right of the screen. Now select ‘settings’ from the very bottom. In settings, tap on ‘privacy’. From the privacy settings, tap on ‘account privacy’. You can make your account private by enabling this option. Once you make your account private you will be given the option to manage your follower list and remove any unwanted people from being able to see your content. If you ever want to make your account public again you can just come back to the same setting and disable it. And that draws an end to this tutorial. Please like the video if you found it helpful, and subscribe to Foxy Tech Tips for more tips and tricks!.
In case if you want to make your Instagram account private so that other people can't see the photos or videos then open "Instagram". Now tap on this icon at the bottom. Tap on this menu. Go to "Settings" and then scroll down. Go to "Account privacy" and make sure to make your account private. So, only your followers can see your Instagram account story..
Yo YouTubers, what's up everyone um in this video i'm going to teach ya'll how to make your Instagram account private. So or so like people don't see your Instagram pictures and videos until they follow you and you request it ok so anyway so you want to go to Instagram I already have it pulled up um so go to Instagram you can go to this or that which takes you to your profile page and--- I am going to click on "Edit Profile" edit profile and I am going to choose "Privacy and Security" and um i'm going to make it bigger and on "Account Privacy" click private account
[Copyright Notice] [How to: make an Instagram profile] This is Pratyaksh Mehrotra here and in this video, I will tell you what's wrong with you You can convert your Instagram account to private mode. So let's get started! [Introduction] So at first, head over to your Instagram. Go to your profile and go to these 3 (vertical) dot icons. Scroll down and open this private account. So just read this statement: when your account is private, only the person you approve can See your photos, videos and stories on Instagram. Your current followers will not be affected. Then what this private account function will do is to convert your images, videos and The story will only be shown to people other than those you allow or approve You have no Instagram content! So if I check this, it will be safer for me, assuming you do n’t want to show Your photos and videos to the public instead of your followers, then you can enable this feature This will help you get rid of those who can't see your photos and videos agree So thanks for watching the video, if you like it, please share it with your friends and subscribe My channel has more videos like this, I am Pratyaksh autograph, goodbye.
how to make instagram account private instagram mistakes instagram error 400 welcome to the section introduction for common mistakes let's have a look at what you'll be learning in this part of the query we're gonna cover the setting that actually makes your account lose followers or not even gain them for a start a lot of people can get themselves into this issue when first making their account and they just forget about it they don't realize that it's still there and they haven't disabled it so social media this is the private account issue and this is a step-by-step setting to actually disable it it's very simple very easy to do but the ultimate issue is that if your account is set on private mode people cannot see the actual content you're posting and because Instagram is a visual platform people are only interested in the images you are actually showing so what you want to do is head to your actual profile click on the little Settings icon in the top right hand corner you're then just going to scroll down a bit until you come across to the private account option and if it's enabled which is highlighted with blue and the circle to the right nature it's disabled in the far right picture which you can see and highlighted green you want that setting to be off so people can see the content you're posting and also when they follow your account you no longer have to actually approve them to follow your account so that is also the other issue once again with having a private account you actually have to accept people when they're trying to follow you so make sure this setting is disabled if you want to gain followers on your account and you actually want people to see the content you're posting you may have accidentally said it when making your account don't worry it's a very easy fix just ensure it's disabled social media to be the first to receive our videos, SUBSCRIBE to our channel! SUBSCRIBE to our channel and CLICK on the BELL! Do not forget to SHARE this video with your friends !!! :-) to go to the next video, CLICK ON THE PICTURE !!! Do not forget to SHARE this video with your friends !!! :-) LINK BELOW, UNDER THE VIDEO! how to make instagram account private, how to make business account private on instagram, instagram private account, make private account instagram, how to set private account in instagram, how to turn your instagram account private, turn instagram private, how to make your instagram account private, how to make a private account in instagram, tutorial, instagram private, make instagram account private, how to private instagram account, instagram mistakes, instagram error 400, social media, how to, see instagram private account, how to make instagram account, how to see private account on instagram, instagram private account hack, instagram private account view, how to private your instagram account, how to make private account on instagram, how to view private instagram account, how to make your instagram private, how to private your account on instagram, instagram error, instagram bio ideas, how to make instagram bio, instagram bio, best instagram bio, instagram, instagram bio tips, instagram bio tricks, perfect instagram bio, make a good bio, instagram bio tips and tricks, instagram bio tutorial, instagram bio change, instagram followers, instagram font, instagram tips, bio instagram 2020, bio on instagram, bio in instagram, bio for instagram, instagram mistakes to avoid, private account instagram, how to make instagram private, how to private account in instagram, how to hack instagram account, how to hack instagram private account, how to hack instagram, how to see instagram private account posts, how to see private account in instagram, instagram private account viewer, how to see a private instagram account, how to see private account post on instagram, bio instagram, link bio instagram, bio do instagram, best bio instagram, link in bio, how to add bio on instagram, best bio for instagram, instagram tricks, how to make your instagram bio, how to write bio in instagram, instagram tutorial, instagram update, how, get instagram followers, instagram tricks for stories, instagram tricks for android, how to get instagram followers, get more instagram followers, get more instagram followers without following others, how to create instagram profile, instagram bio 2020, instagram bio tricks 2020, how to create instagram profile picture, line breaks instagram, instagram tips and tricks 2020, instagram tricks 2020, instagram marketing strategy, social media marketing, instagram marketing, instagram marketing tips, how to grow on instagram, instagram marketing strategies, instagram marketing 2020, instagram marketing for business, marketing on instagram, instagram tips 2020, instagram strategy, instagram for business, social media marketing strategy, social media strategy, the best way to do instagram marketing, how to grow an instagram following, how to get followers on instagram, how to get followers on instagram fast, the fastest way to get followers on instagram, how to get followers for free on instagram, build a following on instagram, how to grow an instagram account,
Hello everyone! This is Thomas from and in this video I am going to show you how to make your Instagram profile private on Android or iOS device. Images and videos posted on Instagram are visible publicly to anyone by default. If you use Instagram to share your personal day-to-day moments, sometimes you wish to keep that content private. That means you need to set your Instagram profile to private mode, so that your content would be visible only to your closest friends. After switching to private mode, only approved followers will be able to see the posts and stories you upload on your profile. So, here is how to make your Instagram profile private on Android & iOS device.
So, first of all, open up Instagram App on your device and go to you profile. Now, tap on the “Three horizontal lines” at the right upper corner; Select “Settings”. Select “Privacy”. Now under the Connections tab, select “Account privacy”. Now you see “Private account”. Turn it on. Unfortunately I am not able to make my account private because it is a business account, but if you own a private account then there will be no problems making it private. I hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to make your Instagram profile private.
Whatever reason you guys want to delete your instagram account or whether you have too much of social media or you just want to give it a break altogether. Then in this video . I will show you guys exactly how to get that done . So stick around . Welcome back , guys . This is Marlon from the YouTubeMarketing channel. I am your hosts and I want to show you how to delete your instagram account . Instagram have made it a bit difficult back in the days you could just go straight to the account , so you have to log into account first . So you normally could log into your account and even go to edit profile and down below . You could have it done here as well , but they make it a bit more chicken for us to really delete our accounts and stuff like that . So pretty much they frustrate us to get that down . So we're gonna have to do so You locked into actual accounts and then we're gonna where you have the three lines , you know , click into three lines and they get down to we have settings .
So , you know , click and settings and then you're gonna go scroll down all the way down to where you have keep going . We have supports , you know , have help Centre . So you gonna click in that one , and then you're gonna have the first line here you have used in instagram and then managing your account . So , you know , click in managing your account , and that's where you guys can go ahead and do pretty much anything to your actual account . So the for the 1st 1 is about privacy settings and information , and then how ? Delete your account . So you click in this going here and then get it would give you three different opportunities .
How do I temporary disabled my accounts of just in case you're interested into only disability account for a period of time , and then you can go back and just , you know , refresher . You can do that from there are also if you will know , how do I delete my account than pretty much of thus we after which the topic is how do I delete my account ? So you click in that one and down here , give us a break down and give you the temporary disabelling your account and then if you go down a little bit more , you see where the delete your account page . You click in that one , and actually it will open up and give you options . And then you guys can go ahead , for example , click in this one . Then you said , Hi Nubian Prince , which is style , probably a block . And then you give you reason . Whatever reason you want to give , say one , to remove something are to be easier to disturbing and privacy concerns . Trouble getting started confound people to follow . Too many ads created a count .
A second account are something else . So whatever your reasons are , it's go ahead . Click in that one . And initially the delayed process was taught from there . So , like I said , that make it a bit more tricky . So all you have to to just click into three lines , go down to sit ins and venue . You work your way down to the bottom , where you're gonna have support and they go to help centre . And then we could click to the second option , which is managing the account . So thank you very much . Ladies and gents , for this when it will start to near with , You know , you hear resolution , where you don't wanna have to into face or interrupted too much of the social media .
So you want to get rid of that for Peter time ? Like it said that pretty time could be temporarily . And also , it could be permanent , depending on how you feel about .
hi guys is Chet here from website wizard TV in this video I show you how to delete Instagram in under 60 seconds and a lot of people don't know how to delete an Instagram account permanently as this is not easy to find on the app so I'm going to show you how to do it quickly and easily step-by-step let's get started don't forget to subscribe for more awesome content like this and for all of you new subscribers let me know who subscribed by leaving a comment below the video saying I subscribed and I'll reply to each and every one of you let's get started so I'm going to show you how to delete an Instagram account using your computer or you can do the exact same thing on your smartphone so you want to open up the Google Chrome web browser and you want to go to Instagram comm and then you just want to scroll down here and then click the log in button then you want to just log in to your Instagram account as you normally would so I'm going to pause the video while I log in so once you log into your Instagram account using the Google Chrome web browser you just want to right-click on the screen and select inspect and you're going to see that's going to bring up this right here and there's another way to do this so I'm gonna click the cross here to close that so another way to do it is you can click the dots right here at the top right hover over more tools and click developer tools and that brings up the same thing right here so what you want to do now is you want to click this icon right here and as you see when you click that you toggle on to the mobile view right here and you can see the cursor has turned into a circle right there and that just lets you know that you're using the mobile view so that's what we want so once you've done that want to click on refresh on the web browser right here to reload the page and once we've done that you can see the options are appearing down here just as they would on your smartphone so you've got an upload button here the search button and more so we're now viewing Instagram exactly how we would on our smartphone so before you delete Instagram permanently you want to download your account data so the account data will contain all of your videos and photos the uploads onto your Instagram account and you'll receive this by email so let's do that right now so click on this icon down here to visit your profile and then you want to go into the top left and click the settings option here so click on privacy and security here scroll down and you can see here data download so click on request download here and it should have your email address right here and they will send you an email link to a file with all your photos comments profile information and more so click on next and then enter your Instagram password here and then click request download and then you're just going to be sent an email containing a link to all of the things you've shared on your Instagram accounts so now that we've done that we can now go ahead and delete our Instagram account so to do that click here to go to profile then go into settings at the top left here so we can now attempt ereira li or permanently delete our Instagram account so scroll down and you can see this Help Center right here if it just says help on your smartphone click help and then there'll be an option to click on the Help Center so do that right now and it's going to open this in a new tab in the web browser so once you're here you want to click on and managing your account and then click on delete your accounts so if you want to temporarily disable your Instagram accounts and click on the first option here and as you can see it tells you here that you can't do this on the Instagram app but if you want to delete your Instagram accounts permanently then you want to close this first option right here and you want to click on second option right here how do I delete my Instagram account so you want to click the link right here to go to the delete your account page so click that right here and I'll leave a link to this in the video description as well so you just need to click the drop down here and give them a reason why you're deleting your account you can just put whatever you want here and then you have to enter your password here to confirm that and then scroll down here and click permanently delete my account and then press ok to confirm and as you can see your account has now been removed permanently so you've now successfully deleted your Instagram account if you go on the Instagram app on your smartphone you'll see there that you're automatically logged out and when you try to log back into your Instagram account it will now tell you that the count does not exist so that completes this video on how to temporarily or permanently delete your Instagram account if you like this video then go ahead and let me know by smashing that like button and drop a comment below the video and if you want to be notified when I release new videos then go ahead and smack that subscribe button and turn on notifications so that you're notified when I release new videos and if you want to check out any more videos like this on my channel then you can click here bye for now [Music]
Welcome to a foxy tech tips tutorial on how you can permanently delete your instagram account. It is also possible to temporarily deactivate your profile, meaning that you can access it again in the future, if you’d like to temporarily disable your account instead then check the video description for a link to that tutorial. So for some strange reason there doesn’t seem to be any way of deleting your account from within the instagram app. We need to go and open up a web browser to do it.
On your browser You need to go to . you can copy this URL from the video description. Now you will need to login to your instagram account on the browser if you are not already logged in. You’ll now need to select your reason for deleting your account, it doesn’t matter what answer you give here. They will then ask for your password one more time in order to confirm it. Now a red button will appear called ‘permanently delete my account’ , tap on that. Congratulations your instagram account is now permanently deleted, you will no longer be able to login. And that draws and end to this tutorial. Please like the video if you found it helpful and subscribe for more foxy tech tips tutorials!
In this video, I'm going to show you how to deactivate and permanently delete your instagram account. You'll have to use a web browser to delete your instagram account. You can't do this through the app. But it's really simple with the web browser to get it done. So the first thing you want to do is go to on your browser. Again, don't do this on the app you won't see the option that I'm going to show you on the app. You'll have to go to on a browser to get this done. Just go ahead and log into your instagram account. The same way you log into your Instagram app. Now I'm just going to press the little profile icon and then again press the profile icon on the bottom corner there. And it's going to give me the edit profile page and if you scroll down to the bottom of this page, it says temporarily disable your account and you could do this and it will disable your account, and you won't be able to access it, but you could always reactivate it if you do it this way.
So I'm just going to go ahead and give it a reason create a second account in this case, which is true and putting my password and just press ok and that's all you got to do to disable your Instagram account, but you could always reactivate it if you log back into this account with your app or on a browser. Now the second part of this video is how you permanently delete your account. So if you try to reactivity, you can't, because it be gone permanently and to get that done, it's really pretty simple. All you gotta do is use a browser and go to this link. You just type in that link on your browser, and it will take you to a new page.
It's actually pretty much the same link as before. It's just the word temporary is replaced by the word permanent and when you type in that url, and you press go, it will take you to this page. Your account has been removed. We're sorry to see you go. So before you do this, make sure this is exactly what you want to do because leaving your account disabled is just as good. You don't have to permanently delete it. But that is the way to do it, basically go through the deactivation your accounts once you get there, replace the word temporary very with the word permanent. Or follow the link directly and it will delete your account for good. To watch more how to videos, Go to or subscribe to our Youtube page. Thanks for watching..
hi guys it's Chet here from website wizard TV in this video I show you how to deactivate Instagram temporarily and it takes less than 60 seconds to do this so if you want to deactivate your Instagram account but don't know how then keep watching don't forget to subscribe for more videos like this and be sure to turn on notifications and if you're a new subscriber on my channel then let me know by dropping me a comment below the video saying I subscribed and I'll reply to each and every one of you let's get started so I'm gonna show you how to deactivate Instagram using your computer but you can do the same thing on your smartphone as well but keep in mind you can't deactivate your Instagram account using the Instagram app so if you're using your smartphone then just follow what I do in this video using your web browser on your smartphone so head on over to Instagram comm from the web browser then just click on the log in link right here and then just log into your Instagram account as you normally would I'm going to pause the video while I log in so you want to click this icon right here to go to your profile and then you want to click on edit to profile then you want to scroll down and you want to click on temporarily disable my accounts they want to scroll down and you want to click the drop down here and just select a reason why you're deactivating your Instagram account you can put whatever you want here it's not really important and then just enter your password here and then once you've done that click temporarily disable my accounts and in just click Yes to confirm so now you have successfully deactivated your Instagram account temporarily so if you want to reactivate your Instagram account later on all you need to do to do that is simply log back in to your Instagram account and that will automatically reactivate your account however if you just activate your account and you try to reactivate it straight away you're going to get an error message saying that you need to wait a few hours so keep that in mind so we've successfully deactivated our Instagram account and it took less than 30 seconds so that completes this video on how to deactivate your Instagram accounts temporarily using a web browser if you liked this video then let me know by smashing that like button and drop a comment below the video and if you want to be notified when I release new videos then go ahead and smash our subscribe button and turn on notifications so that you're notified when I release new videos and if you want to check out any more videos like this on my channel then click here [Music]
The problem with unblocking the user who also has blocked you happens because you simply cannot find his profile on Instagram. And basically you cannot view his profile and simply click on “Unblock” button. However, there is a solution to this problem. But you will need to have another Instagram account or ask your friend to help you out with this. First of all, a third person needs to create a group chat and add you and the profile that you want to unblock to this chat. So, either create another profile or ask your friend to do this. To create a group chat, just click on home icon at the bottom left corner and click on direct message icon at the top right corner. Click on the icon at the top right corner to create a new chat. At the top search bar, add you and the other Instagram profile which you would like to unblock. And click on “Chat” at the top right corner. Send any message to this chat.
Now login to your Instagram profile. And go to your direct messages. Click on “Requests” at the top right corner, tap on this chat and click on “Stay in the Group”. Click on “Accept”. Now click on little profile icon at the top of your chat. You will be displayed with the list of users that are included to this chat. Simply click on 3-dot icon next to the person you would like to unblock and from the drop-down menu select “Unblock user”. Click on "Unblock" once again. Done! You have successfully unblocked Instagram user who blocked you. I hope this guide was helpful and you were able to unblock Instagram user who blocked you.
Open Instagram App Click on Profile button (head symbol) Click on 3 dot icon that you can see at the top right corner Click on blocked Users Section Click on user whom you want to unblock Click on UnBlock to unblock him on instagram You have unblocked selected user now.
So in the latest version of Instagram 10.9, it seems as though some people are saying that they have lost the ability to unblock users on Instagram. There's a little bug that makes it look like you cannot unblock people on your Instagram; however, that's not the case and I'm going to show you the workaround. So I currently have two users blocked on Instagram, so I'm going to navigate over to my Instagram profile and go to settings and then go to blocked users so you can see those users that I have blocked.
When I click on one of the blocked users, what you're going to see happen is, it's going to see user not found. Because it says user not found, it does not give me the ability to unblock the user. So in order to unblock the user, what you're going to do is go to the Instagram search feature and you want to type in their username. Once you type in their username, you're going to have access to their profile and if you click on the three dots, you then are able to unblock them.
Now I'm not going to unblock this user because they're blocked for a reason but if I go back to my profile, back to my settings, and then go to blocked users, now when I click on that person's name, it acts as it normally does. So if you're trying to unblock someone, and you can't, all you really have to do is to search for their profile and you'll be able to unblock them there..
hey playa have you ever sent someone a message whether it was your crush or a friend over on snapchat or Instagram and then suddenly you got blocked and you don't know why well that's the question that Kati Marton 13 asked me when she said how do you get them to unblock you my friend blocked me on snap and Instagram we refined one minute and then the next blocked don't worry Katie this happens to a lot of people so I'm gonna share a few tips and how you can get unblocked and how you can prevent it from happening in the future [Music] for those of you that are new here my name is Josh and every single Monday through Friday I make videos sharing tips ideas and stories teaching you how to be your best self and today I want to talk about that sucky feeling you get when you find out that you're blocked by someone I think in most cases when you get blocked by someone you tend to feel like it came out of nowhere but I'm sure if you investigate a little further you'll find that the person who blocked you probably did have a reason where there was a good one or not when you go to message someone or even try to look at their profile to see that you're blocked is not a good feeling but there are a few practical things you can do in the mean time to hopefully get yourself unblocked the first option which I see as the most reliable is if they blocked you online try to talk to them in person after you get blocked if you see them at school or work or anywhere else try to have a casual conversation with them generally just talking to them like a normal person might spark something in their mind and make them say hey maybe I should've blocked this person they're pretty cool your goal here is to show them that you're not a weirdo or creep or whatever they view you to be you're actually a pretty nice person that they shouldn't block and get to know better there are instances though where you do things that might merit getting blocked if you're spamming your crush with messages over and over you're probably annoying them if you're complimenting them over and over and it's not part of any type of conversation it's just these stand alone compliments again and again that could creep them out it's super important to be mindful of your own behaviors here I would go in the assumption that if you got blocked it's probably because of something that happened or something that you did so try to investigate and really understand the reason why now for some of you you might not see walking up and talking to that person as a viable option for you so the next best thing is to try to message them on another platform if they blocked on Instagram try on snapchat if you blocked on snapchat try on Facebook you can't go on Facebook do whatsapp find another way to communicate with them but once again don't just launch into hey why'd you block me try to have a casual conversation if you can get that going then later on you can kind of just casually ask them hey why did you block me over here anyway hopefully they'll give you an honest and open answer one of the more common reasons why people get blocked by let's say their crush for example is because their crush finds out how they feel and the crush doesn't know what to do they just feel awkward in that moment and blocking them seems like the only solution I'm always telling you guys to go after your crushes and you that does carry a risk of maybe potentially getting blocked by them but I think it's a risk that you should be willing to take if you really want to be with them now in Katy's case she ended up getting blocked by one of her friends and there's a few potential reasons for this but generally the most common one is because your friends angry at you and this is a way for them to show that I've seen it tons of times to friends get into an argument and they want to just kind of cut that person off completely and doing that through snapchat or Instagram seems like the best way another potential reason is that they don't really want you seeing the things that they're posting they may not want you to see that they're having fun or they're hanging out with other people or just doing something specifically that they don't want you to know about and just like in Katy's case sometimes getting blocked can really just come out of nowhere that's why it's so important to talk to your friends if they're your friends I would recommend launching right into the conversation of hey why'd you in the blocking me when you see them in person I firmly believe that a lot of online drama can be easily squashed just by getting two people to come together and talk in person now let's say you're in a situation where you can't talk to them in person and there's no way to contact them online what do you do then well it's a tough spot to be in and I would say your options are really limited but the best thing to do is to probably talk to one of their friends I would really focus on building a better relationship with one of their friends that way as time goes on and you get closer to that friend you can always ask them hey why did so-and-so block me anyway assuming then that you guys are now close hopefully then they'll be able to tell you the honest truth so you can actually do something about a communication with that other person is key here to prevent yourself from getting blocked by them in the future as is reflection so spend some time really thinking about what you did to make sure you don't make the same mistake twice what do you think though are you currently blocked by anyone it could be on snapchat or Instagram or Facebook or anywhere leave your comments down below and we'll talk about it and I know it sounds pretty ironic but if you want to talk in private and shoot me a DM you can always do that over on snapchat or Instagram I do my best to answer as many messages as I can oh yes I promise I won't block you before you head out though I totally recommend checking out my video how to not get blocked I think it's just as important as watching a video on when you do get blocked that way you can just prevent it in the future check out that video and the playlist I have down below I will see you guys soon as always love and peace
Hi everyone and welcome, my name is Andreas Waatz and in this tutorial we are going to learn about this. Okay, so in this Instagram tutorial, we are going to learn how to unblock people on Instagram if they blocked you in 2019 okay?. So if you have blocked each other and can not unblock each other, I'm going to show you how. And also if this help you out you can go and follow me on Instagram @AndreasWaatz, I will leave a link in the description, okay?. So I have two account that has blocked each other. So this is the first account. And to unblock the other account just go to the three lines in the top right corner. Go down to Settings. Go to Privacy, go to blocked account. And we see this account that I have blocked. And to unblock this just click on the account. And you can see the three dots in the top right corner.
If you don't see the three dot's in the top right corner, I will show you how you can do this another way, so just wait for that. If you have the three dot's just click on the dot's. And click on unblock right here, okay?. But if you have like this. If I go to the other account and go to the three lines in the top right corner and go down to Settings.
Go to Privacy. Go to Blocked accounts, click on the account. And you have this, you have no three dot's you can not unblock this user, okay?. So, I found a way to get around this. So, you need to have a third account. So, I'm going to login to a third account. like that. And now i'm going to click on the Home button in the bottom left corner. And go to the top right corner. Click on this DM icon, alright?. Now we want to send a message. Now click on the write message in the top right corner. So, now we want so search for the 2 account that has blocked each other. And click on the plus sign. And add the other account. And click on the plus sign, like that. And go to the top right corner and click on Chat. And just type Hello, Send okay?. Okay so only one of these accounts will get the message. So go to the account that get's the message. So in this case we got the message to Andreas Waatz. So let's go to that account. And now click on the request.
Lick on the group chat. And click on allow. Okay, so in the top menu next to your username you see the 2 profile images and click on that. And here you can see the other user that is blocked. So just click on the 3 dot's. And click on Unblock user. Okay unblock user? They will now be able to see your post's and follow you on Instagram. Instagram won't let them know that you've unblocked them. So click on Unblock. Ok. Okay, so let's go to RawNaturalLife. Go to the top right corner and click on the three lines.
Go to Settings. Go to Privacy. Go to Blocked accounts. Go to the blocked account. And because we are not blocked this account, we can now see the account. And, click on Unblock, and Unblock again okay. Okay, so now you have unblocked each other.
How long can Instagram videos be and how to better use them for marketing? Instagram is competing with Facebook, YouTube and other social media platforms for getting more users attention your attention and they want to keep you long down. The pattern and video content are a perfect tool for that in this video you'll find out how long Instagram videos can be for every possible way. You can use it on Instagram. If this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your personal brand start now by subscribing and clicking the above, so you want to miss anything first, let's take a look where you can use Instagram videos. You can pause them. First on your regular Instagram feed. Second, on instagrams toys: the third way is on i.t TV and you can use live Instagram videos. Lets take a look at the first one. How long can Instagram videos be on a regular fit? Your Instagram feed is the place where you post all your photos and videos. After your applauding video posts, they show up in your followers home feed and only a profile. Everyone can check your Instagram profile scroll through all your posts and would uploaded videos. Instagram feed video length is 3 to 60 seconds. You can record it right on Instagram or select from a folder on your device and upload to the app when you record a video through the Instagram app using the camera tab. It will automatically stop recording after 60 seconds in one post. You can have up to 10 videos and if you plan to add several videos together to your post, it's easier to pre-record them and cut to the pieces up to 60 seconds. And then all you need to do is pick them from your library. When you create an Instagram post, please note here that videos with multiple klipsch will show up at the square and can be uploaded as landscape or portrait. Once you publish your videos on the main feed, they will stay there as long as you want here is a trick to get more views for your video post share it on your Instagram stories as stories can be found through Explorer page more new people can see Your video, let's look at the second place where you can post your videos. How long can Instagram videos be on story there well they're hard limit for Instagram story? Videos are only 15 seconds and then, let's just for 24 hours. However, it's a great way to share smaller parts of your day with your followers, without filling your actual feed, with less important content. Comparing to that one that you post on your memes to graph it. If you Instagram videos length is more than 15 seconds, they will automatically be split up into 15. Second species for you and all can be uploaded at once as well. So far it seems you only get for 50 seconds clips, so they only work for videos up to one minute. Your followers will see you stories on their home fields in the form of your profile picture with the colorful ring around like a tit in the horizontal stores menu at the top use Instagram service videos to engage with your followers by using stickers such as Paul question. Squeeze, etc, if you want to keep some of your Instagram stories, videos longer for viewers hand them to Instagram stores highlight when they will be located at the top of your profile in the highlight section until you decide to take them off, let's go to the 3rd Place for posting videos on Instagram. How long can Instagram videos be on IG TV so far for many counts? The standard is between 15 seconds and 10 minutes long, however, verified accounts and accounts with the larger following can post up to 60 minutes video a GTV. The long videos can have a large size, you can applaud them from the desktop, as well as through Instagram itself. The must be in mp4 file format and can be vertical videos with the aspect ratio of 9 to 16, which is a thousand 80 by 1920. Pixels were horizontal videos with an aspect ratio of 16 to 9, which is 1920 by 1080 pixels. Keep in mind that a minimum resolution for its videos is 720 pixels and for optimal performance choose the h.264 video codec and 3500 kilobits per second betrayed with AAC audio the maximum file size for videos that at 10 minutes or less is 650 megabytes. When you apology TV video, it automatically goes to the adjective you tab not to the regular feed, but you probably noticed that when you scroll Instagram post, you can see the preview of ITT videos from other accounts to show the preview on your main feed. Make sure you check the preview box if you think how long can Instagram videos before I DT be preview on the main page? Its very simple. The video length is the same as the regular interim video 60 seconds. After that, people will see the link, keep watching and can continue watching your video on IG TV itself. Here'S an extra trick for you as I tighten a video length, is 15 seconds and more look through your previously created Instagram videos that you published, as the regular post using Instagram analytics, find those that performed well and post them again as RG TV video. That way, you won't need to create much new content, and you already know that people like these videos also same as regular video post, IG TV video, be sure to Instagram stories to drive more people to your ID TV channel. Now we've got to the longest type of video that you can create on Instagram. How long can Instagram videos be when you do live video streaming? Instagram life can be up to one hour and if you want to stay with the audience longer, you can start another 1 hour, video streaming right after you finish the previous one. Once, a live, video has ended it is no longer visible in the app unless you share play with to your story. If you want to share it, when you are done with your live video tap and in the top right then tap confirm from there. You can tap. Save in the top right to save it, to your camera once sure to stories like how the photos and videos that you share to stories live video replace disappear from feed and your profile after 24 hours, unless you add the source, as highlights that way, anyone who Visits your profile will be able to tell them at the top of your profile to view your saved live. Video left in your place include all the likes and comments from your original live video. The number of viewers for your live video includes everyone who watched the live, video and the report. A bonus tip here is, after you say, your life, video cut, the necessary parts, leave the most interesting fragments and pause them as real Instagram videos or IG TV. So these are four types of Instagram videos that you can effectively use in marketing. Make your videos that fast length possible post when your followers are online and you will see your post engagement and full risk and growing up question what type of Instagram videos do you use more often, do you prefer regular post stories? I do TV or live video. Let me know in the comments below and if you want to know about how to become a media celebrity and get interviewed many nice vodkas. I put together a guide that will take you through the step-by-step process. It includes the tips on how to find the podcast to be a guest on what do you need to prepare even before you serve a chick anyone and how to market yourself through them, go ahead and check it out. I'M gon na link down below you
[, Music] in this video, you will learn everything you need to know about. Instagram video lengths, the three video types, their length requirements, how to post them clever ways you can make your posts longer and key insights that will boost your reach and engagement on the platform. So stick around and I'll reveal everything you need to know about. Instagram video length to make you stand out on the platform welcome I'm Nina before we begin make sure you subscribe to this channel, so you can get notified every time. We post one of these videos and let me know down in the comment section if you think Instagram videos could engage your followers yes or no after watching, if you've any further questions about Instagram video length, don't hesitate to ask I'll, be checking the comments regularly and I'Ll be more than happy to help so Instagram videos. How long can they be well? That depends on what type of video we're talking about, because there are three. The first are Instagram feed videos. Your feed is your main profile page. It'S where you share your videos and connect with whoever and whatever you follow the videos on your feed are shown in chronological order. So, if you hit refresh the latest post will appear at the top of the length of your Instagram feed. Videos can be anywhere from three seconds to one minute. If you want to upload a longer video Instagram, won't let you, but they do give you the option of cropping a one-minute section from it, which you can then post to upload a feed. Video tap the plus symbol at the bottom of your feed screen and select the video you want to upload from your library if using an iPhone or gallery if on Android, to crop one minute from a longer video simply hit trim. After selecting your video, then move the start and finish handles until you have selected the portion you want before posting it. Instagram also gives you the option to add captions image filters and your location tip never cover more than 20 % of your video thumbnail with text. Instagram always prefers images and rewards it with more visibility. Now on to the next type instagrams story: videos Instagram stories is a feature that allows you to post videos and images for a 24-hour period. Only after that, no one can view them again. Therefore, giving people quick snippets of things happening in your world things that, for whatever reason you don't want to post on your main feed story, videos can be anything up to 15 seconds long. If you add a longer, video Instagram will kindly click it into 15-second segments. For you, but note. No more than four segments are allowed at a time to upload a story. Video swipe right on your feed or tap the camera' icon in the top left corner to open your camera. Then, either record your video there or swipe up to select one of your pre-recorded videos. You can only select videos that were recorded in the previous 24 hours tip post story, videos often and test different posting times to see when your audience is most active, they're a great way to keep them engaged with your brand and, lastly, Instagram live videos with Instagram Live you can live broadcast videos without any retakes scary. Instagram live videos can be any length up to 60 minutes. Your viewers won't be able to replay them after the broadcast and you can't repost them, but they are great for encouraging people to instantly stop what they're doing and tune in with your content, depending on the goal of your broadcast, Instagram life is ideal for flash promotions Workshop sessions and teasing upcoming product launches - and you should always promote your broadcast beforehand - to build a sense of excitement and urgency in your audience before recording your video, you can choose which of your followers can view it. This is perfect for targeting specific demographics to do it simply navigate to options, story, settings hide story from and select those who you don't want to see it to record your live video swipe right on your feed page or hit the camera icon to open your camera. Then select live at the bottom of the screen and start live video. If you keep notifications on your targeted, followers will receive a notification saying you are live during filming. You can see the number of viewers at the top of the screen and their live comments appearing at the bottom. You can also comment yourself and tap and hold any important ones to pin it to the top of the comment feed when you're finished simply tap end and end live video to complete the broadcast tip always have a quick practice run to test the sound and visual Quality, there's nothing worse than having things go wrong when you're live one other question we hear a lot is: can you post longer videos on Instagram? Well, besides splitting them into sections? Like I already mentioned, there is one option for feed videos that lets you upload them longer than a minute. Its called IG t v. Ig T V is an app created by Instagram as an add-on to your main account it's free to download and with it you can upload and watch Instagram feed videos between 15 seconds and one hour long. So if your content absolutely requires the extra time, I would highly recommend finding it on the App Store and trying it out for yourself. That'S everything there is to know about Instagram video lengths, thanks for watching if you've enjoyed this video, make sure to like comment, share and subscribe. We really do appreciate it here at spiel and it inspires us to keep creating more great content for you for further help. With your Instagram video or any of your social media channels, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. You can request a free consultation on our website and to learn more about videos on Instagram and a whole host of other video related content just hit. This link - and it will take you straight to our blog
I'm Max Dalton, and in this article I'm going to show you how to sign out of your Instagram account In the Instagram mobile app on iPhone, iPad or Android device. Instagram is a great way to share photos and articles, and keep in touch with friends And family. Whether you are switching devices and no longer want to log in to your Instagram Account, or you have an Instagram account you no longer use, you can log out of Instagram account. Signing out of your Instagram account just takes a few minutes. Now let's walk through the steps to sign out your Instagram account on your iPhone, IPad or Android device. Step 1. Click on your profile icon in the lower right corner of the Instagram home screen. Your Instagram profile screen appears. Step 2. Click on the "Menu" icon in the upper right corner of the screen. List fly in from the right side of the screen. Step 3. Click "Settings" at the bottom of the menu.
The Settings screen opens. Step 4. Click "Sign Out" at the bottom of the Settings menu. If you have multiple Instagram accounts, the Accounts window will fly from below the screen. Click to place a checkmark on the left of the Instagram account you want to sign out From, then click Sign Out. A dialog box appears asking if you want to log out of your Instagram account. Step 5. Click "Sign out." Another dialog appears, asking this time if you want Instagram to remember Your login information. Clicking "Remember" means that the app will remember the account's login information You will not have to re-enter it the next time you can access this account. Instead, clicking "not now" means that you will have to re-enter your login information The next time you log in to this account, apply. You will be logged out, and you will return to the Instagram login screen. Let me know what your favorite Instagram feature is in the comments below. If you like what you saw here, click the article link on the right side of the screen To check out another article, or click on the logo on the left side of the screen to comment To this channel to see more great articles like this.
Hello what's up guys and welcome back to my channel "Theta box". Today I will show you how to logout your Instagram account from other devices, so before going to the tutorial first of all why we do this process?. Because if you buy a new smart phone or laptop the big problem is to transfer the account details from one device to another device.
Sometime your previous application informations are stored on that phone device, so there is possible to steal the informations by using that device. To avoid this kind of problems, people's are searching how to logout from all devices, but here I show you by without changing my Instagram account password, so let's go to our tutorial. First of all I try to open my Instagram application via my android mobile, and my news feed is ready to use. So in this section you can press your profile icon and it is located at the bottom. And this is my profile, so here you can go to settings by press that horizontal lines icon and this icon is located at the almost top of right side and then select "Settings". So here it shows lots of account related settings, but you can go to the bottom, finally I get the option called "Logout", so just press that option and then it ask for confirmation so select "logout".
Finally the logout process is completed, but if you want to remove your account from this device, just press "Remove" option and this is normal method. But I have the one doubt, if I share any photos or articles to Instagram, it automatically posting on my profile or not?. Now I try to check it, if this image file is automatically share on my Instagram profile or not. So here I try to select any one of the image file and this is that image file. So you can select that image and then go to "send" option, here I try to select "Instagram" application. But it shows one notification and the message is "You must login before you can share on Instagram", which indicates your account details are successfully removed from all devices and this method also works very smoothly. So this is the way you can easily logout your Instagram account from all devices. For more tech articles you can comment my beautiful tech channel "Theta box" and thanks for reading....
Hello guys hows going ! with the new instagram update no way you can log out from the app With the new update Add account and Log out buttons disrepair Go out from the app and open your safari or any web browser and go to after you scroll down and hit Login button from here enter your instagram username and password and you can see your instagram account from Safari browser, from here go to profile and hit edit profile and again hit edit profile and tap change password Type my old password and new password and after I enter my new password just hit change password just and now you can see it here think you your password successfully changed, now go to Instagram Application and just go and refresh your Application and it says your you have logout from your account. Now you can log into Instagram again Thank you guys for reading make sure comment to my channel and see you again..
Hello Guys, Thank You for reading this article! comment On My Channel.
In case if you have forgotten to log out of your Instagram account from another device and if you want to log out remotely then open "Instagram" and tap on this icon. Go to "menu". Go to "Settings". Now go to "password". So, the only option for you is to change the "password". Put the current password which you have now. Put the new password and again reconfirm the new password and save. So, once you have changed the password for your Instagram account wherever you have logged Instagram account, it will be automatically logged out.
How to get verified on Instagram this year. Today I'm going to be sharing via strategy on how I got my account verified. How I got many different clients, as well as students verified on Instagram, and how you can do this as well, which works 100% this year if you follow and understand these three principles. (upbeat music) Right now what I'm gonna be doing is I'm gonna be sharing with you some of the things on Instagram.
And the three things that Instagram looks for when it comes to getting verified. First of all why would you want to get verified? There's a lot of different perks to this. So you probably noticed when you look at a verified profile it's got this blue check mark ticked on the profile. But it's really not just for vanity purposes. There's a ton of benefits that comes with being verified. Some of them is, number one, if you start building a following it's very very normal that you get a ton of imposters and scammers and people trying to do identity theft. So with the blue check, people understand that this is the official account. On top of that if you have a verified account, if you were to comment on somebody else's Instagram post, your post together with all of the other verified accounts will always appear on top, so it gets you more visibility when you do so, when you engage other pages.
Also if you are looking at somebody else's story, they will also be able to see that a verified account has actually seen their story. So the odds of somebody looking at your profile and your visits to your profile will also dramatically increase. Other perks include if your account gets hacked, if somehow the scammer or the hacker deletes all your stuff which happens all the time, if you have a verified account you'll be able to escalate this to an actual support person. And they will be able to help your account back, and that is absolutely priceless.
Okay so with that said the list goes on. We can talk about all of the perks of being verified. But let's talk about what is Instagram actually look at when it comes to getting your account verified. So the first one over here is really authenticity. What that means is they wanna see that your account is from an actual real authentic person. So that means that they're not gonna verify some account if it's like a theme page, where it's just motivational quotes, or funny cat dog videos, or if it's just viral videos. So one of the things that you gotta constantly work towards is to make sure that when you submit your account for verification, which we'll talk about as well, they are actually seeing that it's authentic.
Now let's talk about, before I go to number two and three, which is gonna be way more important, let's talk about what the verification process is. If you were to go to Instagram, you'll see that on the top right hand side, there is this three lines, which you wanna click on. There is settings. Once you click on settings, you will be able to go to your account, and you will be able to notice that there is a option that says request verification. And you will notice that you'll be able to apply for Instagram verification.
Now on this page here, you can apply for this once every 30 days, so if you don't get it you can apply after 30 days. But one of the things that you will notice is they ask you to put in your details, a category for your account, and they want to make sure, notice they want you to attach a photo of your I.D. And the reason for that again is to make sure that it is authentic, this is a real person. So this is pretty basic, but number two, the second thing they look at is to make sure that it is unique. So the second thing that you wanna constantly do is making sure that the stuff that you put on isn't just re-posting viral videos, but to have some sort of original stuff that isn't found anywhere else. In order to secure this second requirement over here, it is having the balance between understanding what's proven to be viral, but not just straight off downloading a thing and uploading to your account.
One of the things you wanna do is to value add. So if you take a look at my Instagram account, I have a lot of different viral stuff but there's value added to that. So you take a look at my post every single day, I've got these viral images. Guess what, these viral images they are original which means they're all actually hand drawn by somebody from my team, illustrated. But at the same time, they are modeling something that is proven to work. So for you, you think about what makes your thing unique. This could be videos of you that you put up consistently. This could be images, this could be different quote cards. But at the same time having a hint of originality that makes it totally unique. Now that's the second thing they look at, but the most important one of them all is actually number three.
And number three is actually notability. They wanna make sure, and they wanna see if you are a notable person. And in their eyes notability really means whether you are well known, whether you are in news publications. And they have many different factors to determine whether you are notable or not. And right now I wanna show you this strategy where in their eyes you will be 100% notable. I don't see anyone else talking about this. This is how I got dozens of my students and clients verified but let's talk about what they are. The most obvious way is to get yourself published on news outlets by doing P.R. Now this is tough and this is the traditional way of how it gets done.
So one of the things that people do is the old school way is to get it publicist, and to get a publicist to get you on CNBC, ABC, FOX News. Literally, that's what I did to get verified on Instagram by showing them and submitting to them all of the different P.R. and press releases from my appearances on TV. But that's the first way to make sure that your stuff is being published on other people's platforms. Now this doesn't necessarily need to be traditional TV because that could be expensive, not to mention time consuming. But this could also be being featured on other platforms like Medium. There are a lot of different press releases, submissions, that's the first method. Now the second method that is going to be a whole lot cheaper, that will 100% get you verified. Are you ready, do you know what it is? So this is by being a published author.
And this is the thing that is going to give you the unfair advantage. I have many clients who did this strategy and they got verified in like two weeks. Let me share with you how this works. Now if you think about the hierarchy of professions, at the lowest is probably like salespeople. At the highest level in the Asian community, if you are not a doctor or an engineer, or a lawyer, then you're a failure. But what if I told that an author is up there if not above all those other professions in the eyes of society. For some weird reason, if you are a published author then all of a sudden it looks as though you've made it and you're some sort of celebrity in the eyes of many.
Instagram, even Facebook, it's the same thing. If you wanna show them that you are a notable person and it can prove to them you are a best selling author, you will get your account approved 100%. So the question now is how do you become a published author? Inexpensively, how do you actually get a book published on Amazon, submit it to Instagram to show them that you are a best selling author? Okay so first of all, let's talk about Amazon. So Amazon has got a print on demand service. So what that means is that unlike traditional publishing, you don't have to order 10,000 books, or commit to 10,000 books where your house ends up being a warehouse. They have this platform called, which is their publishing arm, where you could literally upload a Microsoft Word doc, slap on a graphic image and whenever somebody orders a copy, Amazon will literally print out one copy, ship it to that one person and it's print on demand. So there's no minimum order. If you get three sales the entire month, Amazon will print out three books, ship it to them, deal with the warehousing, shipping fulfillment, all kind of stuff, and at the end of each month pay you royalty.
One of the things you can do is get a very simple book. You could speak your book if you wanted to. So the thing that stops people from ever releasing their first book ever, even though they feel they got a book within them is they're always saying "Oh I'm waiting for inspiration," "I'm waiting for the right moment." Look it's never gonna be the right moment. What does that even mean? You gotta have the motion first, in order to get the emotion. Most people have it the other way around. They're waiting for the emotion first.
They're waiting for the feeling, the feeling of excitement, the feeling of being inspired in order to have motion. That's not how the real world works. You go through the motion first. You do the work even when you don't feel like doing it in order to have the emotion. Guess what, even when you don't feel like doing it, just get the table of contents out, you could speak your book, do a video like this one for 30 minutes, an hour. Get it transcribed, get a professional proofreader to do it for you. There are many different sites that will do it really inexpensively. You get this book up on Create Space. You get it published on Amazon. So now it's on Amazon, but it's not yet a bestselling book. Here's the thing about bestselling books that most people don't know.
Best selling books today means absolutely nothing. Many times people say "Oh, I am a bestselling author." And the truth is, even on my Instagram profile I am a bestselling author. In fact, I have been a number one Amazon bestseller when my book came out. However, it's important to understand that when you submit to Instagram, what they wanna see is your book being actually listed and published, and to see if you're a bestseller. There's no such thing as a bestselling author. There's such thing as a number one New York Times bestselling author. But there's no such thing as bestselling author. Like what does that even mean? So here's what most people do.
They put it on Amazon, if you wanna get verified, on the same day if you can get your friends to go and support you and buy this book. By the way, you can list if for 99 cents on Kindle. Get a couple of friends to support you. And you put it in some obscure listing that you know will get you on the top ten. So what some people do is they put it on Amazon and they put it at some weird combination. They put it like hobbies for women over 40, under knitting, or something like that, right? So it's like three categories down and guess what? It takes like ten sales to be a number one that day. You can take this screenshot of you, your book being number one, submit it to Instagram. Now understand something. The person that is going through this verification process, they're not marketers.
They look it as like "Hey, this person has a book." Therefore, this person must be notable. So all you need to do is submit that and get verified. Now understand that this is a marketing tool in order to get verified, the method that I used was through the press releases, being on TV the traditional way. But we have done this for dozen of students, and I guarantee you when you do this, you will get verified as well. Hey, let me know in the comments what your biggest takeaway is from the video, but this is literally how you get verified, guaranteed.
And as always if you love this video, hit the comment button and I will see you in future videos..
Instagram has finally rolled out an option where you could apply to be verified, so before, you had to pay some agencies thousands of dollars and really there was no good way to get verified. Nobody knew how to do it. There was a lot of scam videos and emails going around to show you how to get verified. So finally Instagram put a stop to it by letting you apply yourself and I'm gonna show you how to set it up in this video. If it's your first time here, I have almost a hundred Instagram videos and a lot more tech videos on this article, so please consider subscribing, to get the latest updates on all the apps and technology.
So let's go through the process here of applying, so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go to my profile here. So on your profile page, you should see those three dots on the top right corner go, ahead and press that and that will take you to the settings option on the very bottom. So click settings and if you scroll down, right under switch to business profile, you should see request verification. At the moment of this recording, this is available worldwide for iOS devices, so it should be on your iPhone, but it will soon roll out to the Android. So right now if you don't see it make sure you update your app but if you have an Android wait a few more days. It's very important to do this right away in fact watching this video make sure you go through the verification process, because I'm sure they're gonna get backlogged very quickly after this process because everyone's gonna do it in the first couple of weeks so what you need to do here is you need to put in your full name so go ahead and type in your full name or your business name or whatever you're trying to get verified here and then once you do that, you need to choose a file from your photo library or from taking a photo, because this is how they are going to verify you but it is still unlikely to get verified. They're not just gonna give this out to anybody just because their name and their ID matches, they still want this to be for people that have a social media presence on Instagram and be on instagram.
There's no follower limitations. I've seen people with a couple of thousand followers having it but again make sure you go through this process and if you don't get verified just keep building, keep building, build a LinkedIn profile build a facebook profile, build your social media presence Try to get publications about your business or your personal name and then try again, but right now I recommend you do this because it's in the very first few days and the chances get a verified and Instagram not having a huge backlog just yet is very high. I hope you found this useful. I know this process is a little bit frustrating and getting verified is not as simple as just clicking a button, but having this request verification option is your best bet. Please give this video a thumbs up and comment to this article. I post social media videos just like this one five times a week and I hope to see you on the next video.
how's it going everybody my name is Chris howl and I have verified Instagram account at that little blue checkmark the sought-after verified account it's actually the probably the most asked questions I get in my DM is like oh how'd you get how'd you get verified I drew the blue checkmark how'd you get verified I don't know why people are saying it like that but essentially in this week's video I'm gonna tell you my story on how I got verified an explanation of what a verification means and essentially a few tips on how you guys could potentially get verified PS i
- Today, we're gonna talk about Instagram verification. What is it? Do you need it? And how to get it, coming up next. So, what exactly is Instagram verification? If you're using Instagram at all, you've probably seen on some accounts that little blue check mark next to the username. For a lot of people, this is something that they just absolutely have to have. It's a status symbol. It's kind of that badge of pride or a badge of honor that they have on their account showing that they're Instagram verified. They're really cool. Instagram loves 'em, and people love 'em, and they're a verified account. So is it really necessary for a small business to be verified on Instagram? Now, if your entire goal is just to grow to a level where you get that blue check mark, and that's kind of like your arrival point.
Now, you're happy, this is what you wanted. You're clearly marked as kind of an influencer, then sure, take the steps and the effort to get there. But as a small business, is it truly important to you? Essentially, does this blue check mark on your name actually create more sales or more opportunities for sales? That's something to consider. Now, getting a blue-check verification or this Instagram verification is not really a difficult process. What's difficult is actually qualifying. Now, back in the day, it was one of those things where you could just wake up one morning and pull up your Instagram, throw open the app, and go, "Oh my gosh, I'm verified. "I got my blue check mark." All Instagram did was their algorithm kinda hunted down where is there a lot of engagement? Who has a lot of followers? Are they posting a lot? And it just kind of arrived.
You just kinda showed up. And what that ended up causing is a bit of a black market for this blue-check verification. There is reports of people paying upwards of $10,000 to a friend of a friend that knew somebody who worked at Facebook or Instagram and was able to verify the account, and they took a cut, and then your friend of a friend took a cut. You're just paying an incredible amount of money for this verification. Problem with that is, one, it goes against Instagram's terms of service, because that's ridiculous. And two, if Instagram ever found out, they just took the check mark away, and you're out five grand or you're out 10 grand, and you're no longer verified. Even worse, they may have just straight deleted your profile. So Instagram, a couple of months ago, decided to change this up. So instead of just kind of being at the whim of the algorithm, now you have an opportunity to apply, and you can apply your profile, and kind of put this into the running to get this blue-check verification.
Now, there's still a lot of misinformation out there, and there are still some agencies or some black-hat companies and individuals that are still preying on small businesses, influencers, people that want to grow on Instagram. They're still preying on them and saying that they can guarantee blue-check verification, and if you pay them, you'll get it. You can't. Now, maybe you would be able to find someone who still knows a guy or still knows a girl that works there and is willing to do this and things like that, but you're still running incredible, incredible risk of just losing your money, never actually getting verified, or worse, having your profile deleted, especially after a lot of time and effort.
That could be just a critical error, a real problem for a business or an influencer. You just lose everything and you start over. So there's not a good reason to do that. Now, that misinformation and these brands and businesses that are trying to sell verification, they're out there. You can Google it. You can look them up online, and half the time, they'll come to you or they'll send you DMs on Instagram, swearing up and down that they can get you verified. I'll let you in on a secret. All you have to do is pull out your phone, open up the app, go into settings, and go through the verification. All you're doing is applying for it. That allows Instagram to review your application, and then decide whether or not you need to be verified. Now, just because it's a simple process does not mean that it is easy to get verified. Instagram has a couple of different rules that they try to follow, a couple of guidelines that they try to use in order to ensure that they're just not verifying everybody.
All right, if every account has a blue check then it doesn't even matter anymore. That's the issue that Twitter went through. They were verifying just about everybody, and now, for almost a year now, they've shut down their application process for verifications because it just got so out of hand. So Instagram's pretty particular about this. You need to have a large following, or at least large enough and large enough engagement to make it look like there's some value associated with your profile. Don't take this as the idea of, I need to buy followers or anything like that. Buying followers is an incredible way to get your account deleted, and there's zero value there. The number doesn't actually matter. In fact, Instagram is testing in Canada, getting rid of actual follower counts.
So you look at an account, and you're like, "Do I wanna follow this profile?" Yes or no, not based on, do I wanna follow this profile because four, five, six million other people also follow it. So follower counts, if that test goes well, that's not even gonna matter. So don't buy followers, it's incredibly unimportant, and it can hurt your account. But, do you have a decent engagement? That's a lot of what they're looking for.
Beyond that, is there a viable business reason to verify you? And this viable business reason, what they're looking for is, is there a risk to you or a risk to people that follow you that they would accidentally get you confused with a different profile, all right? Is your profile extremely similar to another? Or worse, is another profile stealing your content or pretending to be you, or things like that? For our Marketing 360 Instagram, we're a verified account. And that was a process that we had to go through, because there were a lot of people that were stealing our content, not giving us credit back for it, or even worse, pretending to be us.
Some were based here in the U.S., some weren't. They're all over the place stealing our content, pretending to be us, and that was a really big problem. So we wanted to go through the process of actually getting verified, so that when someone goes to our Instagram, Marketing 360, they're able to understand that with that blue-check verification, we are who we say we are. Anybody else claiming to be Marketing 360 is not, all right? And it gives us more control over our content and more control over that piece of mind that users can see. Now, if you're a plumber in New Jersey, do you need to be Instagram verified? Maybe not. At the end of the day, does that verification equal more business for you? Now, it may equal more business for us, possibly.
Is there really value there? Well, for us, we just wanna make sure there's trust, and trust can infer value down the road. More trust equals more sales. But for a plumber or an electrician or even a gym or an influencer or something like that, you always have to really consider, does this blue check really matter? And if you're gonna go through all the effort and the energy of trying to get it, growing your account, growing your engagement, making sure that people aren't trying to spoof or steal from your account, things like that, all you're really gonna do is find that you've got great value, right? And the blue check may come naturally, or you may apply for it down the road and see more value out of it, but keep in mind that that shouldn't always be the absolute end goal.
The end goal of Instagram, really at the end of the day, just needs to be, am I providing great value and am I seeing the engagement that proves to me that my users are also seeing this great value? So when you're going through this application process, yes, you need to have a large follower count or a large enough. You need to have engagement. That's significantly more important. There needs to be a business-use-case scenario as to why this is important, both for your company and for Instagram. Are you being spoofed or stolen from? Are there other fake accounts out there pretending to be you? And then, there's also this little bit of ambiguity. Does Instagram believe that there is value to them to verify you? If they verify you, will that increase the trust that their users have in Instagram? Or will your profile be able to bring in more users, more people that are consistently coming to the app, consistently engaging with your profile and others? And at that point, also, seeing ads, right? 'Cause at that point, there's a revenue example or a revenue reason for Instagram to want to do that.
So all those different scenarios kind of go into this whole application process, so keep that in mind. Now, it's not just, "I want the check mark." It's, "Is there a reason for me to have this check mark?" All right, so there we go. Now, you have it. Now, do you need the Instagram check mark? Maybe you do, maybe you don't. It's really up to your business. Big thing here, don't fall prey to these companies that try to steal from small business and steal from influencers, trying to say that they can sell you or guarantee you a check mark.
They can't. We get this question all the time. "Can you get me a blue check mark?" And we'll tell everybody, no we can't, but we'll help you on the path to get to a point where it makes sense. Can we guarantee it? No, anyone who says they can, they're lying. So keep all that in mind. Thank you guys so much for watching. If you've got questions, please be sure to leave them in the comments below. We love your questions. We try to get them all answered as fast as we can.
If there's other videos you'd like us to create, just let us know, and we'll create some more videos and talk on these topics some more. Thanks for watching, liking, and subscribing, and happy marketing. (upbeat music).
How to get verified on instagram.
What did you say Tiktok is? Social commerce? Huh? Has Gary B ever influenced you? More and more he's talking about Tik Tok and it sure is perking up the ears of entrepreneurs and marketers like myself. Why is that? Well, Tik Tok has a lot of interest right now and not a lot of content. So those who are creating content are seeing crazy views and some people are going viral literally overnight. Here's the thing, the same thing happened to Instagram just a few years ago. People got interested in this app that was normally just for teenagers, but they thought that the way to make money through Instagram was to get a lot of followers. But now that we see Instagram as a full blown marketing tool for business where you don't actually need a lot of followers, I can see that more and more people are looking to Tik Tok.
They don't want to wait years to figure out the platform and how to monetize it. They want to jump on it early so that they can capitalize on all the interest today and start making money from Tik Tok. So if that's you, if you're interested in jumping on a platform early and looking at how to actually monetize your following, that's what I'm covering in today's videos: six ways that I'm seeing people actually make money today from Tik Tok. And stay tuned until the end. I'm going to share with you why Tik Tok might be more powerful than even Instagram. Yep. I said it. I am a full-time Instagram marketer, but I definitely have my eye on Tik Tok and I'll share with you all my thoughts at the end of this video. My name is Elise Darma and when I'm not working from beautiful Costa Rica, I'm helping entrepreneurs like yourself turn Instagram into a new revenue stream in your business.
And today I'm covering Tik Tok. Yes, another social media app that a lot of people have their eye on and a lot of people are making money from. So based on my research, here are six ways that I see people monetizing Tik Tok today. The first way people are making money from Tik Tok is growing accounts and then selling them. So this is becoming more and more popular in the eCommerce or product space. Similar to Instagram, you're going to choose a niche and then go ahead and create entertaining content, ideally content that goes viral to attract and draw that person who would be the ideal customer for your product. So there are people in the space today who are growing Tik Tok profiles around a certain interest. Usually it's a niche topic and they might not have anything to sell, but they're going to reach out to brands in that industry and sell their Tik Tok profile to them and people are legit making money this way.
The good news for product brands is once they have that account in their hands, it's actually fairly easy to sell products. One way that people are selling products is through Tik Tok live. They are launching products while livestreaming or they're actually holding kind of auctions while live streaming. And of course there is the link in the bio where you can always drive your followers to purchase your product. So if you're the type of person to love Tik Tok, and you just want to grow a following around a certain topic and really build that community around a certain topic, go for it and then reach out to those brands who would love to have access to those followers and sell them your account.
The second way people are making money from Tik Tok is going live and collecting donations from viewers. This feature of Tik Tok, I find fascinating. It's really a built in monetization platform, literally from day one. So from what I've seen, here's how it works. When you're a Tik Tok user, you can go into your profile and purchase something called coins. So for a hundred coins, I think it's like $1.39 from what I saw. I'm in the settings of my account right now and I'm just going to balance and it's showing me that I have a balance of zero. Haven't bought any coins, but I can recharge. And for a hundred coins it's going to cost $1.39. Now what do I do with these coins? The way this is designed is that when one of my favorite creators is going live, I can actually send them coins as kind of a way to give thanks for all of their effort in creating the content they do. What does the creator do with this coin? The creator turns the coins into diamonds and those diamonds can be converted into cash via PayPal.
Cool, right? So if you build up a profile yourself, you have a lot of followers, your followers have the ability to donate coins to you, which turn into diamonds in your account, which you can then convert into cash through PayPal. On the Chinese version of Tik Tok, that app's called Douyin, there is a next level feature similar to this. When creators are live, they can actually attach a shopping cart to a product that they sell. So it's kinda like QVC or the shopping article. You can go live, hold an auction, from what I can see, and people can buy your product while you're live through the shopping cart feature. So my guess is this feature is going to come to accounts worldwide sooner rather than later. The third way to make money from Tik Tok is to manage influencer campaigns. This isn't a new idea. There are straight up influencer agencies to serve Instagram influencers already. So the same concept applies to Tik Tok. You can be the middleman or the broker between a creator on Tik Tok and a brand who wants to work with that influencer. So from creating the agreement, um, managing both parties, making sure the deliverables are all met, just being that coordinator, you can charge a service fee to manage campaigns like that.
Tik Tok as a platform is smart. They actually have an internal influencer program already built in. So if I'm a big brand and I want to reach out to Tik Tok and say, Hey, this is the space I'm in, what influencers should I work with? I can do that. It's so smart. The only thing is I'm going to pay a percentage based on Tik Tok brokering that agreement. So that's why there is already a service where other parties or agencies can make that agreement outside of Tik Tok. It helps brands save a little bit of money. The fourth way you can make money from Tik Tok is by using their ads platform. So just like Facebook and Instagram ads, you can go Google right now, Tik Tok ads and sign up for access to their ads platform. So this is pretty self explanatory if you've ever run paid traffic before, but if your market's on Tik Tok it might be worth you creating a few ads, putting some budget towards experimenting there and seeing what happens.
Maybe you can sell more of your products through Tik Tok. The fifth way you can make money from Tik Tok is by offering management services for creators on the app. So you might've seen this, but some creators on Tik Tok have millions of followers and sometimes this happens really fast and overnight for that creator, it's like having a business land in their lap so you could step in and offer services to help them with their content strategy, their creative strategy, maybe managing offers and deals that come their way. But if you're, if you kind of have that background in production or storytelling, you could definitely apply that to offering management services to Tik Tok creators. Last but not least, once you become a pro on Tik Tok, and maybe you really understand how someone could take a video that maybe gets a hundred views and help them get 100,000 views, well you can simply offer consulting services. So this is a really great way to leverage your expertise from the platform and help people who want to be Tik Tok famous or they want to be creators, actually boost their strategy so that their videos get seen by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people.
Of course, you need to have the background and the experience in this first to offer this as a service. But once you're there, I mean people will pay to have your experience and your brain on their account. And if you help them get any deals or influencer agreements, you can even negotiate a percentage or a cut of that deal simply because you are their consultant and you have helped them go viral on Tik Tok. So there you have it. Six ways that I see people making money from Tik Tok today, even while it's still really, really early on. So let's go back to my first point at the beginning of this video. Why do I, an Instagram marketer, think that Tik Tok might be more powerful? The way I see it, Instagram stories are kind of similar to Tik Tok videos, but they expire after 24 hours.
This is where Tik Tok is powerful because it actually is more like , meaning you can publish a video today, but maybe the algorithm picks it up months later and starts pushing that video into the feed of people who would like that video? Well, that has a lot of power to it because again, something you make once doesn't disappear after 24 hours. It can drive a lot of traffic and eyeballs to you months after the fact. That reason alone is why people are getting sometimes millions of views to their Tik Tok videos with very few followers.
It's because the algorithm is picking up your video, pushing it out. Again, there's a lot of interests and not a lot of content. So the algorithm is pushing it out to the people who it thinks is going to be receptive to that content. And hello waking up to millions of views with very few followers. I mean in today's day and age, I don't think there's any other app or platform that can give you those kinds of results right now.
So now we've reached the point in the video where I usually wrap things up with a succinct call to action, but I don't really have a call to action for this video. I was just interested in this topic on myself, AKA how are people making money really early on with a platform that's getting so much traffic. So if anything, this is just inspiring me to spend more time experimenting with Tik Tok. So I am on Tik Tok, go ahead and find me. I'm over @EliseDarma and hopefully by the time we connect, I have played around with a few more videos and maybe even one of them has gone viral. That would be pretty awesome. If you liked this video. And if you're interested in using other social media apps to grow your business, AKA Instagram, go ahead and head to I have a free masterclass there.
It's all about what's working today for business owners to turn Instagram into a revenue stream. That is a platform I know very well and I've helped literally thousands of people make a lot of money from that app. So if that's interesting to you, go ahead and head to and I'll see you there. To ease and revenue. I'll see you in the next video. Hey, so we made it to the end of the video officially. If you liked this video and my style of teaching, go ahead and hit the comment button. Be sure to hit the bell so you're notified of all my future trainings. Just like this one..
hi this is Simon Leung from Simon Leung dot com ( and welcome back to our series on how to make money online more specifically how you can make money with Google for free today we're gonna follow up on another hot topic from my previous video on how to build a home business for free by far the most popular request was more information on how you can actually create a article uploading videos making money but not even showing your own face or even your own voice now just to let you know there is absolutely nothing wrong with either of these models because personally I have actually been able to deliver tremendous results to my various business using both these types of videos I have videos where I'm talking to the camera just like this I have videos where it doesn't show my face but you can hear my voice I even have videos or it doesn't even have my voice at all now being an introvert myself I obviously prefer the latter but as an entrepreneur we also like to challenge ourselves doing a lot of different things stepping out of our comfort zones so I actually don't mind to create these kinds of videos from time to time now going back to the topic at hand the feedback that I receive the most from my previous video are people who want to learn more about how they can actually make money without creating their own content for those of you who are not aware there are plenty of articles out there that are making a lot of money and they actually don't even create their own videos in fact all they do is they repost other people's content obviously if you're gonna be using other people's content there's going to be a right way of doing this and a wrong way of doing this in terms of the actual details themselves it's gonna go beyond the scope of what we have today as well as the time allotted for this particular video so if you're interested to learn more click on that like button in this video and also leave a comment below this video letting me know that you're interested to learn more about this particular strategy if there is enough interest I'm gonna go ahead and put that on my priority list for one of the future videos that I'm gonna be creating so if you're interested to learn more and would like to be one of the first to be notified when these videos are ready please consider to click on that red comment button as well as clicking on that Bell icon so that you won't miss a single video in terms of today we're gonna talk more about how so many people have created all these different articles we posting other people's content and making so much money on content that they didn't even create on their own more importantly I want to show you how you can actually do the same thing but first you might be wondering where exactly is all this content coming from the answer is that content is literally everywhere on the Internet there are so many platforms out there and so many social media networks with user-generated content that were literally sitting on a goldmine and like I said because we're dealing with other people's content there's definitely a right way and a wrong way of doing this but when you do it the right way I want to show you just how profitable it can really be now because I don't want to overwhelm you with too many of these different platforms where you can take your content from let's start with one of the most popular in the world right now which is of course tick tock I'm sure you're probably just as excited as I am to dive right into this so without further ado let's go welcome back now unless you've been living under a rock recently you would know that one of the biggest trends as of late is an app called tick tock basically tick tock allows anyone to record short video clips of themselves they mostly include music dancing and whatever other challenges that happened to be trending it started off as a very popular app in China called dough Yi and changed your name to musically once it expanded to the global market and now has been rebranded to tick tock and ever since then it just simply took off like a rocket all across the world in all kinds of languages so now that you're all caught up in the history of tick tock how can you make money with it well as you know one of our favorite ways on making money is with Google which includes and as we had previously discussed you can build a very comfortable home business for yourself by simply creating videos and you don't have to record it yourself and simply create them into a compilation one of the best tips I can give you when it comes to creating compilation videos or any videos for that matter is to do them on what's popular what's trending and have the potential to go viral and right now tick tock is simply blowing up big so now is the best time for you to leverage on that let me show you some examples when we go back to and do a search on tick tock we can see some of the video results that come up to give you a better idea on how popular they are you can see these kinds of videos are incredibly getting millions and millions of views the first one that comes up has 3.6 million views and it was only uploaded one month ago the second one has 9.2 million views within the last five months and as we scroll down you will see even more now to give you a better idea on what to do with some of these videos let's go ahead and click on one of them to give you a better idea on what this video is all about now as you can see the moment that we clicked onto the video the ad already starts playing which proves that this in fact is being monetized we're gonna go ahead and skip the ad and check up the video to see why it's so popular I'll speed it up a little bit as well because we don't actually need to watch the whole thing just to get a better idea on what's happening in these videos now just as we thought it's simply a compilation of other people's videos which means that all this person is doing is finding these tic toc videos downloading them and compiling them into their own compilation which they then upload back onto it's definitely not hard to do I mean it's a little bit of work maybe it'll take you 20 30 60 minutes of your time a day when you're first starting out but short beats slaving your life away at a nine-to-five job that you absolutely hate right and I can almost guarantee that by doing it this way you will make a lot more money than a nine-to-five job a lot more money let's see how much this guy is estimated to be making as we talked about last time you can actually find out a articles estimated earnings just on ad revenue alone by using a cites or extension called social blade now my extensions are currently turned off as I had a bunch of them installed previously and they were really slowing down my browser so we're gonna go ahead and use the social blade website for this one now this article let's go ahead and copy this articles username from the URL we will then go to social blade paste it into this section right here click on the search button and as you can see down here this article is making up to $100,000 a month by simply posting tik-tok videos even on the low end assuming they're really struggling to get the ad revenue they're still making a minimum of at least six point five thousand dollars USD every single month which is more than what most jobs out there are paying anyway right hey if you ask me I'll take it when we go back to the search results we can see that the second article that comes up is a video called tick tock videos this one is also a compilation of tick tock videos and so we're going to go through the exact same process to figure out their estimated earnings copy this go back to socialblade paste this in and find out this one is making up to sixty five thousand dollars USD every single month not bad right let's go ahead and take a look at another article this one down here looks to be quite popular let's go ahead and click on the article name go into the article directly find the username copy that and go back directly to socialblade we paste this in and this particular article is making up to eighty seven thousand dollars every single month let's go ahead and do one more here is another article that has a very popular video and when we go through the same process and do that one more time copy the username go back to socialblade paste that in we will see that this particular article is making $80,000 USD a month as well now I think just by taking a look at some of these articles you already get the idea all these sites are doing is taking tic toc videos and compiling them into their own that's it and if how much money these videos are actually making for these articles is any indication on how well you can actually be doing if you're doing the same thing I think we will all be very happy already even if we only make a fraction of what some of these articles are making right now but of course nothing is stopping you from making just as much or even more than some of these articles tic toc is only the tip of the iceberg there's so much more that you can do and combine everything with all the various strategies that we talked about here and we'll continue to talk about more right here in this article so if you want to be in the loop when we do release that content make sure to consider subscribing if you haven't already click on the red button that you see on this page hit the bell icon while you're at it so that you won't miss anything and stay tuned for the next and subsequent videos where we will continue to provide you with more valuable tips to help you become a more successful online entrepreneur powerful leader and an overall better version of yourself hope this was helpful to you thanks so much for watching and I'll catch you on the next one you
all right so today let's talk about how people are making money online with tik-tok in order to literally generate six figures we're gonna do a deep dive analyze what these influencers are doing and what are things I love doing all the time whenever there is a new platform that's booming I love to always observe like a cobra in the grass I like to see what's proven rather than just dive headfirst without any real strategy so today I'm gonna be sharing with you my thoughts when it comes to tick tock and what I've observed from the people that's not just building a following but the people it's actually monetizing and you're gonna be surprised that some of them that's generating six figures they don't even really have a following and we're going to talk about and show you how to make that happen even if you've never done tick tock before let's first talk about this first platform my initial thoughts was that this platform is just for kids they've got no money they're not serious I'm talking about entrepreneurship they're not gonna be a good message to market-match but here's one thing that happens every single time with new platforms there's always a point in time where the price of attention is underpriced I remember when there were all these different platforms and I was experimenting with them there's a point in time when the game was easy so let me show you some successes as well as failures for example building up facebook pages when I did that about six years ago man the game was easy attention was underpriced I would be creating all these different Facebook pages including my own I built my own Facebook page over 2 million followers and life was good and with all types of platforms what eventually happens historically it's always the case where life is good think of it as like I don't know back in the 50s perhaps when TV just came in right and people didn't really understand what it was there were the critics that said you know radios the way to go and advertising's won't work on TV and then after that people made a killing on TV and then came along email in I don't know 96-97 and during that time if you were doing email marketing you will be making a killing why because that's where attention is and underpriced and then after that the evolution of that would be like for example Google Ads if you are running Google ads when I was 2006 and if you had the privilege to even do that before in 2004 or something you would be crushing why because attention was there underpriced you could be getting clicks and like one cent and getting driving really targeted traffic to your offer so same thing with facebook same thing all these different platforms now let's talk about tick tock right now I've had the privilege to try all these different platforms I've made mistakes where I went headfirst just for example a periscope in my periscope article hmm I'm not sure why t0 broadcast but I did like a lot of videos live videos back then when it was the new thing when this thing was like you know about live videos and Facebook live didn't exist I thought this is amazing periscope is going to be the future so I don't hit first and I started creating all these different things videos like every single day I'll ask you know my followers to tap and I built over a thousand plus followers I got a lot of engagement but eventually I was in this thing for like maybe two months the Facebook live came out and well periscope literally died overnight the point I'm trying to make is that the thing that will stop people from utilizing tik-tok right now is they think either number one it's going to die soon or it's a fad it's not gonna last and I'll talk about that soon enough or number two the audience and your audience is not there and I'm gonna handle that objection as well in other words many people think including myself think that it's about utilizing this app and creating this these cringing lip-syncing music videos on Tik Tok which is by the way why I never started like I didn't want to do it as I'm observing what other people are doing to literally generate six figures I'm gonna be showing you what they're actually doing to monetize in case you don't know what tick tock is it's basically an app that allows you to create these goofy 15-second videos with different effects and filters by the way right now tick-tock they have exceeded 500 million active users monthly and to give you some perspective to that Instagram has actually reached 1 billion so tick-tock is halfway there and the reason why I'm really observing and studying tick-tock right now is because I used to think what tick tock is today what Instagram was five years ago five years ago I looked at Instagram or maybe six years ago I thought instagrams stupid I thought it was just an app to create filters for images and I thought you know what my target audience of serious entrepreneurs they're never gonna be on Instagram disgust it's just an app for filters and it's for like teens and hippies and people like to travel but when people started building up the platform and following when Instagram came up with things like sweat up features and ads in their stories boom it had massive ROI for people there was an early adopter who built that following early which but in my case I missed out on that book what does it mean it means that if you want to start generating an income on tik-tok if you take a look at what the six-figure earners are doing let's jump straight into it number one is cross promoting platforms they're building of following on tik-tok which is underpriced right now and that's where attention is and it's easy because the algorithm and organic is still amazing and if you notice organic on Instagram is actually following over the months and it's it's gonna continue to decline this that's just how all platforms evolve so right now the first thing what marketers are doing is the building and following a tick-tock there isn't really monetizable yet but they're cross promoting the cross farming platforms and they're taking that tick-tock following into a platform that is monetizable like so they put out stuff on tick-tock and it isn't monetizable but they have constant call to actions to their content to their video on and on you've probably seen it before when you click a video chances are there's an ad the pre-roll ad happens before the new tube video is played and that's how they're monetizing the building that following on tick-tock for cheap and they are migrating P over so this first strategy that you'll notice a lot of marketers are doing right now it's the same strategy that is repeated over and over again across all these different platforms the biggest consideration people have right now is what if it's a fad what if it dies out in the year three years five years what it ends up to become like snapchat a periscope where it was hot and then it died the truth is again this is the same consideration I have but the way I look at it today is that when it's new whether it's one year three years five years we don't know if it's your state but what we do know is during a time when it's underpriced there are tons of opportunities where before it dies out you actually migrate that following to a different platform and you take a look at how some big names today like logan paul jake paul where they start from they stopped it from platforms like musically where it's dead today but they were smart rather than clinging on and hang on to this dying platform you just want some markers do they move their brand they're following in their message and they evolve and that is why some marketers died some marketers who were big in perhaps MySpace like I know Tina tequila or something it's been a long time right but there were those big names on MySpace but they were hanging on to that thing and they failed to migrate and that's when he died so understanding that when a platform dies it's okay because all platforms with maybe with with an exception to Facebook or and I don't think it's going to die in our generation I could be wrong but whatever it is it has got a limited shelf life and rather than thinking oh wait it's got to die eventually it is gonna die eventually understand that that is why all the more you want to Double Down when it comes to underpriced attention so that's number one building the following for the purpose of migrating it because of underpriced attention number two is tick-tock compilations on now I know that sounds absurd but hear me out okay I'm gonna walk you through the numbers on the screen and I'm gonna show you exactly how that works I am on right now and I'm literally typing in tick-tock compilations and over here I'm gonna filter it based on view count so that it literally shows me all of the different videos that ranked for this keyword in here and you'll notice that like this first video that 11 months ago has 352 million views another one has 48 million 30 million 25 million 20 million 18 million and basically it's just compilations of other 15 seconds tick top challenges or stuff that was funny in one video so for example let's take a look at this this one video that has 350 to 352 million views okay right and I know it looks absolutely stupid and if you are in you know in my age group you probably think it's stupid as well but hey guess what there's 352 million views on this and it's literally just a compilation of other people doing this stupid lip challenge that was big on tik-tok in November 2018 and this thing now has grown to over 300 million views now to put things into perspective okay to put things into perspective I am gonna go into my calculator right now and I'm gonna work out the numbers together with you okay how counts payouts is they do this thing called CPM which is cost per thousand impressions and they payout based on per 1000 views so let's say and I want to global because you know maybe the people that's watching this are kids or teens or a demographics that might think is not worth that much so rather than $8 let's let's lowball and just divide that by like four okay let's say it's two dollars well maybe a dollar whatever okay let's say it's two dollars so three hundred and fifty two million I have to divide it by a thousand so that's three hundred fifty two thousand because that's how calculates right cost per thousand impressions so if let's say each thousand impression is worth two dollars somewhere multiply this by two ballpark figure this one video alone I've made seven hundred four thousand dollars since 2018 now if it was one dollar cost per impression it will be three hundred to two thousand so this one video alone this insane stupid video that wasn't even done by this person that was just compiled by what's trending on tick tock has done about 350 to 700 K and what is amazing if I were to go back to this plan let's go back to this article let's go see is profile together this person understand something he didn't just upload a one time off video take a look at his article it's got all these different tick tock videos and in fact new take a look at it he literally like this video here it looks like he literally from 11 months ago to 10 months ago he uploaded what 12 videos 5 10 15 videos in the period of two months and somehow just he just stopped interesting but take a look at this okay this person who joined in November 2018 with a total of three hundred and seventy seven million videos views rather okay which you know mostly came from this he opened this article one year ago and it's got 1 million commentrs insane insane now of course this is heavily dependent on where do you want to take your article as well as your branding you could be asking soap engine what are you doing this because that's not the direction I want to take my brand but if it was a article that I just wanted to monetize and with no real branding and I've talked about this in other videos as well this would be one way to do it and you'll notice that there are a lot of different people there doing these different compilations with tens of millions of views inside tick tock so that's number two number two is compiling tick tock videos and guess what because those 15-second videos are literally people who are taking those 15 seconds seriously it's compact they're putting a lot of thought process you are now getting a lot of like compact 15 seconds putting all together into creating a great 510 minute video then all you need to do is switch on has this thing called Google Adsense they connect it so is owned by Google and that's how you being able monetize using the ads that appear on okay and finally that brings us to number three number three is all about pain influencers on tik-tok to promote your product your brand your service your dropship whatever it might be your business so for me this is something that I am doing right now why because again prices of new platforms are always under priced so right now all these different influences on tic toc with that huge following and a huge attention there isn't much revenue streams for them to monetize because the platform is not matured enough yet and they aren't rolling out the ads the same way how Facebook and Instagram and has roll out the ads to monetize that fanbase tic toc is still focused on user growth rather than monetization right now so right now what does that mean it means that the influencers who have that huge following is going to be a whole lot cheaper than an influencer on Facebook or because the articles to monetize just isn't there so if you are somebody that right now you have a sales process if you have a product if you are doing drop shipping and you can be thinking right now but ping Jun what if my demographics isn't there I understand that even if your demographics isn't there and you're trying to target that 55 year old lady or woman or man you could be targeting their kids who ultimately could affect their decision now whatever it is right now price of attention for these influencers are cheap and right now you can be buying ads and shout outs and promos from these people where they're charging real cheap compared to other platforms because they don't have a monetization strategy so you can be able to hook up with them so that they can promote your stuff and your cost per click your cost per shot or it cost per visit your funnel the cost per lead is going to be drastically lower than all these other platforms literally these are the few ways and a few different methods people aren't making big money on tik-tok I would love for you to let me know what is your opinion on tik-tok are you gonna dive hit first into that platform let me know in the comments below and as always if this video has given you value click on the red comment button below I'll see you the next video
- Hey everyone, I'm Nina Zadeh with Sidewalker Daily. And in today's video, we are going to talk about a super exciting topic. Which I know so many of the people I work with wanna know more about. And it's how to make money on TikTok. If you're new to our article, welcome. I'm gonna give you the quick little blurb on who we are so you can kind of understand how Sidewalker Daily and me, how I fit into the big picture of social media. So, our agency, Sidewalker Daily, we work with brands on influencer campaigns. And we also work with influencers and content creators on you know monetizing their businesses, on setting up sustainable businesses. So I work with tons of different content creators. And I know that TikTok is like where so many of you guys want to go to, wanna be on. But you wanna make sure you can monetize on it.
And that you're spending all this time creating like content for nothing. Which I totally respect and get. So in today's video, I'm gonna dive deep into ways that I think that you can monetize your TikTok. Now, but before I do, I do wanna mention that we've created an audio seminar that is on all things TikTok. So it's not just the monetization. We talk about brands and how to work with them and just like, literally everything you think of about TikTok in over an hour audio seminar.
So I'm gonna link that below. And that way you guys can learn more if you know, you are looking to learn more than just monetization. But if monetization is what you're looking for, then you are in the right place. So, let's jump in. So for now, TikTok does not have a way to monetize, so to speak. So I know a lotta creators, you know, once you get to 1000 followers and like 4000 hours of watch time, you can enable ads. Well TikTok doesn't have that, yet. And please note the operative word yet. Because I'm quite positively sure that it's coming down the pipeline.
I've read tons of interviews with TikTok's different staff and they, you know, it really seems that TikTok is gonna enable some sort of monetization function on the ad side so creators can get, you know, an ad share, they way that they do on . But as of now, that is not the case. But, with that said, it's important to know that TikTok has created a creator marketplace. So let's start there. The creator marketplace is place where TikTokers can go and sign up and brands can sign up.
And it kinda matches you guys together. So we're also leave the link below on the TikTok creator marketplace so you can sign up and you can investigate and you see if it's something, you know, that you're interested in joining. I think it's really smart because it is allowing, you know, transparency and getting brands and creators to like engage which is always a good thing. Another big way to monetize on TikTok is using your TikTok fame, so to speak, and then transferring it to other social media platforms. So let me explain. If you create really killer content on TikTok, and that happens to go viral or even just gets a lotta hits, you can then use, like piggyback off all those views and all that leverage, and drive traffic to either your , your Instagram, to other social media platforms. Now it's important that you guys also note that like you don't wanna put all your eggs in one social media basket. Now I don't think that you should be doing every single platform because that can cause burnout and like, you know, drain you guys.
But I do think it's important to think strategically. Transferring your viral content that you can put on TikTok and then helping that grow your Instagram is a smart business move. Because if, for whatever reason TikTok goes away, then you've been able to transfer these followers or this audience to a second platform. So in order to that, you really do need to focus on doing some research on creating that content that is gonna go viral, that is gonna go, you know, get those views that you're looking for. So creatively you'll have to push yourself to find out, you know, what's hot, what's exciting. You can use TikTok hashtags. On the discover page, you'll be able to see which hashtags are trending. And you know, you can jump in into that conversation. It's really important for you guys to think about that when you're trying to monetize, like creating cool content that's gonna hit, and that that way you can transfer those followers to another platform. One thing that is important to note, regardless of whatever social media platform you are on, creators and influencers that have higher engagement, not necessarily followers, but like really really high engagement on their page, you know, that is what brands want ultimately.
So, you know, you're gonna wanna work on obviously creating consistent content for TikTok so that it can help grow your following and grow that audience, you know, engagement and as well as connection and trust. So make sure when you're thinking about, you know, yes, you wanna create viral content to transfer those followers over to another platform, you also wanna think about ways that you can really just like grow your TikTok audience.
And grow that engagement and that trust. And they way you do that is you know, producing quality content consistently. Another way that you can monetize your influence, is once reach 1000 followers on TikTok, TikTok allows you to go live. And there's this functionality now with TikTok that when you can go live, the people that are watching, you know, your lives, can kinda donate to you. It's like a really interesting concept that now like viewers can donate to you. And though the exchange rate isn't particularly high, it does enable you to monetize your content.
So if you grow your followers and your able to get, you know, 1000 followers on your TikTok and you go live, let's just say often, you know, that's where you can talk about products that you're endorsing. Or you can talk about, you know, whatever it is that you are looking to promote at that time. And then the people that are watching can donate to you, you know, financially, and that's another way that you can monetize. Another way you can monetize your influence on TikTok, is by working with brands, the same way you do on other platforms. So if you're an influencer that is looking to get on TikTok and you're already monetizing with brands and sponsorships in different ways on whether it's Instagram or , use that philosophy on TikTok.
Now what I think would be really cool and really innovative and important and all that good stuff, is to go the brands that you already work with and tell them you know, "Hey, I'm joining TikTok, "I'd love to create some content for you." Obviously you wanna try and monetize that content. But if you don't have any examples of TikTok work so to speak in your portfolio, then maybe you could figure out like a trade system with the brands. Maybe the brands aren't on TikTok either and it could be like a win-win for both of you like to discover this platform together. I think that's like a cool way to, you know, dive into TikTok and monetize your content from the get. Because you're basically going to the brands that you've already worked with, and being like, "Hey, I wanna grow your TikTok or I wanna, you know, "not only grow your TikTok," the brand's, "but I wanna grow mine "and incorporate your brand into my story." So, it's kind of like testing a little bit.
Like you can work with a brand to test, you know, different strategies and different content videos and different like tools and stuff. And always again, as a creator, you wanna think about using these tests to not only support your work, but build your portfolio. So definitely keep that in mind when you're trying to monetize your TikTok influence. So, while there are tons of other ways you can monetize your TikTok influence which I go into in the audio seminar, I'm gonna end on this one. So, I'm a consultant for tons of different brands and influencers. And I have worked in this space for a long time so I believe in consulting.
The difference is I'm not gonna tell people not to do what I do. I actually want the people I work with to become successful. So if you're a TikTok wiz and you are good at TikTok, especially before anyone else gets good at it, I would totally recommend to start you know, your own TikTok consulting services that you can not only create that content for different brands that you're looking to work with, but you can actually speak intelligently to your clients about you know, what TikTok is and why they need to get on it. And you know, charge for your time and your knowledge. I think that, you know, if you're on TikTok and you really understand it and you really feel good about this app and like you could teach others confidently, then I would absolutely recommend doing so. Because by developing like a consulting style business, you know, you get to work for yourself, you get to charge your own hourly rate and it's a great way to monetize the knowledge that you already have.
So I hope you guys enjoyed this video on all things TikTok and monetization. Again like I said, we have an audio seminar. I'm gonna link that below. It goes into everything. And I'm really excited about TikTok so you're definitely gonna wanna check that out. If you enjoyed this video, make sure to give it a like, comment, comment. And I will see you in the next video..